I Will Escape from the 'Flower of Trials'





Cha Yebin shouted at my sarcasm, which I didn’t hide.


He always yells when he doesn’t have anything to say. I had already gotten tired of arguing with him because he always followed the same pattern.


Doesn’t he realize that I’m the one who has to change my plans a bit because Han Seo-ri called Cha Yebin unexpectedly today, and that makes me want to yell at her?


Han Seo-ri was more surprised than I was at the sound of Cha Yebin’s voice.


“Ms. Han is not a child, so why are you bringing my brother here?”


“That’s because…….”


“I said I would follow her on my own accord, don’t say anything to Ms. Han.”


“You need to stop acting like an overprotective parent. She’s not a child, and you don’t have to protect her.”


“But I know what you’re going to do to her.”


“I’d rather do something to you than have you act like this.”


Both Cha Yebin and Han Seo ri stiffened at my low voice. Could it be because I was so sincere?


I was overwhelmed with the urge to slap him and throw all of this away.


I blamed myself for not anticipating that Cha Yebin would be here, that Han Seo Ri would rush over to him and tell him off after my call.


“Ms. Han Seo Ri.”




I called her seriously, without my usual sarcasm, and the respect I wanted popped out. I didn’t feel very good because I felt like I had forced it by scaring her, but it was better than the half-hearted attitude that I had when I couldn’t even tell the difference between a ball and an apostle.


“I want to ask you seriously, are you sure you want to marry my brother?”


“Yes. I want to marry Mr. Yebin.”


Han Seo-ri’s gaze was on Cha Yebin while she answered me. Cha Yebin’s face, which had been stiffened by Han Seo-ri’s resolute voice, softened in an instant.


Cha Yebin replied with a pout and Han Seo-ri smiled at him.


I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to sew that mouth shut.


There’s nothing I can do in front of this wicked Cha Ye Bin, no matter how many times I’ve asked him to be quiet, he will just spill everything.


“Oh, just to say that you called her here?”


I hesitated for a moment because Cha Yebin came out unexpectedly, but it didn’t seem necessary. The two of them would be able to handle it. A ‘trial’ from Cha Ye-ryun.


I decided to make this drama move faster. I’ll know when I see the ending sooner than expected.


Whether I stay in this damn place or go back.


As a bonus, it might open up an opportunity for Park Eun-woo, so that his attention can be diverted from Cha Ye-ryun and back to Han Seo-ri.


“So, about Ms. Han Seo-ri… What does Mr. Park Eun-woo think?”


I heard a loud cough at the mention of Mr. Park Eun-woo, who had been sipping his wine quietly next to me. I handed the tissue to Park without taking my eyes off Han Seo-ri.


His hand trembled slightly as he took the tissue.


“Wait, Ms. Ye Ryun What are you saying?”


“Mr. Park, you just hold still, I’ll take care of it.”


‘Take care of what?’ I could almost hear Park Eun-woo’s muffled shouts, but I ignored them.


Han Seo-ri’s eyes were rolling again, unaware of my intentions, and Cha Yebin looked at me with a furrowed brow.


“Suppose if you can’t marry my brother, then what about Mr. Park here?”


“What does that mean?”


“What I mean is that, Ms. Han Seo-ri has one more back up policy besides my brother.”




When their marriage hits a snag, when something goes wrong at work, when Cha Ye Ryun bullies her. The first person she goes to and whines to is Park Eun Woo.


I’m grateful that he likes me now, but I’m sorry that I can’t accept it. I don’t want to play these love games with him.


I want someone who will always stand by my side, even when I do cruel things to others and even when I silently reject out their love. But Park Eun woo was like that for Han Seo ri. 


My fiancé, Park Eun-woo. He was like an insurance policy for her, wasn’t he?


She’s loved by two chaebol men and wants to be recognized by everyone, including me, Cha Yebin’s sister.


What kind of bodhisattva would accept a woman who wants to marry her biological brother into the family while waving her fiancé around at the back of her hand, and now she wants Cha Ye-ryun’s approval? 


What a greedy woman.


Cha can’t stand the fact that she’s so desperate to get her hands on everything under the guise of being the nicest woman in the 




“I’ve never seen you like that. I hope Ms. Han Seo ri can straighten out yourself and your attitude.”


“Cha Ye-ryun. Your words are too harsh. You should apologize to Ms. Seo-ri right away.”


“Big brother, if you have lost your mind, then just shut up and listen.”


Having casually cut off Cha Ye bin’s words, I stared straight at Han Seo Ri, who was stiff with embarrassment.


“What kind of attitude do you want me to straighten up?”


I’m panicking again. My head ached with boredom. I felt sorry for all the characters in this drama who were supposed to love her.


“I don’t know why I have to explain something that even a small child can understand, but I’m telling you to stop hanging around with my fiancé, Ms. Han Seo-ri.”


“I’ve never clung to Mr. Eunwoo.”


Han Seo-ri’s face flushed with insult and shame. Her hands 


trembled on the table.


She had never been treated like this in her life. The world is so forgiving of her that she can maintain her clear eyes, her positive and confident demeanor, and her unadulterated innocence.


No matter what she does, she is forgiven, and no matter what she does, there is always a good outcome. People love her even when she doesn’t ask for it, and they give her their love.


In this beautiful world, only I am her poison.


The black paint that is slowly staining the white paper becomes deeper and deeper the more I try to erase it, also the more I try to cover it with other colors the more it reveals itself.


In the cold, I will spread like that black paint, while becoming her poison.


Only in this way could she breathe and live in this unfair world. And so will I, who have become her prison.


“Then stop whining to my fiancé every time you have a problem. If you run into my fiancé’s arms every time you’re in trouble, will it make you feel better?”




  1. Mi mi mi says:

    Miss ma’am had a point, she has many points, if the rest of this universe wasn’t brain dead they would see it too.

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