I Will Disappear, Grand Duke


Of course, rumors are just rumors. The Marquess knew well how the beautiful Countess enjoyed a disorderly life behind his back.

So he must have agreed to that insane proposal.

Moreover, Fernan had only recently returned from the war, so the Marquess was confident that he wouldn’t be able to resist the temptations of a young woman.

“But how did that scoundrel react then?”

It was the night of the victory celebration, and Fernan, too, had imbibed quite a bit in the spirit of the festivities.

Returning to his chambers late that night, he found the Countess lying naked on the bed and immediately dismissed the attendants responsible for her.

For daring to bring an outsider into the Duke’s chambers, all the attendants were dismissed, and when the news spread, the Countess was utterly ruined in society.

Well, in the end, since the matter was hushed up, the Marquess could marry Yulia to him.

But it was disconcerting that even this decent man seemed to be putting up a barrier with his wife, Yulia.

“No matter how I think about it, it seems unlikely that the Marquess and I will have a child. Every time I see her, I think of her father and I can’t bear it.”

Recalling Fernan’s words from some time ago, the Marquess furrowed his brow with a grim expression.

If that scoundrel rejected Yulia and took a concubine…

Just thinking about it made the Marquess feel dizzy, and he reluctantly whispered to himself.

“If he’s not able, use some medicine to force him to fulfill his role as a man.”

As the Marquess muttered to himself, Yulia slowly raised her gaze from the floor. Her face was gradually turning pale.

“No matter how stone-like he is, if he takes that medicine, he will become aroused like a beast.”

“H-how, that…”

Only then did Yulia’s eyes widen as she realized the true nature of the medicine.

She couldn’t believe that her father would casually give her such a dreadful thing.

Yulia’s hands trembled slightly. The thought of that medicine remaining in her room made her increasingly anxious.

Sensing her uneasy thoughts, the Marquess muttered quietly.

“Don’t have vain thoughts. Follow your father’s instructions. That’s the only way we can live together.”

The Marquess’ unpleasant voice continued.

“You can easily get the medicine. If you use it, you can handle the Duke like a plaything. Do you understand?”

The Marquess reached out and gripped Yulia’s shoulders as if forcing her to agree.

Meeting her father’s sinister gaze head-on, she closed her eyes tightly and bowed her head.

Taking that as an affirmative answer, the Marquess released her shoulder with satisfaction.

“Yes, that’s my daughter.”

After patting Yulia’s shoulder, the Marquess turned away.

“Go back to the palace soon. If you’re away for too long, the Duke might find it suspicious.”

After the Marquess left, Yulia stood still, clasping her trembling hands. The shock was overwhelming.

To give that kind of medicine, meant for beasts, to him…

Yulia forced herself to return to the palace with trembling steps.

As she appeared, Fernan, who was watching the knights’ training at the tea table, turned his gaze towards her.

When their eyes met, Yulia felt even more anxious. She swallowed a long sigh inwardly.

Yulia had grown up obedient as a daughter. The person who had the most direct influence on her life was the Marquess, and he controlled her life with a word.

But this time, she couldn’t follow her father’s instructions. She didn’t want to hurt Fernan.

She wanted a relationship where they cherished each other, not one where they hurt each other like this.

“Should I go back now?”

Fernan asked in a calm voice. His indifferent demeanor made her heart ache.

The last events at the palace proceeded smoothly.

When they arrived at the Duke’s castle after half a day’s journey, it was late evening as the sun was setting.

Yulia declined the steward’s suggestion for dinner and went straight to her chambers.

Melissa, the maid waiting nearby, greeted her warmly with a bright smile.

“Your Grace, welcome back! Are you very tired?”

“Yes, nothing happened, right?”

“No, of course not. Shall I help you change into your indoor dress?”


With Melissa’s assistance, Yulia changed into her indoor dress and checked the shelf in her bedroom.

The storage box placed at the bottom of the shelf. She had stored the Marquess’ letters and the medicine he had given her there.


Yulia’s face turned momentarily pale as she hastily noticed that the storage box, securely locked, was open.

She hurriedly checked inside, but it was completely empty.

“Melissa, did you arrange the things that were in here?”

Yulia asked with a trembling voice, and Melissa, who was tidying the bed, shook her head.

“No? I didn’t touch that storage box. Why? Did something disappear?”

If Melissa, her personal maid, hadn’t touched it, perhaps another maid who came in for cleaning had moved it.

Closing the storage box calmly, Yulia turned to Melissa and made a request.

“Melissa, could you call the maids who cleaned this room?”

“Oh, alright. I’ll be right back!”

After Melissa disappeared, Yulia paced anxiously in the same spot.

Most of the Marquess’ letters were just casual inquiries, so it wouldn’t matter if someone saw them. But that medicine…

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Yulia tried to reassure herself. It’s okay. It’s probably nothing.

Before long, Melissa returned with some of the maids.

“Your Grace, I brought the maids who have been cleaning your room for the past few days.”

The maids glanced nervously at Yulia, as if unsure why they were called.

“Did anyone clean under the shelf while tidying my room?”

Yulia asked in a gentle tone, not wanting to jump to conclusions in an uncertain situation.

The maids exchanged glances before one by one, they spoke up.

“We, mere servants, would never dare touch Your Grace’s belongings…”

“We saw the storage box while cleaning the shelf, but no one organized its contents.”

Each maid’s face looked innocent. After a moment of hesitation, Yulia nodded and dismissed the maids.

It couldn’t have been someone stealing gems or money. There was no reason for anyone to take the mysterious medicine bottle and pieces of letters.

Then who…?

“Announcing His Grace, the Duke.”

The maids, who were about to leave, were startled and quickly bowed. Yulia turned her wide-eyed gaze towards Fernan standing at the door.

“Your Grace…?”

As Fernan entered past the maids, they discreetly closed the door behind him and disappeared.

Approaching Julia, Fernan asked with an expressionless face.

“What were you doing?”

“Ah, I was just asking the maids something…”

Yulia’s face betrayed her confusion. She couldn’t understand why he had suddenly come.

Casually surveying the room, Fernan turned his gaze back to her.

“It looks like you were looking for something.”


“Could it be this?”

Yulia’s mouth slowly fell open as she looked at what Fernan was holding. It was the medicine bottle she had been searching for


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