I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

An Unexpected Uninvited Guest

The preparations for the engagement ceremony went smoothly. The newly hired staff worked in harmony with Regina.

The date for the engagement ceremony was set, orders for necessary items were completed, and all the invitations had been sent out.

Elise’s life was gradually stabilizing as well.

In the mornings, Elise learned simple sword skills from Ruo. Ruo taught Elise swordsmanship without asking her reasons.

After bathing, Elise would take a light walk with Karan and have lunch together.

Sometimes her lunch companion was Bennet instead. Although it felt awkward dining with someone whose intentions were unclear, Elise did her sincere best.

She also received occasional contact from Leber reporting that the development of the anti-baldness medication was going well.

[We should be able to stabilize the drug around the time of the engagement ceremony.]

This was the best news Elise had heard lately.

Just when things seemed to be flowing calmly, the previously quiet Chase came to see Elise.

“Your Highness, it’s troubling for you to drop in so unexpectedly like this,” Elise admonished him. Chase gave a faint smile.

“Elise, there’s nothing left between us, so why can’t I see you? It’s stranger that you’re avoiding me.”

Chase was insistent.

“Your Highness, I’m not worried about what others say. I’m the one who feels uncomfortable seeing you.”

“Why? Am I making you anxious?”

The corner of Chase’s mouth curved upward. He liked that Elise was showing emotion towards him.

Any emotion meant she still had an interest.

Elise was at a loss for words looking at the Chase she liked.

“I really did come today just as a sincere friend, Elise.”

“Your Highness, don’t be mistaken. You and I are not friends or anything. At best, I was your subject when I was a Bedrokkan citizen. But now I’m no longer your subject.”

“You’re still a Bedrokkan citizen though.”

“That will change after the engagement ceremony.”

The more coldly Elise behaved, the more agitated Chase became.

“Elise…you’ve changed.”

She had changed long ago. Before that, it was Chase who changed.

Elise shuddered at his accusing tone.

“Please leave now, Your Highness.”

“Iris is going to come.”

Chase knew just how to stop Elise as she turned to leave.

Sure enough, Elise stopped in her tracks and looked back at Chase.

“You don’t want Iris to come, do you? Strangely, you two sisters don’t seem to like each other much. If you dislike it, I can stop her from coming. I won’t let Iris come. How about it, Elise? Why don’t you have tea with me?”

“Iris is coming to my engagement ceremony?”

“It’s true, Your Highness?”

“Why would I lie? Iris sent me a letter saying she’s coming. If you don’t believe me, I can show you the letter. We could go to my bedroom right now and verify it…”


Elise cut Chase off mid-sentence.

“I believe you.”

“I’m grateful you believe me. Then let me propose again, Elise. I’ll make sure Iris can’t come. So would you spend some time with me this afternoon?”

Elise fell into contemplation.

She couldn’t even imagine what kind of trouble Iris might cause by coming here.

She also couldn’t guarantee she would have the spare attention to deal with Iris if she did show up during the engagement ceremony in Tetris.

Seeing Elise’s pensive state, Chase was confident she would accept his proposal.

“I’m glad my sister is coming.”

But the result was completely different from what he expected.

“Please tell her to come carefully, Your Highness.”

Even if she entertained Chase’s request, there was no way to stop Iris once she had made up her mind to come to Tetris. No one could break Iris’s stubbornness.

So there was no need for Elise to be swayed by Chase.

Elise bowed her head and slammed the door shut. Come to think of it, Chase had never even set foot inside Elise’s reception room.


He reached out towards the closed door, then dropped his hand.

“If you act like this, then I…”

I can only become distorted.

After leaving Karan’s palace, Chase made an appointment to meet Melanie.


“You’re going to see Elise?”

At dinnertime, Fraser looked at Iris in shock. Iris smiled as she rinsed her mouth with water.

“Of course I have to go to my younger sister’s engagement ceremony. Elise didn’t come to mine, but…”

Her tone implied she understood, though felt a tinge of disappointment, causing Fraser’s nose to sting.

“Iris, I understand you care for your sister, but do you really need to make that dangerous journey?”

“I have to go. I need to check how Elise is doing too. She hasn’t responded to any of the letters I’ve sent.”

That was a blatant lie. Iris had never actually sent Elise any letters.

But Fraser, unaware of where his daughter’s occasional letters were really addressed, became upset with Elise.

“Huh, Elise…Alright.”

Fraser had been about to say something harsh but glanced at Veilni instead.

“Shall we let Iris go, dear?”

“I’m worried, but if our daughter insists on going…..What can we do? We’ll have to get a new carriage to ensure she travels comfortably.”

“Thank you, father, mother, for permitting me.”

Iris beamed, as if she could hardly wait for the day she would meet Elise.

The rest of the meal continued cheerfully, with Iris leading the conversation–mostly about receiving admiration from the sages.

These days, Iris spent every day in the company of the sages. To solidify her status as the next sage, they brought her along wherever sages were invited.

“They even took me to important council meetings about state affairs.”

“Of course. Isn’t that what you’ll be doing? As the next sage.”

“Just a sage candidate. But in terms of offensive magic ability, I’m a once-in-a-century genius, you know.”

“Where did this treasure roll in from?”

The conversation devolved into praise for Iris.

“From where? It’s all thanks to my parents raising me so well. Thank you.”

It always ended with Iris expressing gratitude. Complimenting each other ensured no one’s feelings were hurt.

Night fell, and Iris returned to her room.

“I’ll be sleeping early, so don’t linger near my room. You know I have sensitive hearing at night?”

“Yes, Miss. You’ve been going to bed early every day lately. Are you tired?”

“The Magic Tower sages keep seeking me out. Now get out, why are you just standing there?”

Iris shooed her maid away. She waited, standing still, until the sounds of the maid’s retreat faded into silence.

Once it was deathly quiet, Iris locked her door. The silence was so complete that she jumped at the clicking sound of the lock.

She had done this many times already, yet her heart still pounded.

‘I really do have a soft heart.’

Iris consoled herself as she opened her dressing room. Inside was a small table, out of place.

Iris sat before the empty table and, with a few gestures, opened a spatial pocket.

She plunged her hand into the floating black orb, rummaging for a while before withdrawing a small vial.

Next, she took out a bundle of herbs, a small mortar and pestle, and a tiny brazier, arranging them on the table.

In an instant, the small table was covered. The ordinary dressing room had transformed into a research lab.

Expertly, Iris ground the herbs, mixed in the vial’s liquid, and shook it. She placed it over the lit brazier, letting it boil rapidly before waiting for it to cool.

The liquid changed color with temperature–first murky, then clearing, and finally turning fully transparent when Iris sprinkled in a pinch of powder.

“The color passes.”

Iris waved her hand over the cooled liquid.

“And no scent, so it passes that too.”

Now to test its effects.

In her last experiment, it had disposed of a chicken instantly.

“But I need to verify it on a human.”

Who would be suitable?

Iris’s eyes glinted predatorily, like a hawk searching for prey.


The rain signaling summer’s arrival began to fall.

The heavy, dark clouds blanketing the sky were so thick it was hard to believe the skies had been clear just yesterday.

Even with the windows tightly shut, the pounding of raindrops on the ground could be heard distinctly.

“If this rain stops, it will be time for the young miss’s engagement ceremony. But will it even stop? I’ve never seen such a dreadful downpour before.”

Regina paused her embroidery on the tablecloth she was working on.

“Hard to believe, but it will rain for exactly one week and then stop,” said Fiona.

“One gloomy week ahead.”

“Oh Regina. Gloomy? People actually find it quite delightful!”

“Why would they be delighted? With the rain, we can’t even go outside, and not seeing the sun is depressing.”

“You only know one side, not the other. Since it’s raining, no one can work, right? People who work outdoors get a forced break. Where do you think people who can’t work will flock to? Restaurants and cafes! They’ll get their delayed shopping done too. So the merchants will be thrilled as well.”

Listening to Fiona’s explanation, it did make sense.

As she said, the early summer rains in Tetris were like a vacation period.

Many took time off then, with some even scheduling their vacations during the rains.

Being an arid country, when the weather was clear, they had to work.

In Tetris, no one could afford to take a break on sunny days, even if told to rest.

“So that’s why the palace felt so empty?”

Regina finally voiced the question that had been on her mind.


Ruo spoke up for the first time. Regina glanced at her curiously, but Ruo fell silent again.

“Why bother with such trivial things? Even if we go out to eat, it won’t be as good as the chef’s cooking in Duke Odilon’s house. The only worthwhile thing might be seeing a play.”

Melanie, who had been sitting far from the work table to avoid the dust, scooted closer, seemingly interested.

It had been nearly three days since Melanie entered the palace.

Despite coming to assist with the engagement preparations, she had done virtually no actual work.

‘Unless you count picking faults.’

Regina’s lips thinned in displeasure.

This item was no good, that celebratory song was depressing, the chair arrangements were wrong, and so on…

She nitpicked everything to the point where even the ever-positive Fiona avoided her, not to mention Ruo and Regina herself.

Listening to the chatter, Elise set down the needle she had been embroidering with.

“What a long digression.”



  1. Keila lima says:

    Thanks 👋😁🇧🇷BR

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