I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 23

Fernan asked with narrowed eyes.


“Are you saying Julia is an illegitimate child?”


“It seems so. “She said, according to her Father, who was her doctor, that the Marchioness never gave birth to her second child.”


Lloyd added that the doctor had died a long time ago and that it appeared he had been murdered by someone.


Fernan, who was silent for a moment, suddenly clenched his fist. Lloyd glanced at him.


“Your Highness, if you allow it, I will secure witnesses and testimonies.”


“… … .”


“Please send an official complaint to Marquis Elodie and hold him accountable.”


It was not entirely uncommon for nobles to have illegitimate children. In some cases, separate residences were provided for the government and children.


However, bringing his illegitimate child directly into the family was a different case.


Among the aristocrats of the empire who value lineage, marrying a child while lying about the fact that it was an illegitimate child was a deception and fraud.


“This is clearly a fraudulent marriage, Your Majesty.”


Lloyd spoke emphatically. Fernan was a member of the royal family and a grand duke of the empire who stood at the center of politics.


He had to completely bury from politics the Marquis who had dared to deceive him and push through this marriage. Even the emperor standing behind the marquis would not be able to say anything about this matter.


However, despite Lloyd’s continued words, Fernan remained silent for a long time.


He has such a serene face that Lloyd can’t tell what he’s thinking.


In his mind, all the words Julia had said so far were flashing one by one.


The words that were found in her room the other day and that claimed her innocence.


When the story of the Marquis comes up, her face becomes particularly contemplative, and even her weak and passive attitude.


Naturally, given the nature of ‘that’ marquis, there was no way he would have cared for his illegitimate child.


The fact that the Marquis had always treated Julia carelessly was enough to be guessed just from the fact that he had stabbed her with his hand.


So, I guess that’s why Julia reacted that way to her father’s story.


Anger that could not be hidden for a moment flashed deep within his still-looking eyes.


Lloyd opened his mouth again to the silent man.


“Your Highness, of course, this was the Marquis’s doing, but it is a self-evident fact that as a result, Her Highness remained silent and watched.”


At those words, Fernan’s brow twitched slightly, but soon slowly returned to its original state.


Lloyd was right. Regardless of her situation, it was obvious to him that he had been deceived by her.


And Fernan was clearly feeling anger at this situation.


But it was not a feeling caused by the fact that Julia was his illegitimate child, or by the fact that her husband had been deceived by her.


It was directed at the Marquis who had treated Julia so carelessly.


Fernan, who had been silent for so long, finally opened his mouth.




“Yes, Your Majesty.”


His expression instantly turned cold.


“Everything that was said here today, please keep it to yourself.”


“… yes?”


“They burned all the documents that could be considered evidence.”


Fernan stood up, leaving behind Lloyd, who opened his mouth in shock.


There was some nervousness in the sight of him leisurely leaving the office.


* * *


Julia got down from her carriage and looked around for a moment.


The Ilion Temple, surrounded by large walls, had an open entrance so that anyone could enter freely.


Julia, who was climbing  stairs, suddenly looked back.


She could see the knight that Fernan had posted following her a few steps behind.


“I’ll go alone from here.”


When I hinted at him, the knight looked troubled and avoided eye contact.


Julia sighed silently and opened her mouth again.


“This is a safe place, so there is no need for an escort.”


The knight thought for a moment and then bowed silently.


“Yes, then I will wait outside.”


Nodding her head in relief, Julia picked up her pace again.


When she barely climbed the high stairs and passed through the doorway, the garden opened up straight ahead.


Devotees visiting the temple were spending time in the garden. In that peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, her frustrated feelings gradually began to fade away.


Julia soon entered main building and walked along its corridors.


How long did it take to walk like that? She saw a child running towards her from the other side.


The child who stopped in front of Julia greeted her in a clear voice.




“uh… hi?”


Julia suddenly answered with a slight smile on her face. The child wearing a priest’s uniform larger than his own body appeared to be a young priest.


The child grabbed her hand without saying a word. And she confidently started walking ahead.


“Where are you going?”


When Julia asked with a confused expression on her face, the child ahead of her turned his head and grinned.


“Mateus told me to bring you here. “I heard that a very important guest has arrived.”


Julia’s eyes widened. She never told Mateus she was coming, so how on earth did he know?


As she absentmindedly followed the child, she saw a large arched door at the end of corridor.


She opened the door and the child ran inside.




Stepping inside it revealed a vast space.


Mateus, who was standing on the platform, looked back. Spotting Julia, he gave her a gentle smile.




Julia, who was quietly looking up at Mateus who was approaching her, hesitated before opening her mouth.


“Did you know I was coming?”


“Yes, I knew.”


Mateus’ calm gaze landed on the pendant hanging around her neck.


“Thanks to you possessing my holy power, I can sense your presence even from afar.”


“ah… .”


Julia gently touched her pendant. Mateus, who was looking at her blankly, asked.


“Do you need help?”


Julia nodded her head without answering. It seemed as if Mateus had the ability to see right into her heart.


Although she had not known him for very long, Julia felt an inexplicable sense of trust in him.


She felt like this person could tell me how to be happy.


“Please move to a quiet place first.”


Nodding her head, Julia entered antechamber, guided by Mateus. The small room that appeared to be his prayer room had a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.


Julia, who sat down in her seat, thought for a moment and then opened her mouth.


“I am… .”


As she was about to open her mouth, her heart pounded a little. After catching her breath, Julia slowly continued her words.


“I want to get out of this situation.”


Mateus listened to her silently. In his warm and serious gaze, her inner feelings, which she had not been able to tell anyone, naturally leaked out.


“I want to be happy, but I can’t, so I hope I can at least avoid this misfortune.”


“… … .”


My husband… I don’t want to love. I really think I can do that now, but it has to be now… “That person doesn’t let me move forward.”


After confessing this, her weak resentment toward Fernan rose again. Julia sighed deeply and raised her gaze.


“What should I do?”


The end of her voice trembled slightly. Mateus lowered his head and was lost in thought.


After a while, Mateus slowly raised his head and opened his mouth in a serious voice.


“I don’t think I can fathom what you must have been through.”


A sad light appeared in Mateus’ eyes.


“With my insufficient power, I will not be able to completely resolve your situation.”


Julia gave a small smile. After pouring out her feelings to Mateus, she felt a little lighter.


Mateus looked at her quietly and then quietly opened his mouth.


“However, we can provide you with a last resort.”


Mateus’ expression looked a little dark as he said that.


So, She was able to realize that the last resort was not all that good for her.


Julia stared at him quietly and nodded her head to indicate that it was okay.


It seemed like it wouldn’t matter anything. If only she could escape this misfortune.


It was early evening when she returned to the castle after her long meeting with Mateus.


Julia entered her bedroom and discovered that an uninvited guest had entered her room.


For some reason, Fernan was waiting for her, standing in the middle of her room.


This was the first time he came to Julia’s room like this since the poison came out of her room a long time ago.


“why… “Are you here?”


Julia muttered in her embarrassed voice.


However, Fernan, who had entered her room without permission, just asked with a nonchalant expression on his face.


“Were you the marquis’ illegitimate child?”


Julia’s eyes slowly widened as the main point jumped out at her without any explanation. Her face immediately turned pale.


Julia couldn’t answer easily and just stared at him, then muttered in embarrassment.


“How did you… .”


“I guess it’s true.”


Fernan roughly brushed his hair. His face was slightly distorted.


Julia, who was silent and kept her mouth shut, walked closer to him.


Meanwhile, the Marquis had completely hidden the fact that Julia was an illegitimate child.


However, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, it was impossible for the Marchioness, who had never been pregnant with her second child, to completely fool everyone by pretending she had given birth.


The mansion’s doctor. The Marchioness’s dedicated maid. A young errand boy… .


Many people sacrificed themselves at the hands of the Marquis solely to conceal the secret.


On the grounds that if it was revealed that she was an illegitimate child, Julia’s commercial value would drop.


  1. ZomBee says:

    Ahhhhhh what is he going to do!?! I’m glad Julia is making moves to get out of her situation however she can instead of passively accepting his mistreatment.

    Thank you for translating and updating so often!!

    1. Noor says:

      Stay tuned for upcoming chapters…they are more interesting….thanks for support…lots of love

      1. ZomBee says:

        Fernan’s overly loyal aide better not be plotting anything!! But I could see him taking initiative 😱

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