I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 12

Julia sat alone in the large carriage and looked out the window.


The National Foundation Festival was to be held in three days, but Julia had already left for the capital at the empress’s call.


Recently, the Grand Dukedom was having a busy day due to monsters invading its borders.


In order to complete the work, Fernan delayed his trip to the capital somewhat, and as a result, Julia was unable to go with him to the capital.


Julia’s eyes were shining forlornly as she stared at the empty seat in front of her.


After such a long time, Julia arrived at the imperial palace and went inside under the guidance of an attendant.


As she entered the reception room of her central palace, her empress, who was already seated, greeted her with a bright smile.


“Welcome, weren’t you tired from the long journey?”


“I meet your Majesty the Empress. “It was a comfortable journey for me, so don’t worry about me.”


Julia sat down at the tea table and faced the Empress. Unlike the emperor, who felt uncomfortable somewhere, the empress was a person who made others feel comfortable.


Thanks to the fact that the Crown Princess, who was present with her, was also an honest and sensitive person, Julia was able to quickly adapt to this time.


“But I am worried that the Grand Duchess seems to be thinner than the last time we met.”


The Crown Princess Veronica cautiously opened her mouth. Julia tried to smile.


“Because I keep feeling unwell. “Don’t worry, You doesn’t have anything to worry about.”


“okay. I hope this schedule doesn’t cause any problems.”


Veronica laughed softly. With her gorgeous blonde hair hanging to one side, she wore a loose-fitting maternity dress.


Her face was full of bright and happy energy as she said she was five months pregnant.


“So, how about you attend evening mass with Veronica? “Currently, there are priests staying in the imperial palace who pray for pregnant women.”


As the Empress hinted, Veronica clapped her hands and nodded her head.


“I do! I will ask  priest to pray for the health of the Grand Duchess.”


“No, I can’t give trouble to the priests who came to serve Her Majesty the Crown Princess… .”


“Don’t think like that. “You are also a member of our imperial family.”


The Empress smiled kindly and invited her again. Julia finally nodded her head and softly expressed her gratitude.


The small tea party had a peaceful and friendly atmosphere throughout.


Julia, who had been deeply depressed during her great siege, was also able to put her mind at ease for this time.


When evening fell, Julia and Veronica headed to the temple to say thier mass.


As they entered, they saw priests kneeling on a platform.


The stained glass light was shining brightly above them.


“Priest Mateus.”


Veronica quietly called a priest. The man sitting in the center of the priests slowly turned his head.


The priest named Mateus was a man with silvery, almost white hair.


“Welcome, Veronica.”


He looked at Veronica for a moment and then turned his gaze to Julia.


His quiet eyes swayed gently.


“This is the Archduchess Caesar. “I brought her here to attend mass with me.”


“I see.”


He looked at Yulia with her mysterious gaze and then lightly changed his words.


“Mass will begin soon, so please take a comfortable seat.”


Julia, sitting in a long row of seats, watched the priests making the sign of the cross. Soon the priests standing in front of the altar conducted the opening ceremony.


Julia quietly looked at Mateus as he delivered the sermon. His voice was soft and serious, which put his mind at ease.


As Matheus recited the prayer for the ritual, the priests brought silver vessels filled with holy water.


“May there be peace and stability for the mother and fetus.”


Mateus raised his hand over Veronica’s head and let the holy water flow.


He recited the benediction in a quiet tone and slowly opened his eyes. And he nodded his head toward Julia as if to come forward.


Julia, standing in front of the altar, quietly closed her eyes.


“May God bless you always.”


Holy water flowed lightly along Julia’s hair. Somehow, his voice seemed to slowly seep into her heart.


When she gently opened her eyes, She immediately made eye contact with Mateus, who was looking at her intently.


“… Do you recognize me?”


he asked in a quiet tone. Julia blinked her round eyes blankly.


“Oh, no… I feel like I’m seeing you for the first time today… .”


“okay. “I made a mistake.”


Mateus smiled softly and finished the blessing ceremony.


After the mass was over, Julia came out of the priest’s office and tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.


It seemed like Mateus knew her. But no matter how much she thought about it, there was no meeting with him in her memory.


Julia felt strange for some reason and kept looking behind her.


* * *


Fernan arrived in the capital just in time for the National Foundation Day.


The Emperor’s parade held in the morning was eventually escorted by the Imperial Knights.


The parade ended safely, and in the central palace, servants were busy carrying luggage for the banquet.


After hearing the news of Fernan’s arrival, Julia hurried down to the main hall on the first floor.


Her servants kept glancing at her as she dressed in her dark green dress for the banquet.


The elegant form of her dress, with dark gold lace decorating her neckline, made her stand out even more than she usually did.


“Your Highness , you are here.”


As Julia was lingering in  hall for a while, someone spoke to her. The last time he saw her in town, she was Fernan’s aide.


“I have come to convey your words. Since preparations are delayed due to other matters, I am telling you to go to the banquet hall first.”


“ah… okay.”


It was usually customary for couples to enter the banquet hall together. Julia, who had thought that of course she would enter with Fernan, felt a little at a loss.


She thought about waiting, but she knew he definitely wouldn’t want her to wait.


“Thanks for letting me know, um… .”


Julia hesitated for a moment. This was because she did not know the aide’s name.


After Lloyd, who noticed her teeth, greeted her belatedly and formally, he politely introduced himself.


“My name is Lloyd Allen. “Please feel free to call me Lloyd.”


“Thank you, Lloyd.”


Julia smiled softly and soon walked towards the palace where the banquet hall was located.


Following the guidance of her attendant, she entered the banquet hall alone and stood in front of an empty table.


Several of her noble ladies spotted her and approached her, smiling warmly.


“Her Highness, how have you been? “This our my first time seeing you since the last tea party.”


“Yes, is your husband safe?”


As they exchanged formal greetings and chatted for a while, the crown prince and his wife entered the banquet hall.


Veronica was gently hugging her swollen belly while being escorted by the crown prince.


“Those two always seem to get along well.”


She said, “I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is very affectionate. Ugh, my wife and I were like that when we first got married.”


“Oh my, what are you talking about? “Her wife is still dripping with honey with the Count.”


As  ladies started talking about her husband and joking about her, Julia was at a loss for words.


Even though they all met through an arranged marriage, it was surprising that they were so close and friendly with each other.


Far from being close to Fernan, she had never had a friendly conversation with him.


“How about the Grand Duchess?”




Julia’s face stiffened slightly as the topic suddenly turned to her.


“Everyone is very curious about what kind of person Archduke Caesar is.”


“You two don’t come and go to the capital very often, so I’m really curious about how you’re doing.”


Curious gazes poured in from noble ladies. Julia smiled awkwardly and chose her words carefully.


“Your Majesty, please be very busy with his work. And there are no noble ladies to hang out with in the estate, so I feel a little lonely… “I’m doing well.”


She gave a vague answer, and fortunately, the noble ladies nodded and agreed.


“I guess so. “It would be difficult to invite acquaintances from the capital.”


“But will you definitely invite me at least once? “I would be really happy if Her Majesty  called me.”


“Yes I will.”


The topic quickly turned in a different direction. Only then did Julia, who had been participating in the conversation with ease, turn her head when she heard the murmur.


She saw Fernan coming into the banquet hall from afar. People’s attention was immediately focused on him.


Somehow, his appearance seemed to attract more attention than the crown prince.


Yulia, who was wondering what to do, asked for understanding from her wives and then approached him cautiously.




Fernan turned to look at her when he heard her softly calling him. Julia gently rolled up the hem of her dress and looked up at him.


As soon as She started talking to him, She couldn’t help but feel afraid.SheI felt like he would ignore her and go somewhere else.


However, perhaps because everyone was paying attention to him, he did not show his usual cold demeanor.


“Go to your seat.”


He opened his mouth dryly and obediently held out his arm. Julia looked at him in surprise for a moment, then suddenly wrapped her arms around him.


Looking at his reluctant face, She felt that he had no choice but to do it.


He was a little bitter, but it didn’t feel so bad as being escorted by him.


While they were heading to an empty table, the crown prince spotted them and approached them with a bright smile.


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