I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 28


Unconsciously reacting, Julia opened her eyes wide in surprise.

As she tried to pull her hand away, Fernan grasped it again, holding it tightly.

Looking down at her, he resumed walking without saying a word.

Julia glanced at their clasped hands, his warm touch noticeable even in the cold air.

As she felt the warmth emanating from him, his words replayed in her mind.

“Didn’t you say you liked me?”

“Then don’t ask for a reason, just stay quietly by my side.”

Perhaps, he had always taken it for granted.

A wife who was blindly and passively devoted to him. A foolish woman who loved him desperately, despite the pain he caused her.

To him, she was such a woman.

Regardless of his need for this marriage, it might have only been his pride that made him resist her request for a divorce.

That was why he tried to confine her with a possessiveness he had never shown before.

Julia’s expression hardened with determination. If that was the case, she could pretend to love him blindly as she did before.

It wouldn’t be difficult to act that way. After all, part of her heart still faintly yearned for him.

“…Even after all this time.”

With a wry smile, Julia composed herself and moved closer to him.

When she matched his pace, Fernan glanced down at her again.

She firmly held his hand.

Fernan’s eyes, reflecting the moonlight, flickered slightly. Julia looked up at him with a faint smile.

As if wishing this moment could last forever.

* * *

After that, Julia stayed diligently by Fernan’s side.

She made an effort to talk to him and spend time with him as before.

Nevertheless, Fernan didn’t seem inclined to dismiss the knights guarding her.

Since they were officially there to protect her, Julia had no valid reason to send them away.

She couldn’t help but feel anxious.

After a few frustrating days, an unexpected invitation arrived from the imperial palace.

The Empress was holding an event to celebrate the impending birth of the Crown Princess’s child, gathering noblewomen.

As a member of the royal family, Julia had to attend.

“I don’t want to go.”

Sighing softly, Julia prepared herself with the help of her maids.

Going to the capital meant she would inevitably encounter someone she didn’t want to see.

Marchioness Elodie. She never missed such gatherings.

Having declared she wouldn’t divorce Fernan, Julia had to fulfill her duties as a duchess.

After finishing her preparations, she descended the central staircase, where the knights bowed their heads.

Two additional knights had been assigned to her. Presumably, to increase surveillance as she traveled to the capital.

With a faint sigh, Julia stepped outside.

As she climbed into the carriage, the knights naturally surrounded it.

Sitting alone in the large carriage brought back memories.

She recalled traveling to the capital with Fernan, who had never once looked at her, always focused on his documents.

Just watching him had been enough. She remembered secretly observing him, cherishing every glance.

Trying to clear her mind, Julia leaned against the window and closed her eyes.

The carriage rattled on without rest.

After a half-day journey, they finally arrived at the imperial palace, as grand and magnificent as ever.

“Welcome, Duchess. Allow me to guide you to your quarters.”

Following the servant, Julia entered the palace.

The event would be quite long, requiring her to stay in the capital for four days.

She headed to her assigned chamber and dressed for the soirée, arriving at the salon on time.

Unfortunately, the first to greet her was the Marchioness.

“Julia, it’s been so long!”

The Marchioness hurried over and embraced her daughter warmly.

Always the affectionate mother when others were watching.

Julia met her with a composed expression.

“It’s been a while, Mother.”

Her voice was always stiff around her mother.

The fear of the Marchioness, ingrained in her since childhood, left lingering scars.

“Come, the other ladies are waiting. We can catch up later.”

The Marchioness took Julia’s hand kindly and led her to her designated seat.

The Crown Princess had not yet arrived.

Julia’s seat was closest to the head table. As she sat, the other noblewomen glanced at her.

Some of them were familiar, their gazes subtly different than before.

“Duchess, it’s been so long. How have you been?”

“Yes, thank you. How have you been?”

Even as they exchanged formal pleasantries, they exchanged silent looks amongst themselves.

Julia noticed a mix of curiosity and disdain in their eyes.

As she felt her spirits sink, the servant announced the Crown Princess’s arrival.

“The Crown Princess is here.”

All the ladies stood to greet her. Veronica, smiling kindly, nodded and took her seat.

Her belly was noticeably rounder than the last time they met at the founding festival.

The small gathering began with tea.

As the formalities progressed, Julia had a brief conversation with Veronica.

“It must have been tiring to come such a long way. I’m glad to have you with us.”

“Thank you for having me.”

Julia smiled faintly, and Veronica, hesitating, spoke quietly.

“Have you heard the recent rumors in the capital?”


Julia widened her eyes, tilting her head. Veronica, realizing Julia knew nothing, shook her head.

“I shouldn’t have mentioned it. It’s nothing. By the way, the priests from the Temple of Ilion will arrive soon. Priest Matheus will be there too.”

Despite her lingering curiosity about the rumors, Julia responded to Veronica’s change of subject.

“I see. I should visit them during the service.”

“Yes, let’s go together.”

Veronica continued the conversation with a bright smile.

Meanwhile, the other noblewomen at the table kept glancing at Julia.

The gathering ended in the afternoon. After the dinner banquet, Julia finally left the hall.

As she was about to head back to her quarters, someone gently grabbed her wrist. It was the Marchioness.

“Julia, which palace are you staying in?”

Before Julia could answer, the Marchioness continued.

“It’s a shame to part ways so soon. Let’s catch up properly. Lead the way.”

Walking beside the Marchioness, Julia sighed silently.

As they headed to her quarters, the crowd thinned. Only then did the Marchioness drop her kind facade.

“Do you know what rumors have been circulating in the capital?”

As soon as they arrived, the Marchioness asked in a harsh voice.

It seemed to be the same rumors Veronica mentioned.

“Are there rumors about me?”

Trying to guess, nothing came to mind.

Julia seldom visited the capital and wasn’t close to the other noblewomen.

“Foolish girl. How can you not know your own rumors?”


“The Duke’s indifference was one thing, but I didn’t know he had a separate residence and even considered divorcing you. I heard he’s seriously thinking about it.”

The Marchioness clicked her tongue, glaring at Julia.

Finally, Julia understood the rumors and how they started.

It must have been Cornelia, the daughter of Duke Blair, whom she encountered at Fernan’s mansion months ago.


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