I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 32

Fernan, who had fallen asleep as if collapsing after taking a sleeping pill, woke up when Julia pressed his temples.

Even as her delicate hands wandered across his face, he couldn’t seem to open his eyes for some reason.

At dawn, when the sun was rising, Julia was sleeping with her head resting on his chest.

He had always thought that Julia seemed to fall asleep quickly when leaning against his head.

Fernan absentmindedly stroked the back of her head. Soft strands of hair slipped through his large hand.

Looking down at her as she slept leaning on him completely filled him with a sense of satisfaction, as if something were being fulfilled in this moment.

It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant.


The gentle voice calling his name continued to echo in his ears.

It was a feeling of all his defenses crumbling away with just that tender voice.

It was amusingly ironic, and he sighed softly as he gazed up at the ceiling. The time he had set aside for her to run away, the moment when he had prepared himself for her to flee again, felt somewhat empty now.

Unconsciously, Fernan raised the corners of his lips slightly and slowly closed his eyes.

At least for that night, both of them could sleep peacefully.

Peaceful days seemed to continue for a while.

During that time, Fernan dismissed the knights he had stationed around Julia. They were making her uncomfortable by following her everywhere she went.

Of course, he didn’t completely abolish the guards. They would discreetly protect Julia from unseen places.

However, this brief peace was shattered when his chief advisor arrived at the palace.

An urgent message had been delivered from the border.

“Your Highness!”

Lloyd burst into the study, gasping for breath, and reported, “There’s news of monsters appearing at the border.”

Fernan, who had been reviewing documents, stood up immediately upon hearing Lloyd’s words.

For the past few months, monsters had been causing trouble for the border guards, and now news of their reappearance had arrived.

What was even more troubling was that enemy soldiers had joined them.

“What is the scale of this?” Fernan asked as he moved, and Lloyd’s serious voice continued.

“It’s difficult to determine the scale. The knights are having trouble moving easily because we can’t accurately pinpoint their base.”

Fernan clicked his tongue lightly. Dealing with roaming monsters alone was troublesome enough, but if enemy soldiers were involved, the situation would become quite complicated.

It seemed that the remnants of the Reneff Kingdom’s army were moving on a larger scale than expected.

“It seems that there are individuals among the enemy who control the monsters.”

Fernan quickly inferred. Taking the reins, he began to walk, and at that moment, he glanced back at the castle.

Then, abruptly, Fernan stopped his horse shortly after starting to ride and changed direction.

“Your Highness? Why?”

As Lloyd, who had stopped with him in confusion, looked on, Fernan gestured for him to follow and then turned back towards the castle.

Dismounting from his horse, Fernan quickly entered the lobby.

Just as Julia was coming down the stairs, she spotted him and smiled.

“Your Highness?”

Fernan, who stopped in front of Julia, hesitated slightly unexpectedly. Eventually, a restless voice emerged from somewhere within him.

“I’ll be away for a while. It might take some time.”

Since he had never explained his absence before, Julia looked at him with a slightly surprised expression.

“What happened?”

“There’s trouble at the border, so I have to go quickly.”

Even with a simple response, Julia looked worried.

“Please be careful.”

Despite her calm reply, Fernan stood still as if rooted to the spot.

In such a busy situation, he couldn’t help feeling uneasy about leaving her.

He wasn’t sure if Julia would quietly stay in the castle while he was away.

Of course, a few knights would discreetly guard her, but he couldn’t easily let go of his worries.

Julia looked at him with a curious gaze, then smiled softly.

“I’ll be waiting.”

In her clear eyes that looked up at him, his image was fully reflected.

He hoped it was genuine. He hoped those transparent eyes looking at him were sincere.

Suddenly, the image of her from the previous night came to mind. Calling his name in a quiet and calm voice.

Fernan, who stood still with a tingling sensation in his chest, looked down at her face, which was slightly flushed with words unsaid.


He had many things he wanted to say, but there was neither the time nor the leisure to say them all.

Fernan turned away from her, who was looking at him inquisitively, and gradually let go of the anxiety that had weighed on his heart.

He simply believed. He believed that her transparent eyes and quiet voice were all sincere.

That was his mistake.

Fernan set out on a campaign.

The Reneff Kingdom, one of the defeated countries in the previous empire war. Their remnants had allied with another country to invade the borders.

When Fernan led the knights to the border, there was a somewhat desolate atmosphere in the castle.

After Fernan left, Julia, who had not come out of her room all morning, revealed herself in the afternoon.

Passing through the corridors, she headed towards a place where delicately crafted patterns were engraved on a large door.

It was the bedroom intended for the Duke and Duchess.

Entering the room after opening the door, Julia quietly surveyed the interior.

The bedroom was decorated luxuriously and grandly. However, the unused interior exuded a silent atmosphere.

Julia looked at the bed with a somewhat dry gaze and then resumed walking.

Stopping at the door leading to the side room, where marriage gifts and other bridal items were kept.

Only Fernan and she possessed the key to this room, so no one could enter casually.

With a click, the door opened to reveal its contents.

Approaching one of the display cabinets, Julia opened a jewel box covered in layers of dust.

Inside were two rings neatly placed. They were their wedding rings.

Julia took out a ring and slid it onto her ring finger.

Although the ring didn’t fit perfectly on her finger, it wasn’t loose enough to fall off.

“Your Highness, you’re here.”

After putting on the ring, as she stepped out again, Melissa was standing there.

Julia looked at Melissa with a somewhat complicated expression.

She had given Melissa a few days off earlier by asking the housekeeper. She was worried that if she escaped, Melissa might suffer.

“It’s the first time I’ve received such a long vacation. It’s nice to work by Your Highness’s side and receive such special treatment.”

Melissa joked lightly. Julia forced a small smile.

Realizing that today was her last day with Melissa, she tried to endure the ache that crept into her heart.

“Take care, Melissa.”

Grabbing Melissa’s hand tightly, Julia didn’t let go for a while, her heart feeling somewhat regretful.

Melissa smiled and gently patted her hand.

“I’ll be waiting for you, Your Highness.”

Watching the carriage until it was far away, the warmth remaining in her hand made her heart ache slightly.

With a tingling sensation in her chest, Julia tried to soothe her restless heart. She returned to the bedroom and began to pack her belongings.

Although it was called packing, there weren’t many things to pack, just some spare clothes. Other items would be left behind. Everything in this castle belonged to Fernan anyway.

Finally, Julia gently touched the ring on her ring finger.

Even so, she decided to take this ring with her.

It wasn’t because of any lingering feelings for Fernan. In fact, Julia wanted to leave behind even the slightest trace of attachment.

So, she planned to sell this ring, which symbolized her marriage to Fernan.

In the end, this ring was a kind of alimony for her.

“I have nothing else right now.”

For some reason, Fernan had dismissed all the knights he had stationed around her a few days ago.

So, the only chance to escape was while Fernan was absent.

Standing by the window, Julia watched as the sun began to set.

Tomorrow morning, she planned to leave this castle.


  1. War smith Dantioch says:

    Selling the ring is alimony. Yes. *makes stabby gestures* I suppose it will have to do.

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