I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

Come Back Here

Around the time when the gate subjugation team was formed in the Dex territory, an emergency meeting was convened in the Kingdom of Bedrokka.

“What are you saying? Signs of the gate opening are showing?!”

Lange burst into the conference room, shouting.

The two princes of Bedrokka, senior bureaucrats, and the great magician known as the sage all stood up at once.

Tension was evident on everyone’s faces.

“You’ve arrived, Your Majesty.”

Only Duke Malcolm Creeper, the head of the noble council, greeted Lange with a relaxed face.

“Everyone, please sit down.”

Lange waved his hand to substitute for a greeting and sat down.

The attendants standing behind the conference participants helped the rest of the people to sit down in accordance with Lange’s seating.

For a while, the sound of pulling chairs continued in the quiet conference room. After that sound stopped, only the sound of breathing remained.

“Say something.”

Lange, who was impatient waiting, emptied a cup of water and urged.

No one came forward to speak first.

The reason no one spoke first was because they were likely to bear the brunt of Lange’s anger.

Chase, who was watching their timid behavior, which was unbecoming of those who received a lot of money and honor from the country and its people, clicked his tongue inwardly.

They were all incompetent.

It was pathetic that they were whispering about the problem of the gate showing signs of opening, let alone misjudging the timing of the gate opening.

But Chase was no different in not stepping forward first.

Was he afraid of Lange’s anger?

That wasn’t it.

The reason Chase was quiet was because he knew that it was not his job to resolve this issue.

‘My brother will step forward.’

Chase looked at David Royal Bedrokka, who was sitting still like a still life.

He was talking about his brother, who was the first prince of the kingdom and had grown up receiving heir education with the approval of the queen and Lange.

David had been receiving a lot of expectations from Lange since he was young.

This was because David resembled Lange and was so outstanding that he impressed those who taught him.

If he was so good, he should have been arrogant, but David was also excellent in character.

Even the feuding families did not disagree with David becoming the next king.

So Chase had been far from the heir race since he was young.

‘It must be true that I was not considered in the first place.’

No one expected anything from Chase. Not expecting is the same as not investing.

Chase had no opportunity to learn and earn merit.

But it changed when he met Elise. He gained a lot through Elise.

Money, connections, business, and even how to behave.

‘Maybe Iris is also a gift from Elise.’

Thanks to her active role in the social world, Chase’s stock was also rising.

So according to the way of behaving that Elise taught, now was not the time for Chase to step forward.

‘The person His Majesty expects is not me.’

Sure enough.

“David, you speak.”

Unable to bear it, Lange called David.

David, who had been lowering his eyes, lifted his eyelids. People’s attention was focused on the elegant dignity felt from his clear eyes.

David opened his mouth as if he had been waiting.

“According to the investigation of the sage, the gate, which was expected to open in about seven years, is about to open. The reason is under investigation, but no clear results have yet been obtained.”

“So? Are you saying that we should sit back and wait for the gate to open and die?”

David slowly shook his head.

“Your Majesty, it’s neither something to be angry about nor something to be impatient about.”

“Telling me to calm down? In this situation? When what will happen in seven years is approaching?”

“Your Majesty, Bedrokka is by no means weak. Isn’t it a country that you have honed and polished. Bedrokka has been diligently preparing for gate subjugation. If Your Majesty commands, I will convene an emergency countermeasures committee and seize the gate.”

Although it was not a loud voice, there was a power to persuade people in the neat tone filled with confidence.

“Will you step forward yourself?”

“Yes, isn’t it the duty of the royal family of Bedrokka.”

“If Your Majesty steps forward, we sages will also actively help.”

As Langzi’s anger subsided, Sage Jared stepped forward as if he had been waiting.

Jared Bicton, currently the representative of the magicians and one of the three sages called the great magician.

He was not only outstanding in magic skills, but also proficient in worldly wisdom, had good relations with many countries, and was particularly close to Bedrokka.

‘He rips off a lot of money for research costs. Money is good after all.’

Chase’s evaluation of him was terrible.

A money-grubbing old man.

“Duke Creeper, what do you think?”

“There’s nothing to think about. We should do as Prince David says. If the gate opens, isn’t the only way to close it?”

The answer had been decided from the beginning. Malcolm Creeper, the head of the noble council, felt this meeting was like a play.

A play to make David a hero.

“Understood. The gate issue will be delegated to David. Any other issues?”

When he entered the room in a fiery rage, the ending was so simple it was anticlimactic.

Lange looked at his aide Scott as if he didn’t want to discuss the headache-inducing issue any further.

Scott looked over the documents where the meeting agenda was organized.

“There are none, Your Majesty.”

In fact, there were issues such as tax problems and the reorganization of the knight order in preparation for monster disturbances, but considering Lange’s state, it was right to end the meeting.

“Then let’s disband.”

Lange left the conference room. The nobles and a few administrators who were stifled by Lange let out a long sigh.

“I will take my leave now, Your Highness. Please contact me anytime if you need anything.”

Scott greeted David and quickly followed Lange. The rest of the people sat in their seats and only looked at David.

Chase almost burst into a hollow laugh at the sight of them eagerly wanting to be in David’s eyes.

In front of Lange, they wagged their tails at Lange, and when he disappeared, they wagged their tails at David. It was a sight to behold.

“I will get up now.”

Since everyone seemed to have no intention of getting up, Chase was the first to push his chair.

“Chase, shall we discuss the subjugation team?”

David spoke in a rather affectionate tone.

If Chase wanted, he would leave a place for him in the gate subjugation, his intention was wafting.

But Chase didn’t want to be a sidekick to the protagonist.

After all, if he made a merit, it would only be David’s achievement.


David’s gaze followed Chase. He called Chase. It was a tone that Chase hated terribly.

Like a real brother, feeling sorry that he was being ignored.

‘Is it good relationship or sympathy?’

Either way, it wasn’t pleasant. Once the first prince called him, Chase, who had stopped, bowed neatly towards David.

“I wish you luck, Your Highness.”

Chase, who spoke without a hint of sincerity, hurriedly left the conference room lest David hold him back again.

Chase headed for the palace. There were nobles in the corridor who recognized him, but he ignored them.

He thought he was used to the neglect of Lange and others and David’s sympathy, but it seems not.

Fatigue weighed heavily on his shoulders.


At dawn, a simple departure ceremony took place. Elise’s wish not to have a flashy farewell was accepted.

The farewell party consisted only of a few warriors of Karan, Rosh, Trish, and Kram.

They gathered the necessary items and one by one, they mounted their horses.

“I’m sorry to burden Your Highness with the affairs of the Count’s territory.”

“It’s not me who’s burdened. There’s someone who volunteered to take it on.”

Karan pointed to Elise, who was stroking the mane of her horse.

“If you want to give thanks, give them to Elise.”

Karan, who had mounted his horse, moved towards the subjugation team.

‘His Highness is right.’

Rosh looked at Elise, who was feeding sugar cubes to her horse. The more she looked at her, the more surprising she was.

‘She can ride a horse.’

It wasn’t just light horse riding, but she could ride well enough to follow the warriors, which surprised her last night when she asked to borrow a military horse.

It wasn’t just Rosh who was surprised.

Karan, whose plan to ride with Elise had been disrupted, had coughed awkwardly several times.

‘His Highness Karan also becomes interesting in front of Miss Elise. He wants to stop her but ends up allowing it…He’s like a father who can’t move in front of his daughter.’

Considering they were to be married, it was an inappropriate expression, but it seemed to fit perfectly.

Rosh approached Elise with a faint smile. Elise, who felt her presence, turned around.

“It seems this fellow likes Miss Elise. He doesn’t bow his head to just anyone.”

“I heard it’s the horse that the Countess used to ride. I’m really grateful.”

Among the warriors, there was a saying that you lend your spouse but not your horse and weapon.

That’s how important a horse and a weapon, which share life and death, are to a warrior.

The greater the warrior, the more they cherished their horse and weapon. But Rosh had given her horse to Elise.

“Please accept this.”

What Rosh offered was a dagger. The shiny leather sheath was full of traces of time.

“This is…”

“It’s the dagger I used. It’s not particularly great, but it has saved my life several times.”

After the horse, a weapon.

“You’re giving me something precious.”

“I’ll get it back.”

It was a stronger message than saying come back alive, don’t get hurt.

Elise accepted the dagger.

“I’ll use it well and return it.”

“I hope you won’t have to use it.”

If Elise swung the dagger, it would mean that a monster had come right in front of her.

Elise smiled and hopped onto her horse. Rosh’s heart was relieved at her agile movement.

Rosh stepped back a foot. Karan, who had been watching the two, raised one hand.

It was the signal for departure.

Six horses kicked the ground and ran. It was a dry departure ceremony, without a long trumpet sound or a poignant farewell.

The subjugation team arrived in front of the gate in half a day.

And before they could line up to enter the gate, something happened.

“Haltbin! Where are you going? Haltbin! Come back here right now!”

Karan shouted urgently.


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