I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD Chapter 66


Lloyd, who had been carefully observing Fernan’s calm expression, let out a sigh and continued,

“…Even if you reject the royal marriage proposal, do you plan to leave the position of the Grand Duchess vacant indefinitely? You must now consider the matter of an heir, Your Highness.”

Of course, he was still young and strong. But as a grand duke, it wasn’t a time to remain complacent.

Without answering, Fernan loosened the collar of his shirt. An heir. It wasn’t as though he had never thought about it.

If absolutely necessary, he could take in an adopted child from his wife’s family.

After all, continuing the bloodline was not something he placed much importance on.

Lloyd, growing anxious at Fernan’s indifferent demeanor, spoke again.

“At the very least, you should inform the capital of Her Highness’s survival…”

“That’s enough.”

Fernan’s cold dismissal came, as always, abruptly halting Lloyd’s words.

Only then did Lloyd close his mouth, but the unspoken concerns still lingered on his face.

‘Is he really planning to stay by her side without any promise of the future?’

Then again, considering his past behavior, it wasn’t all that surprising.

Lloyd exhaled silently, half-worried and half-resigned.

Meanwhile, at the imperial palace, the emperor’s fury was on full display.

“So, you still haven’t discovered the grand duke’s whereabouts?”

“…I deeply apologize, Your Majesty. He’s extraordinarily thorough…”

The emperor clicked his tongue in frustration. How could they fail to locate him after all these months?

Abandoning his usual kind demeanor, the emperor’s face revealed a growing unease.

They needed spies to monitor Fernan’s movements, but they couldn’t even determine where he was staying.

At present, the empire was in talks with the Kingdom of Jeranian regarding a royal marriage.

The partner they desired the most was, without a doubt, Fernan.

The idea of Fernan allying with them was the emperor’s worst nightmare.

His arrogance was already intolerable, and if he forged ties with another nation, it would gravely undermine the imperial family’s power.

“Find him at all costs. Ensure he isn’t making contact with Jeranian behind our backs, and investigate if there are any suspicious movements within his army. You must examine everything thoroughly.”

“As you command, Your Majesty.”

The captain of the knights bowed with military precision before turning to leave.

Massaging his aching head, the emperor ordered his servant to bring water.

The emperor’s anxiety had only deepened ever since Fernan visited the palace a few months ago.

In truth, his unease began the moment Fernan returned alive from the war.

Had he known Fernan would come back stronger, he would have made sure to eliminate him before sending him to the battlefield.


As the emperor furrowed his brows in irritation, a knock came at the door to his study.

“Your Majesty, the Marquis Elody requests an audience.”

The emperor narrowed his eyes toward the door. Elody—now there was a name he hadn’t heard in some time.

It had been nearly half a year since the marquis was quietly dismissed from his post.

The emperor felt displeased by the marquis’s unsolicited visit but waved for him to enter nonetheless.

“Your Majesty! I trust you have been well?”

The marquis, slightly out of breath, bowed respectfully as he entered.

Though his expression briefly darkened, the emperor forced a generous tone.

“Indeed, Marquis Elody. It’s been a while. What brings you here without notice?”

“Haha, as your loyal servant, it’s only natural for me to visit you often, is it not?”

Though the marquis had been discarded, he remained remarkably composed, which the emperor found oddly commendable.

Noticing the emperor’s gaze, the marquis quickly continued.

“I heard that Your Majesty has been monitoring the grand duke’s movements.”

The marquis, who had spent the past months drowning in drink after being cast aside, had recently sobered up and begun seeking new opportunities.

Having a knack for gathering information, he quickly caught wind of the emperor’s interest in Fernan.

“Your Majesty, allow me to handle the matter. After all, the grand duke was once my son-in-law. I am quite familiar with his estate, having visited many times.”

“You wish to oversee it personally?”

The emperor’s skepticism was evident. It had been over a year since the grand duchess disappeared, making any familial connection feel meaningless.

From the emperor’s perspective, the marquis was now a discarded piece with no remaining value.

Even the skilled knights were struggling to track Fernan, so what could this man accomplish?

“Yes, I promise to be of service to Your Majesty this time.”

Sensing the emperor’s doubt, the marquis hurriedly pressed on.

“I will uncover all there is to know about the grand duke’s movements and deliver a way to bring him down.”

A renewed greed gleamed in the marquis’s eyes—a determination that hadn’t been there since the grand duchess disappeared.

Though everything had fallen apart after she vanished, he wasn’t about to lose everything without a fight.

He was prepared to grovel in the mud and commit whatever dirty deeds were necessary. He had always been that kind of man.

The emperor studied the marquis closely before stroking his chin in thought.

Well, even a discarded piece could prove useful if it came crawling back on its own.

The marquis would do anything to regain favor, no matter how vile the task.

After a brief moment of contemplation, the emperor gave his approval.

“Very well. I will entrust this task to you.”

The more tools they had to destroy Fernan, the better.

As spring gave way to summer, Fernan allowed Julia to freely visit the Riel estate.

Since it was under his control, as long as she was escorted, there was little risk involved.

Julia stayed at Riel for three days.

The children, growing more energetic by the day, never seemed to tire, no matter how much she played with them.

On the last day, Julia fell asleep the moment she rested her head by the carriage window on the way back to the villa.

She woke up only when she felt herself being carried up a flight of stairs.

Snuggling against broad shoulders, Julia glanced up.

A sharp jawline above a sturdy neck. Familiar, elegant features.

Fernan ascended the stairs without a word, his gaze fixed ahead.

Julia made no effort to squirm free, feeling oddly at ease in his arms, as if accustomed to the way he held her after every riding lesson.

When they reached the bedroom, Fernan gently laid her on the bed.

Julia, eyes still closed, nestled her cheek against the soft sheets. Sleep tugged at her again.

Though Fernan’s shadow lingered over her for a long while, Julia barely stirred.

With the last remnants of consciousness, she opened her eyes and met his gaze.

His golden eyes were warm and calm, looking at her as if she were something precious.

“…Your Highness.”

Fernan blinked slowly, acknowledging her words.

For a moment, Julia superimposed the cold man he once was over his gentle expression.

“…Why did you hate me back then?”

Her soft voice sent ripples through his tranquil features.

Watching him, Julia continued dreamily,

“Why were you so cruel to me…?”

Fernan’s hand twitched, and he sank into silent reflection.

Those moments of coldness and disdain toward her now filled him with regret.

“…I was a fool.”

He had projected his resentment onto her, simply because she was the marquis’s daughter, because she had the emperor’s favor.

Even as he treated her with contempt, deep down, he had known her gaze was sincere.

No matter how much he pushed her away, Julia had kept finding her way into his heart.

It was the first time he had ever been so thoroughly shaken by someone.

“…I know I hurt you. And I know you’ll never forgive me.”

Julia watched him with heavy-lidded eyes, then slowly closed them.

For the first time, she wondered if there might have been another side to him she hadn’t known.

She knew so little about him—his childhood, his family, his life.

Perhaps there were reasons for his behavior she had yet to uncover.


Julia began to speak, but sleep overtook her before she could finish. Her long lashes fell shut.

Fernan knelt by her side, his gaze locked on her sleeping face, lost in thought.

Unlike her peaceful slumber, his mind remained burdened with deep contemplation.


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