I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

Cold War (2)

The Lysandro family had always struggled with fertility. Even dedicating a lifetime to reproduction, they could have at most two or three children.

Women carrying the Lysandro bloodline invariably suffered difficult childbirths. The babies were exceptionally large compared to other newborns.

Karan’s mother was no exception. Karan was considered large even among Lysandro newborns. Because of this, his mother suffered throughout her pregnancy.

After giving birth to him, her health gradually deteriorated, leading to her death.

That’s why Karan had never thought about having his own bloodline.

More precisely, he didn’t think he could form a healthy family.

He believed Elise was out of his reach, and after meeting her, he focused on the present, postponing thoughts about the future.

And himself…

‘I was told I couldn’t have children.’

When he received his terminal diagnosis as a magician in his childhood, the doctor said something similar.

“There’s a high possibility of infertility.”

Karan imposed a gag order and refused fertility treatment.

He had no desire for an heir.

If it wasn’t a child with the woman he loved, he didn’t have confidence in raising it well.

In that sense, Karan even felt a subtle admiration for people who married without love and had children.

That’s why.

In his relationship with Elise, while passionately desiring her, he didn’t use contraception.

And now, pregnancy.

Elise knew about this too. She had confessed when Melanie lied about being pregnant with his child in the past.

She must be shocked as well. That’s why Karan felt even more sorry. Even with thorough preparation and planning, the process of becoming parents would be challenging.

But like this, so suddenly and unexpectedly.

“I’m sorry, Elise.”

Despite Karan’s apology, Elise remained silent. Elise stared at Karan intently. Karan grew anxious.

Her jewel-like eyes showed no sign of emotional turmoil.

Was she disappointed in him?

As he grew increasingly anxious, she spoke.

“Do you not like your child?”

Karan’s brow immediately furrowed.

“Elise, what do you mean?”

“Surely you’re not doubting it’s your child?”


Karan clenched his fists.

“Then why aren’t you happy? It’s your child.”

Elise placed her hand on her belly as if cradling a precious treasure.

Her drooping eyes, reddened eyelids, and bitten lips caught Karan’s attention one by one.

Elise was feeling hurt. A pain like his heart was being squeezed washed over him.

“Elise, I…”

“I’m keeping the baby no matter what.”

Elise stated the obvious. She would have the baby. He wanted her to have it too. But Elise shouldn’t suffer.

However, childbirth is painful. To avoid that pain, the only option is not to have children, but Elise wants to have the baby, and Karan also wants a child resembling Elise…

Haah, Karan sighed deeply and ruffled his hair.

His mind was a mess, as if an elephant had trampled through it. His thoughts were so tangled that words wouldn’t come out.

He needed to say something, and just as he was about to speak—

“Get out.”

Elise lay down and pulled the blanket up abruptly. She ordered him to leave.


Karan stupidly repeated her name.

“Get out. I don’t want to see your face.”

At Elise’s clear rejection, Karan’s face turned pale.


When news of Elise’s pregnancy spread, the palace was enveloped in a festive atmosphere.

Tyllo took over Elise’s duties, occupying an entire palace, while Cowett bought toys for his future niece or nephew.

Although only 9 years old, Cowett, born and raised as a prince, bought an enormous variety and quantity of toys.

In just two days, he had filled a large room with toys. One could only imagine what it would be like in 10 months. It was more worrying than exciting.

They weren’t the only ones excited.

A child born to the royal family was a great celebration.

Everyone was in an uproar, suggesting holding banquets, festivals, and building a palace for the child. There had never been such a commotion.

People who usually complained about having too much work were now creating all sorts of events, construction projects, and tasks they previously disliked.

As a result, time in the palace seemed to pass twice as fast as usual.

Except for one place: Karan’s office.

Haltbin, who was checking the list of items for the pregnant woman, glanced at Karan.

Since being told to leave by Elise, Karan had been in this state.

Drooping like a rain-soaked dog, he kept sighing.

A dark aura surrounded him. The sight of his large frame, the continent’s hero who had subdued the evil dragon Ragnaros, huddled in a corner was beyond pitiful—it was terrifying.

If he suddenly decided to train after being so docile, the warriors might really quit this time.

Reluctantly, Haltbin stepped in.

Knowing that if he asked, he’d get an answer, and if he heard, he’d have to act. Despite knowing he shouldn’t get involved in a couple’s affairs.

Haltbin rubbed his head vigorously and asked, feeling like he was saving the country.

“Did something happen with Her Majesty?”

Please say nothing happened.

Please say I don’t need to know.

These were the usual responses Karan gave when Haltbin inquired about his affairs.

You don’t need to know, it’s fine not knowing, nothing happened, don’t worry about it.

If he answered like that this time, Haltbin was willing to pretend not to know.

But to his surprise, Karan spilled out the entire conversation with Elise!

Haltbin found himself empathizing with Elise and listening seriously.

“That was too much, Your Majesty.”


“You made a big mistake, Your Majesty.”

Regardless of Karan’s furrowed brow, Haltbin continued.

“How shocked must Her Majesty have been? It was an unexpected pregnancy. And instead of openly saying you’re grateful or happy, you looked like you were at a funeral?”

Just as Karan knows Haltbin well, Haltbin knows him too. Hitting the nail on the head, Karan closed his mouth.

“Your Majesty, send her a gift.”

“I did. She sent it back.”

“What about a letter?”

“Regina brought it back intact.”

If gifts and letters don’t work for an upset woman, Haltbin’s eyes lit up with an idea.

“How about kneeling? Ah! That might be too much. Even for Your Majesty…”

Though Haltbin blurted it out, it seemed ridiculous. But Karan turned his head abruptly and said something even more unbelievable.

“I already did, earlier.”

Good heavens.

Haltbin’s eyes widened in shock.

If this great man had even knelt and it didn’t resolve her hurt feelings, Haltbin was at a loss.

Even the Great Sage probably couldn’t come up with a solution.

“…I’ll get back to work.”

Haltbin declared his surrender and escaped into his tasks.

From then on, a funeral-like atmosphere hung over the office.


Karan isn’t usually the type to seek answers from others. But this time was an exception.

He had no idea how to change Elise’s mind.

He might find an answer if he spent time pondering, but Karan didn’t want to pin his hopes on uncertainty.

Above all, wasn’t Elise suffering from morning sickness!

It seems the child takes after him.

If it took after Elise, it wouldn’t make its mother suffer so much.

With no other choice, Karan went around the palace seeking ways to appease Elise’s anger.

He had one question:

{How to soothe a pregnant wife’s hurt feelings?}

The first respondent was Tyllo. He met Karan as he was coming out of Elise’s office with an armful of her documents.

“Get her whatever she’s craving. The harder it is to find, the better. Like peaches in winter, for example.”

Karan immediately contacted Regina.

“Her Majesty says she doesn’t particularly want anything.”

Tyllo’s method failed before it could even be tried. Karan told Regina to let him know if Elise ever craved anything, then continued his search for answers.

He asked Elise’s maid, Rosh who lived far away, Bernard who had never dated, Leber who was in surgery, Deboa who was roasting coffee, Jasmine, Feu, Dimitris, Schule, and even Cowett.

Their answers were all different.

But they all shouted one thing in unison: give Elise assurance.

Give her assurance.

Show her the future.

Make it clear that you want what she wants.

Karan’s thoughts expanded further. Then he reached a fundamental question.

‘What does Elise really want?’

When he met Elise in his first life, she seemed to want the position of queen.

In his second life, Elise seemed to make catching Ragnaros her life’s purpose. Along with leaving Bedrokka.

Then now, when she’s achieved everything?

“Why are you thinking so hard? Humans naturally want to fill their deficiencies. What’s Her Majesty’s deficiency? Though she seems perfect.”

Haltbin’s casual remark struck a chord.

Elise’s deficiency was family.

That’s why she got angry when he apologized first upon hearing the pregnancy news.

“Your Majesty, whether you plead with tears or crawl on your knees, please just change Her Majesty’s mind.”

Karan stood up abruptly. Haltbin quickly covered his mouth.

Had he crossed a line by speaking out of frustration?

“I’ve found a way.”


“I just need to show Elise my true feelings.”

Haltbin swallowed the words, “Haven’t you been doing that all along?”

Because Karan’s stride as he left was vigorous for the first time in a while.

Haltbin fervently prayed that their true feelings would reach each other.



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