I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 5


“Isn’t the Grand Duke also part of the imperial family? We can’t entrust the task of safeguarding Your Majesty to just any knightly order.”

Fernan looked disdainfully at the persistent prince. The way they pressured him was irritating; it seemed to run in the family, whether it was the emperor or his son. Being annoying seemed to be in their genes.

“Well then, I hope you consider it positively, Grand Duke.”

Ignoring the prince’s final words, Fernan left the audience chamber. The meeting had dragged on longer than expected, leaving him in a sour mood.

Returning to his quarters, he immediately removed his uniform jacket and headed towards the dressing room.

Suddenly, he sensed a strange presence and stopped, turning his head. A small figure was curled up on the sofa, catching his eye.

Fernan approached the sofa, squinting. Among the disheveled auburn hair, he saw the face of a woman who appeared to be deeply asleep.


Confirming that it was Yulia, Fernan smirked.

What was she up to in this unoccupied room? He silently looked down at Yulia.

Seeing her peacefully asleep made him irritated yet momentarily drained.

Fernan casually glanced around the room. There didn’t seem to be anything out of place.

His wandering gaze landed on the tea set on the table. Seeing that the tea had been consumed, he was even more bewildered.

With his arms crossed, Fernan stared at her pale face for a while.

Then suddenly, he tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

Although he hadn’t noticed due to her shallow breaths, he now saw beads of sweat on her forehead.

It wasn’t just sleep; she appeared to be unwell.

Lost in thought with an impassive face, Fernan soon left the bedroom.

* * *

Yulia slowly opened her eyes, feeling a throbbing headache. Her partially exposed blue irises were hazy.

Tossing and turning under the covers, she blinked her dazed eyes.

Then, suddenly widening her eyes, she quickly sat up. She realized this wasn’t her place.

“Are you awake?”

A soft voice settled in her ears. Turning in the direction of the sound, Yulia’s mouth slightly opened.

“Your Majesty?”

Sitting in an armchair by the fireplace, Fernan, who was looking at her, came into view.

She looked around in bewilderment to confirm her condition. Clearly, she had been sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. Then, a moment of drowsiness hit her…

Could it be that she had crawled into bed during a doze? Yulia muttered, rubbing her lips nervously.

“Your Majesty, I… I’ve heard from the physician that you seem to have symptoms of a cold.”

Interrupting her words, Fernan laid down the documents he held on the table. His calm, undisturbed eyes scanned her slowly.

“The physician…?”

Only then did Yulia notice the medicine placed on the side table, feeling flustered.

She had been feeling unusually weak but hadn’t thought it was due to illness.

Yulia cautiously spoke up.

“Thank you… Did Your Majesty summon the physician for me?”

Without responding, Fernan simply tapped on the armrest of his chair. Unable to discern the meaning of his silence, Yulia fidgeted with the sheet.

Fernan then slowly approached the bed. Standing by the bedside with moonlight behind him, he gazed intently at Yulia’s face.

“Now tell me. What’s the reason you sneaked into my room?”


“You didn’t come to protest because you’re unwell.”

His shadow loomed large over the bed. He seemed to be trying to discern her intentions with a cold gaze.

Momentarily startled by his indifferent demeanor, Yulia hesitated before answering.

“Your Majesty, I waited to speak to you…”

Yulia, her thoughts scattered, finally regained her focus.

Seeing Fernan’s cold gaze, she nervously continued.

“I apologize for intruding without permission. But… Your Majesty and I are husband and wife.”


“…There’s no need to be so guarded.”

Her resolute voice trembled slightly. Yulia looked up at Fernan with an anxious expression.

His face gradually softened, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

“Indeed, you’re right.”


He gently pushed Yulia’s shoulder, causing her to lie back on the bed. Fernan, who settled next to her without hesitation, whispered.

“Come to think of it, we haven’t celebrated the night yet.”

His long fingers brushed through her hair, reaching the loose ribbon on her dress.

“If you wish, shall we celebrate it now?”

He leisurely untied the silk ribbon tied around Yulia’s chest. His gaze remained fixed on her.

Yulia held her breath, staring up at him without moving.

Yet, there was no hint of warmth or tenderness on his face.

He wasn’t displaying a momentary desire or trying to fulfill marital obligations.

It was clearly an attitude aimed at testing her reaction.

Fernan, staring silently at the hardened Yulia, twisted one corner of his mouth.

“Why that expression? Wasn’t it you who hinted at such things as a couple?”

His affectionate tone carried a chilling edge as it seeped into Yulia’s ears.

The coldness emanating from him chilled her mind to its core.

“I… I just had something to say. I didn’t come here hoping for this…”

Yulia, flustered, exhaled suddenly, as if releasing a held breath. Suddenly, a throbbing pain surged through her head.

Struggling to speak through her discomfort, she continued haltingly.

“If… if it’s not too much trouble, could you accompany me to my home if you have time? My mother insists on inviting you…”

Her vision pinged momentarily. Fernan’s figure swayed heavily in her eyes.

Struggling to look up at him through blurred eyes, she weakly pushed against his firm chest.

Contrary to her expectation that he wouldn’t budge, he yielded easily. The looming shadow enveloping her vanished.

“I’ll… leave now…”

Struggling to rise, Yulia faltered onto the carpet. It was difficult to regain her balance due to the throbbing in her head.

Touching her forehead with a deep sigh, she gathered herself to stand.

Observing her numerous attempts to sit back down, Fernan impatiently brushed through her hair.

Then, he lifted the still-seated Yulia effortlessly.

“Just stay here. I’ll be leaving.”

Muttering under his breath, he gently set Yulia back on the bed and headed towards the door.

Perhaps due to her clouded mind, his face seemed subtly different.

Almost… as if he had made a mistake.

Yulia blankly watched his retreating figure for a moment before closing her eyes wearily.

The next afternoon, a rattling carriage departed from the palace.

As it entered the town, it passed through the square and soon arrived in the Mare District where grand mansions were clustered.

Basking in the warm sunlight, Yulia glanced out the window and suddenly turned her gaze to the opposite seat.

Fernan sat there with his arms crossed, eyes closed.

Yulia observed him with a puzzled expression.

Just yesterday morning, as she woke in his bed, she had been consumed with confusion and embarrassment over the previous day’s struggle.

As she left his room with a heavy heart, Yulia received a message relayed through the steward.

“His Grace the Duke will accompany the Countess on her visit to the Marquis’ residence after concluding his morning duties.”

“Me? His Grace?”

She couldn’t help but be surprised. She had asked out of obligation to the Marchioness, but he was reportedly busy with preparations for the foundation festival…

More than anything, he had been cold and distant toward her just the day before.

The fact that he made time for her request left her feeling slightly bewildered.

Yulia couldn’t hide her puzzled expression as she observed him across from her.

At that moment, his eyes, which had been closed, slowly opened.

“…Ah, I apologize.”

Fearing he had caught her staring, she reflexively apologized, but Fernan remained silent.

After a while, locking eyes with her, he spoke in a low voice.

“Is your body… all right now?”

Wide-eyed, Yulia nodded dazedly.

“…Yes, I’m fine now.”

Fernan’s gaze quickly averted at her response. Turning his head towards the window, he appeared indifferent as usual.

But was it an illusion? It seemed like he was paying her a bit more attention.

With pursed lips, Yulia lowered her head in subtle confusion. Something felt off.


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