I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 34

Julia’s whereabouts were discovered just half a day after Fernan’s return.

Near the border of the foreign land. It was thanks to a knight who was verifying the identities of the local residents and recognized her face.

She fled immediately due to the crowd that had gathered, but a few knights who followed her managed to track down the carriage she was in.

The news was promptly delivered to Fernan.

“So, she ultimately ran away on her own.”

Fernan muttered in an oddly calm manner.

This confirmed it. Julia had fled on her own.

She, who whispered she would stay by his side, who smiled saying she would wait, had run away on her own.

With the same transparent and clear eyes, with an innocent expression as if she knew nothing.

She had deceived him and left.

Fernan stared into the void with unfocused eyes, soon clenching his fist. He felt a burning sensation in his chest.

A sense of betrayal and rage began to stir within him.

He stood there for a long time, until the sound of the door opening made him turn around.

Lloyd, who entered, spoke with a somewhat troubled face.

“Your Highness, according to the maid… it appears that only a few pieces of clothing are missing from Her Highness’s quarters.”

Fernan’s serene gaze turned to Lloyd.

“Valuables or jewelry?”

“They seem to be left untouched.”

Fernan slightly twisted one corner of his mouth.

He had ordered the maid to check Julia’s quarters, but it was just a few pieces of clothing that she had taken with her when she fled.

Julia had left behind everything he had given her in his castle.

He instinctively knew what this meant.

She was trying to erase the time she lived here as his wife. She dared to wish to be forgotten by him forever.

Fernan’s piercing gaze fell on the wedding ring in his hand.

With a tumultuous gaze, Fernan looked out the window. It was snowing outside.

He stood by the window for a long time, thinking that Julia would soon return.

His knights were continuously tracking her, and as long as she didn’t leave the territory, she would be caught eventually.

However, the anxiety rising from his core kept gnawing at his nerves.

No matter how much he tried to remain calm, he couldn’t quell this emotion.

Julia should never have run away like this.

As his wife, she should have stayed by his side even if it hurt. She should have suffered within his sight.

Julia Caesar should have died within his territory if it came to that.

“Your Highness!”

At that moment, a knight burst into the office.

“Her Highness… has disappeared!”

“What nonsense is that?”

Fernan asked sharply, and the knight, who had been panting heavily, continued speaking incoherently.

“We checked several times to make sure Her Highness was in the carriage, but when we surrounded the carriage and checked again, she wasn’t there. We can’t understand how…”

Fernan, who had approached swiftly, drew his sword from his waist. His fierce gaze, along with the sword, fell threateningly as if he would cut off the knight’s head.

“Stop talking nonsense and speak clearly. Where did she disappear to?”

“We are continuing to search the nearby area with the guards, but we have no witnesses and her whereabouts are unknown…”

“Damn bastards.”

He threw his sword carelessly and ran a hand roughly through his hair.

“I’ll go myself. Prepare the horse.”


He gritted his teeth. He should never have entrusted such incompetent people with this task from the start.

“Your Highness, could it be that Her Highness has an accomplice? It’s hard to believe she eluded all those knights on her own.”

Lloyd spoke cautiously as he followed Fernan. At that moment, a scene suddenly flashed through Fernan’s mind.

A few months ago, a priest from Illion had visited to bless the grand castle. The priest seemed to be quite close with Julia.

Although he couldn’t understand why that person suddenly came to mind, Fernan issued a command before he could think further.

“Lloyd, go to the Temple of Illion and find the priest who blessed the castle. Search thoroughly as he might be hiding.”


If the priest had helped Julia escape, he must have used holy power.

Using holy power, it wouldn’t be difficult to hide one’s presence or momentarily divert attention.

Blue veins stood out on the back of his hand holding the reins. Just the thought that Julia might be with someone else made him seethe with indescribable anger.

However, underlying that rage was a deep-seated self-loathing for having always been harsh on her.

‘How can you be so cruel to me until the end?’

Her trembling, tender voice echoed in his ears. Fernan bit his lip hard.

He knew. Julia’s departure was ultimately his own doing.

* * *

Julia, with her hood pulled low, moved quickly with her head down.

She had barely managed to evade the knights, but it was too early to feel relieved.


Entering a deserted alley, Julia clutched her chest and panted.

Her appearance, slightly revealed under the hood, was completely changed.

With Cedric’s help, her outward appearance was temporarily altered, but she probably wouldn’t be able to maintain this state for long.

‘You’ve already used quite a bit of holy power. If you exert yourself any more, your body won’t be able to handle it.’

In the carriage surrounded by knights, Cedric had calmly tried to persuade her.

‘Perhaps it would be better to cooperate with them for now and plan for the future.’

‘…No. If I don’t escape now, I’ll never be able to.’

Despite Cedric’s dissuasion, Julia had replied in a composed tone.

‘I can handle anything. I came prepared for the risk from the beginning…’

Seeing her earnest face, Cedric had remained silent for a long time. After a long silence, he finally nodded.

‘Julia, if you cross the southern border from here, you’ll reach the territory of Elemyon. There’s a place called Helios Monastery there.’

Cedric had held her hand tightly and infused her with holy power, completely altering her appearance.

‘Come there once you escape them. I’ll be waiting for you.’

That was the last she saw of Cedric.

Julia, having caught her breath, started walking again. The pendant around her neck clinked softly.

Her heart throbbed with pain, likely due to the considerable amount of holy power she had used.

Using holy power came with a price, so her body might already be deteriorating.

Her rapidly paling face hinted at her condition.

As she emerged back onto the street and looked around, she froze in place.

“No way….”

In the distance, like a lie, she saw Fernan.

He was on horseback, approaching quickly, but paused due to the crowd.

Julia lowered her head and hurriedly moved.

Her heart started racing. She hadn’t expected him to return so quickly from his expedition.

With her hood pulled deep, she walked with the crowd. He wouldn’t recognize her, but still, her anxious steps quickened as if being chased.

She needed to get out of the area by carriage first.


At that moment, unbelievably, she heard Fernan’s voice.

Julia froze for a moment, then hurriedly continued walking.

There was no way he could recognize her. She had completely changed her appearance, so how…?

Julia walked nonchalantly yet swiftly toward the carriage station. But before she could go far, he grabbed her shoulder.


Fernan, who had turned her around, pulled back her hood.

She had to face him without being able to avoid his gaze. Her whole body broke out in goosebumps.

Fernan, who looked as if he would devour her, muttered quietly.

“Damn it….”

Realizing his mistake, he let go of her shoulder.

Taking advantage of the moment, Julia stepped back hesitantly. Her mind felt blank.

For a moment, he had clearly recognized her. How…?

Just as she was about to turn completely, still in shock, Fernan suddenly grabbed her arm.

With a piercing gaze, he stared at the pendant around her neck and mercilessly snapped the cord.


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