I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD Chapter 64

Gabriel and the children were staying in Lihel, one of Fernan’s estates.

Inside the carriage heading there, Julia nervously clasped her hands together.

“Is everyone healthy and unharmed? Have the children suffered from the aftermath of the war?”
Countless worries filled her mind.

After a long ride, the carriage finally passed through the checkpoint.

As they moved a little further beyond the outskirts of the village, the entrance of the estate began to appear in the distance.

Fernan was the first to step down and extended his hand to her.

As she took his hand and stepped out of the carriage, a man came running over and bowed deeply. He seemed to be the steward of the place.

Before they could even follow him into the mansion, someone burst out from inside.


A group of small children rushed out and clung to Julia.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Julia quickly knelt down to meet their eyes.

“My dears…”

Feeling like she might cry, Julia held the children tightly, trying hard to hold back her tears.

“Julia, why did you come so late? Were you sick again?”

“Sick? Nooo, we don’t want Julia to be sick.”

The children’s faces, looking up at her worriedly, fortunately appeared very healthy.

Relieved, Julia stroked the hair of the child standing closest to her.
“No, I’m not sick. I’m sorry I came so late.”

“Julia, are you crying? Your eyes are red.”

Rosemary, who was clinging to her arm, reached up to gently touch her eyes. Julia smiled faintly and hugged Rosemary once again.

While she was catching up with the children, Gabriel came running out, letting out a groan.
“Oh, I heard you were coming, but I didn’t think it was true!”


Julia stood up and clasped Gabriel’s hands as she approached. Gabriel’s eyes were brimming with tears, clearly filled with worry.

“You’re not hurt anywhere, are you? Are you alright?”

Gabriel hurriedly looked her over, checking for injuries. Julia nodded reassuringly.

“I’m fine. I didn’t get hurt.”

“Good, good. I’m so glad we could meet again like this, safe and sound…”

Gabriel wiped away tears with her wrinkled hands, then turned her gaze past Julia.

“But, the gentleman who arrived with you…”

At those words, Julia looked around with wide eyes.

Fernan was nowhere to be seen.

“…Did he step aside?”

Julia gazed at the now-empty yard with a complicated expression.

After exchanging greetings, she entered the mansion.

The mansion was larger than she had expected, and its pristine interior left her a bit surprised.

“We’ve been treated almost excessively well. They’ve taken such good care of us, it’s been overwhelming…” Gabriel quickly explained, noticing Julia’s gaze as she looked around.

“The gentleman who came with you, he’s the one who helped us, isn’t he?”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

With a somewhat troubled expression, Julia continued up the stairs.

Upon entering the drawing room, a servant brought in some refreshments.

After a moment of hesitation, Julia opened her mouth slowly.

“Gabriel, what about the others…?”

Gabriel understood the words she had swallowed and gave a small nod.

“…Yes, we’re the only ones who survived that war.”

Gabriel sighed deeply, her face reflecting the emotional toll she had endured. Her forehead was creased with lines, revealing just how much she had suffered.

“Not only the monastery but the entire village has suffered terribly. If it weren’t for the knights who saved us, I don’t know what would have happened…”

Julia, listening quietly, lowered her gaze slightly.

The knights Gabriel was referring to were probably Fernan’s knights.

“Julia, were you alright?”

At Gabriel’s cautious question, Julia parted her lips with a troubled expression.

“The truth is, I don’t remember anything. After leaving the monastery, I can’t recall what happened…”

“Oh my, you must have been in such shock.”

Gabriel patted her hand gently, as if trying to comfort her, then sighed deeply once again.

“Yes, perhaps it’s better that you forget such a tragedy. How something like that could happen in a land blessed by God…”

Gabriel shook her head in disbelief, trying to shake off the horror, and then spoke again.

“Oh, we should let Cedric know that you’re safe. He must still be worrying.”

“Is Cedric safe? He wasn’t hurt?”

“Yes, fortunately, the priests were in the central temple and were protected by the Holy Knights.”

Only then did Julia feel a sense of relief, placing a hand over her chest.

They continued talking for quite some time, catching up on all that had happened.

Gabriel explained how she and the children had been living in the mansion, where they had been provided with abundant food and care. A physician had even visited regularly to check on their health.

The children, especially, had been running around excitedly every day, thrilled by the large mansion. It was hard to believe they had lived through a war.

Listening to Gabriel’s stories, Julia’s expression became subtly conflicted, as though she didn’t quite know how to feel.

Noticing Julia glancing towards the door, Gabriel gently suggested, “You should thank him, shouldn’t you? We owe him so much, yet I haven’t had the chance to meet him properly.”

“Oh… yes. I will.”

Julia nodded obediently, and Gabriel excused herself to go check on the children.

Left alone in thought, Julia eventually rose from her seat and left the drawing room.

“Excuse me, where is His Highness?”

She asked a servant standing by the door. The servant answered politely, “His Highness is in the study on the third floor. Shall I escort you?”

Following the servant, Julia walked slowly. Her mind felt unsettled. She hadn’t expected Fernan to have taken such good care of Gabriel and the children.

He had saved them, and in doing so, had likely also ensured her own safety by bringing her to the duchy.

All this time, she had believed she had been forcibly dragged along, resenting him bitterly. But why hadn’t he ever said anything in response to her harshness?

“This is the study.”

The servant who had guided her to the study bowed and stepped away.

Julia hesitated at the door for a moment before finally turning the handle.

As she entered, she saw rows of bookshelves lining the room. Her eyes scanned the area until she spotted Fernan standing by the window, gazing outside.

“Your Highness.”

At her quiet call, Fernan finally turned his head.

Standing with the sunlight behind him, he looked at her with gentle eyes.

Julia stepped a little closer to him.


She began to speak, but the words wouldn’t come easily. She wanted to thank him, but for some reason, it was hard to meet his gaze.

Watching her silently, Fernan spoke first.

“If you wish, you can stay here a few more days.”

With a soft voice, he reached out and gently brushed Julia’s lowered eyelids, as if wiping away tears.

The moment his hand touched her, Julia finally looked up and met his eyes.

For the first time, she didn’t look at him with the usual sharpness, but with the same radiant eyes she once had.

“…Thank you.”

Her brief words of gratitude made Fernan’s lips curl into a faint smile.

Julia felt her heart flutter.

* * *

Julia stayed at the mansion for three more days.

She spent time playing with the children and shared many conversations with Gabriel over tea.

It was a peaceful time, almost as if she had returned to the days when she lived at the monastery.

On the last day, as Gabriel bid her farewell, she quietly asked, “Julia, what will you do now?”

Gabriel mentioned that she planned to leave once new accommodations were arranged. She didn’t want to impose any longer without repaying their kindness.

“I probably won’t stay here much longer either,” Julia answered in a calm voice. She had always intended to leave at some point.

But her heart was more conflicted than ever before.

“Whatever decision you make, put your own heart first,” Gabriel advised gently, sensing her turmoil.

For some reason, Gabriel’s words struck deeply in Julia’s mind.

“Yes, I will…”
Julia smiled softly and nodded. She then reassured the tearful children, promising them she would visit again soon.

After hugging each child and making her promises, Julia was finally able to say goodbye.

“Take care, Gabriel. I’ll try to write to you often.”

“Take care of yourself, Julia. And don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything, alright?”

Gabriel gave her a tight embrace, and Julia, returning the gesture, exchanged a long, heartfelt farewell.


  1. ZomBee says:

    Aaahhhh!! Thank you for the updates!!

    I get why Julia’s heart is wavering but I’m still holding out hope for Cedric!! I want Fernan to acknowledge everything he did wrong. He needs to explain how he was mislead and didn’t try to even hear her out. He needs to tell her he learned the truth and that he was wrong the entire time.

    1. Noor says:

      thank u for your kind comment…

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