I Will Escape from the 'Flower of Trials'

IWEFTFOT Chapter 1.8



I coldly walked upstairs to my room, leaving Cha Yebin fluttering around, and I’m sure he was looking at me with love in his eyes.


Unable to fully hate me, my brother, hated me for interfering with his love.


Even when he comes to me in anger, he can’t hide his affection for me. I, too, may frustrate and dislike Cha Ye bin, but I don’t hate my brother.


On the contrary.


“Ye Ryun, I’m sorry.”


Cha Yebin’s plaintive voice behind my back as I walked upstairs to my room irritated me even more.


It’s not that I want to interfere with Cha and Han Seo-ri’s love. On the contrary, I was rooting for their love more than anyone else.


I wanted them to have a happy ending so I would know if I could come back or not.


So, a year ago, I let Cha Yebin fall in love with Han Seo ri even though I knew he would, and when he first announced in front of our family that he would marry her, I was the only one who cheered in approval.


Regardless of my father stumbling backward while holding his neck and my mother swaying with dizziness, I was the only one clapping and cheering.


“You’re going to marry a woman you don’t even know anything about, you bastard! Honey! Get me stick, bring my stick!”


“My son, listen to your mother, there’s no way she’s in our league, get a grip on yourself!”


“Okay, get married. Congratulations on your marriage, don’t listen to our father and mother!”


Cha Ye bin clasped her hands, grabbed her wrist, and led her up to the second floor. He looked at her with a big smile on his face and said.


 “Still, Ye Lian, can’t you at least help me a little?”


“……? What are you talking about brother? I support you.”


“Yeah, I know, you hate it too. But you’re the one I love, and I want us to be recognized by you, not anyone else.”


“Get a grip. What are you talking about? I’m not against you!”


“Please, don’t be so cold.”


“……You’re killing me, man.”


* * *


Park Eun-woo and Han Seo-ri were thrown out of the office at Ye Ryun’s strict schedule.


Eunwoo stared wistfully at Cha’s office door, which was firmly closed, while Han Seo-ri looked at him with unsteady eyes.


“Eun, Mr. Eun Woo. Are you angry with me or something?”


 “What do you mean, Seo-ri?”


Hearing Han Seo Ri’s shaky voice, Park Eun Woo smiled warmly and stroked her hair.


Han Seo-ri relaxed her stiff face and turned to face him.


“But just now, I thought Mr. Eunwoo was being too cold to me…….”


“It’s just that I didn’t like it when Ms Seo ri showed tears because of your marriage problems, I’m sorry.”


Completely relieved by the soothing words and sweet smile, Han Seo Ri smiled her usual cheerful smile.


“I’ll accept that apology, by the way. I think Cha Ye-ryun did something to my mom and dad.”


“Oh no. Did your parents reject it because of Ye Ryun?”


“No, they didn’t. But who else would interfere between me and Mr. Ye Bin if not Cha Ye Ryun?”


Park Eunwoo’s expression stiffened at Han Seo-ri’s confident answer.


Han Seo Ri, who was walking beside Park Eun Woo and making small talk about not being able to forgive Cha Ye Ryun, didn’t see his expression.


“I heard you’ve been visiting Cha Ye-ryun a lot lately. Thank you, Mr. Eun woo.”


“Is that something that Ms. Seo Ri should be grateful for?”


“You’re distracting her from me and Ye Bin. I’m always indebted to you, Mr. Eunwoo.”


Han Seo Ri’s face was like that of an unspoiled child as she looked at Park Eun Woo with her clear eyes and smiled brightly.


Han Seo Ri thought that Park Eun Woo was approaching Cha Ye 


Ryun and being friendly for her sake.


Just as Park Eun-woo knew he should.


Whenever he saw Han Seo Ri with such pure goodwill and strong trust towards him, Park Eun Woo sometimes wanted to close his eyes.


He kept saying things he shouldn’t say and doing things he shouldn’t do.


 Even though it was strangling himself, he had to do it to breathe.


“Ms Seo ri. Don’t just assume it’s Ye ryun’s fault when there’s no evidence that she interfered in this matter.”


“What? But…….”


“Right now, you have to convince your parents, because marrying Mr. Cha Yebin is the most urgent thing.”


“That…… is true.”


“Don’t worry about Ye Ryun, you should try to convince your parents. If you go with Mr. Cha and plead with them, they might change their minds.”


At Park Eun-woo’s persuasion, Han Seo-ri thought for a moment, then smiled brightly and nodded. She was simpler than Park Eunwoo had thought.


“Okay, I’ll ask Mr. Ye-bin to go with me and convince them.”


She took out her cell phone and called Cha Yebin. She greeted Park Eunwoo with her eyes, then turned and took the elevator down.


“Marketing team is on the 5th floor…….”


Eunwoo Park sighed quietly as the elevator stopped on the first floor.


He could almost feel how Cha was feeling, and much she was bothered by Han Seo-ri.


He paused in the hallway and stared at Cha’s office door.


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