I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country


Lately, Elise often went on strolls with Bennett. At first, Bennett lectured Elise at length.

“You may not know in Bedrokka, but in Tetris there is strictness about social ranks. If that hierarchy collapses, you wouldn’t know when a blade might slit your throat.”

Of course, Elise listened with one ear and let it out the other. But outwardly, she pretended to listen attentively.

“Are you really listening to me?”

It was the third day of their strolls, wasn’t it? Bennett realized Elise was tuning her out. She was duller than expected.

“Of course. I’m listening intently. Please continue, Your Majesty.”

Elise brazenly responded. After heaving a deep sigh, Bennett was the first to call for a truce of sorts.

No matter how beloved Bennett was to Tyllo as Queen, she could not neglect her duties just to stroll with Elise daily.

Moreover, Elise seemed to enjoy this strolling time.

In truth, Elise treated the strolls as a rest period. Forcing herself to walk amidst constant desk work appeared to improve her health.

Bennett gave up trying to lecture Elise or make things difficult for her.

“Appearances are important in this world. Let’s take a stroll every now and then.”

The reason Bennett did not give up the strolls with Elise was to keep an eye on her.

“I won’t visit too frequently, but occasionally, Your Majesty.”

Though aware of his intentions, Elise took her hand.

From Elise’s perspective, it was better to meet Bennett regularly and observe her, rather than worry about what schemes she might hatch unseen.

The time spent strolling with Bennett turned back into work time.

For Elise, every day was work–morning, noon and night, no distinction. The engagement ceremony was imminent, after all.

She worked until the moon rose today as well. Then suddenly, she fell asleep, and at dawn, Elise’s door gently opened.

Karan crossed Elise’s doorway, stifling his breath. Concealing his movements was all too easy for him.

Though no lights were on, Karan immediately located Elise.


An anguished groan escaped. Elise was asleep, slumped over the table.

A thin blanket covered her back, a fountain pen in her hand. And on the table was a cup of water, now cold. She had clearly been poring over documents until very late.

Was there really that much to prepare for the engagement ceremony?

Karan felt guilty, realizing he had neglected Elise under the excuse of being busy–though truthfully, he was so busy he could barely sleep properly.

He carefully approached so as not to wake her and gazed at Elise. A lovely smile graced his lips.

She seemed to grow more beautiful each time he saw her. The thought of this woman becoming his wife made him want to shout joyfully to the world.

If he actually tried, Elise would probably be startled though.

Chuckling inwardly at the thought, a laugh escaped his lips.

Elise’s nose crinkled at the sound.

Karan stifled his laughter and even his breathing.

Once Elise’s expression relaxed again, Karan, who had been holding his breath, finally tore his gaze from her face and picked up the documents.

As expected, they pertained to the engagement ceremony.

Karan focused on the budget. Examining the numbers, his brow furrowed.

‘It’s ridiculously low.’

The budget allocated by the royal palace fell far below Karan’s expectations.

He had provided a sizable sum from Elise’s dowry, yet that amount was not reflected at all.

Though their transaction was confidential, Karan never expected a king would be so tightfisted.

‘So that’s why.’

It explained why Elise had visited the Pawnshop K early one morning not long ago.

However, Karan soon had another question.

The additional amount listed did not match the sum Elise had borrowed from the pawnshop.

So where had the rest of the money gone?

Elise would not have squandered it recklessly, but he was concerned.

Should he plant someone around Elise? Karan recalled the individuals Elise had recently hired.

Ruo and Fiona.

He was not entirely satisfied with either, but decided to observe them for now since they seemed innocuous.

If he had known things would turn out this way, he would have planted one of his own people around her. But it was too late to dwell on that now.

Instead, Karan pondered which of the two would make a better set of eyes and ears for him.

As Karan’s contemplation deepened–

“Your Highness?…You’re here? What time is it now?”

Elise awoke, rubbing her eyes.

“It’s late. Did I wake you?”

Elise lifted her head, then slowly raised her upper body too.

“No, Your Highness. My back was just uncomfortable.”

Karan’s rustling sounds did rouse her, but she concealed that fact.

“Shall we move you to the bed, Elise?”

Seeing her sleeping posture, Karan thought she would suffer muscle aches if she got up.

Even if she didn’t get up on her own, he intended to move her to the bed anyway. Since she was already up, he might as well take her to the bed.

Karan bent down and slipped his hands under Elise’s thighs and lower back.

“I can walk!” Elise protested belatedly, but it was too late. Karan had already scooped her up and headed for the bed.

“I can too. Instead of bickering over who does what, let’s focus on what we each can do.”

Karan laid Elise on the bed. He was right. There were too many things in the world to worry about, so they could let trivial matters slide.

Elise readily agreed.

“Your Highness, won’t you just leave? Come up here.” As Karan tried to step back, Elise pulled back the covers.

She knew he intended to head not to the bedroom, but to his study instead. His only rest came when with her.

So Elise held him back.

Karan hesitated briefly before climbing onto the bed.

He had only intended to glance at Elise’s face in the bedroom before leaving, but could not refuse her invitation.

“I’ll only stay a little while.”

If he lingered too long, it could become problematic and distressing for her.

Regina had indirectly conveyed her displeasure to Karan about Elise’s shrinking waistline.

Apparently she had grumbled to Haltbin about having to alter Elise’s dress dozens of times before the engagement ceremony.

He didn’t know when those two had become close, but thanks to them, Karan frequently received updates on Elise’s wellbeing.

Like which Tetris cuisine suited her palate, which walking routes she frequented–seemingly useless information to others, but priceless to Karan.

“You seem busy, Your Highness.”

Elise mumbled groggily. She kept straining her eyes to stay awake, but her eyelids kept drooping shut.

Karan fluffed Elise’s pillow and sat back against the headboard. Naturally, as she turned to face him, Elise’s hand came to rest on his thigh.

‘This is problematic.’

Karan looked up at the ceiling, struggling to maintain his composure.

Having witnessed Elise’s hard work firsthand, he could not bring himself to keep her up all night again.

Karan took Elise’s hand and carefully interlocked their fingers. This was better. Let Elise’s hand serve as the shackle reining in his desires.

“I should…help you…”

Elise’s consciousness wavered on the edge of slumber. To Karan’s ears, only half of what she said registered coherently.

“I should be the one helping you, Elise. I’m sorry for leaving you to prepare for the engagement ceremony alone.”

Every time in Tetris, all he did was apologize. Frustrated by the situation, Karan ruffled his hair.

These days, he worked tirelessly to abolish the concubine system.

He sought out nobles who would support his proposal, but with little success.

Those with daughters did not wish to lose the chance to be tied to the royal family.

Those with sons reasoned they may have daughters someday too.

What benefit was there to being associated with the royal family? It only made them targets for scrutiny.

Yet people remained oblivious to this. So they scrambled desperately to establish those ties regardless.

The Duke Odilon was one such example. Thinking he had the Queen’s favor, he tried to push his daughter Melanie as a match instead?

Thinking of the Duke Odilon and Melanie made Karan’s blood boil.

He must have gripped Elise’s hand too tightly, for she flinched. Karan quickly relaxed his grip and checked on her.

Fortunately, she did not awaken. The sight of her snoring softly like an angel soothed Karan’s heart.

As his anger dissipated and calm returned, he tucked Elise’s covers snugly around her. Then forcibly prying his feet away, he headed back to his study, unable to leave entirely.


Elise had an uncommonly restful sleep. She awoke with a big, refreshing stretch.

“Good morning, Regina.”

“You must have slept early last night. Your complexion is glowing again, Miss.”

Regina was greatly relieved. Elise caressed her own cheek. Though she hadn’t slept long, she felt unusually well-rested.

‘Have I become accustomed to less sleep?’

Elise drank the water Regina provided and got out of bed. But as she went to slip her feet into her indoor slippers, she paused.

Come to think of it, when did she get into bed last night? She couldn’t recall.

Stretching languorously, Elise made her way to the table. The documents left unfinished were plentiful.

But something seemed amiss.

“Regina, did you tidy up these documents at dawn?”

“Pardon? No. How could I organize your documents when I don’t understand the contents?”

Though the neat organization was impressive, if not Regina, who else would have arranged Elise’s paperwork so appealingly?

Elise flipped through the pages. A small memo fluttered down from the meticulously organized documents, untouched by Elise.

Picking up the memo, a faint smile graced Elise’s lips.

“His Highness paid a visit.”

[Don’t overwork yourself, Elise. I’ll spend a little more time reviewing this. I hope you are not offended. May your day be a restful one.]

Reading the elegantly penned memo, a corner of Elise’s heart fluttered.

“What is it, Miss? Are the documents wrong?”

“No, they’re perfect.”


“It seems good, Regina.”


Regina tilted her head, perplexed as Elise hugged the documents, mumbling to herself.

Since when was paperwork cause for such delight?

Her Miss must truly be a workaholic.



  1. Keila lima says:

    Thanks 🇧🇷👋😁

  2. Keila lima says:

    Thanks 😁👋🇧🇷BR

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