I Will Disappear, Grand Duke

WDGD I Chapter 21

The Marquis, who was glaring menacingly at Julia, opened his mouth in a sinister tone.


“you… “You’re truly out of your mind, huh?”


It was the first time that Julia tried to rebel against him in this way. The more the Marquis thought about it, the more appalled he became, and the corners of his eyes twisted wildly.


“Do you dare to threaten me like that without knowing the grace I received and raised you for?”


Julia stared at her father quietly with her unfocused eyes.


Everything didn’t matter now. Either she will be beaten to death by her father like this, or she will be kicked out of her family and live on the streets.


She had no feelings or thoughts. Her mind felt empty, as if it were empty.


“Now… Julia, listen to your father carefully.”


The Marquis barely suppressed the anger rising to the top of his head and opened his mouth calmly.


“It’s not like you have no chance to make up for it. You just need to have an heir before the Archduke announces divorce. Then You can catch him… .”


“I don’t want to do that.”


As Julia muttered under her breath, the Marquis immediately frowned at her mercilessly.


The moment the Marquis couldn’t control his anger and was about to raise his strong hand again, someone knocked on the door.


“excuse me.”


Bennett, who brought the refreshments, sensed an unusual atmosphere and stopped for a moment.


“Well, I brought the refreshment… .”


Bennet, who was observing her, glanced at the motionless Julia.


Meanwhile, the Marquis, who had barely been able to control his anger, sat down as if nothing had happened and spoke to Bennett.


“Please leave the cart there.”


“Oh, yeah… .”


Bennett put down the teacup on table and looked closely at Julia, who was standing still.


The Marquis, noticing Bennet’s gaze, opened his mouth in a caring tone.


“Julia, your father did everything wrong. Don’t just stand there, sit down. “There are subordinates, and the hostess must set an example.”


The angry expression from just a moment ago was gone.


In response to the Marquis’ attitude, which seemed to simply be soothing her sulking daughter, Bennet tilted his head and obediently left the parlor.


As soon as Bennett left, the Marquis, whose expression hardened again, looked at Julia’s red and swollen cheeks and shot.


“Take care of yourself to other people. “That doesn’t happen just because you rebel!”


“… … .”


“Tsk, I wonder if I can properly face the Archduke with a face like that.”


The Marquis stared at Julia for a long time before continuing his words.


“No matter how much of a bastard the Archduke is, in the end he is just a man. “If you make up your mind and rush in, not even he will be able to reject you.”


“… … .”


“So, whether it’s by taking medicine or doing something else, do whatever you can to trick that guy into having a child.”


Julia raised her pensive gaze and gazed at her marquis. Her father’s eyes were the same color as her own, filled with greed as always.


She realized once again that she was so humiliated that she couldn’t bear it.


“This is your last chance. Not twice. “You better not think that I can’t do something to a girl like you.”


Julia did not blink an eye as the Marquis continued to threaten her.


There was no longer any trace of life in her face, which was bathed in darkness.


“Oh my god, what is this…” .”


Melissa was shocked to see Julia’s swollen cheeks.


As time passed, her blood vessels burst and her face became so red that it was painful just to look at it.


Julia passed by the surprised Melissa without much reaction and sat down on the bed.


“Your Majesty … Are you okay?”


Julia nodded her head slightly. Melissa, who had been looking at her anxiously, went out to get  a cold cloth.


Julia, left alone, quietly stared into space.


After sitting motionless for a while, she suddenly got up and walked over to her dresser.


A pendant was placed inside the drawer that slowly opened. Julia took it out right away.


The pendant given by Mateus. Light shimmered on the blue gem that contained his holy power.


When Julia brought it to her heart, She felt the sacred power of the pendant resonate with the sacred power of her heart.


It brought a little peace to her heart.


‘Are you happy now?’


Suddenly, Julia remembered Mateus’ voice asking her if she was happy.


Julia carefully searched her memories. She wondered if she had ever been happy.


Lost in her thoughts, she lowered her gaze helplessly. In the past and now, She have never been happy.


She didn’t even know what to do to make her current situation better.


Julia closed her locked eyelids and put her pendant back.


She walked helplessly to the bed and laid down her exhausted body, and her eyes closed of their own accord.


Then, Melissa, who had gone out to get her cloth, knocked on her door and went inside.


But Julia was so tired that she didn’t even notice.


Melissa rushed to her side and gently touched the cold cloth to her cheek. But she couldn’t feel anything.


She just thought quietly.


Even if she can’t be happy, she already knows how to avoid this misfortune.


* * *


Fernan, who visited the border post, deployed more private soldiers to strengthen the defense.


As a result of the investigation, it was revealed that many of the monsters that had invaded the border were the work of the Kingdom of Lenef, one of the defeated countries in the last imperial war.


There was no major problem in defeating the monster itself, but the evacuation of the permanent residents living near the border was difficult.


After providing them with a temporary shelter, they spent several days just raiding their haunts.


It was early morning when they returned to the castle after four days.


Fernan, who had stopped his horse and was heading towards the back gate of the castle, stopped for a moment.


Fernan saw someone walking slowly around his garden covered in a thin layer of snow.


Fernan, who was looking at the figure with narrowed eyes, approached there without hesitation.


Although Fernan couldn’t see her in detail due to the dark vision, he could recognize her at a glance.


That woman walking alone is Julia.


The dawn breeze was cold, and she was wearing only a thin slip dress and a shawl. Fernan quietly called her out.




It was the first time She heard her name called out loud. While she was feeling a new unfamiliar feeling at that fact, Julia slowly turned behind her.


“Why are you here… .”


As Fernan continued speaking, his face suddenly hardened. It was because the white gauze covering one of Julia’s cheeks caught his eye.


Fernan narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on her face without hesitation.


“Are you hurt?”


He lightly stroked the area around her cheek and asked quietly.


“Why, how did you get hurt?”


Julia looked at his serious face and changed her words.


“You’re late.”


Fernan was not usually the type to deliver separate messages about delays for any reason.


This time, as always, he left without saying anything to her.


So Julia did not know why he did not return to the castle for four days, and she just waited patiently for him to return.


Because she had something to say to him.


“say. “What happened?”


Fernan asked in a subdued tone. he wanted to immediately remove the gauze and check the wound, but he wanted to listen to her first.


But Julia didn’t answer and just stood still.


“Why aren’t you saying anything? No way again… .”


Fernan paused for a moment. It was because Julia gently held onto his large hand.


After Julia removed his hand from her cheek, she let it go without hesitation. Fernan quietly looked down at his hands that were lying there.


For some reason, His teeth suddenly started grinding.


“Tell me who does this.”




“Are you listening? or not-.”


“You said that one day, you would end this marriage.”


Fernan’s face slowly wrinkled.he didn’t know why he would suddenly say that in a situation like this.


While he was watching Julia’s expression closely, her calm voice continued.


“Finish it now.”




Fernan’s eyes wavered slightly. Julia looked directly at him and said.


“We’re getting divorced.”


During the four days that Fernan was away from her, she thought and worried countless times.


My husband hates me and in this situation my father wants me to have child from such man.


So, she had to end this marriage to end this misery.


She still liked him. But she couldn’t endure this hell with just her heart.


Being able to overcome all trials with love alone applies only to the main characters in fairy tales.


Such a beautiful fairy tale, where the story progresses under the premise that the two main characters love each other deeply.


And she was in a situation where she couldn’t even qualify as the main character. Because her love has always been one-way.


Julia was even more unhappy because she loved Fernan. Surprisingly, that fact strengthened her heart.


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