I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

Each Person’s Circumstances

“The accommodation has been prepared separately in the annex. The cleaning is done. The attendant to serve them…”

Rosh raised her hand as if to say be quiet. She, who had been lost in thought for a while, opened her mouth.

“Sir Kram would be good.”

“As an attendant?”

“It’s been a long time since he’s been involved in the Dex family affairs. Will he be okay not knowing anything?”

“That’s why he would be good. Let’s assign him.”

Trish seemed to have something to say, but she quietly withdrew.

In the room where silence had come, Rosh closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The air that seeped through the window gap was so cold it seemed to freeze her nostrils.

Even though spring had come early.

“Nothing will change.”

It was a tone like a resolution.


Under Rosh’s command, the people of the Countess’ Castle warmly welcomed Karan’s party.

“What a passionate welcome. One, two, three…Wow, it seems like 100 people are out.”

People were bustling on both sides of the bridge.

People were waving crude flags painted with the seal of Lysandro and the Dex family, shouting “Long live Tetris.”

Karan, who was leading, stopped his horse. Rosh was standing at the end of the bridge.

She was wearing a rugged leather outfit that accentuated her slender figure, and a heavy fur shawl was draped over her shoulders.

It was a shawl made from the snow leopard, which is only found in the Dex territory.

“Welcome to the land of bravery, Your Highness. And…”

Rosh, who greeted elegantly, looked at Elise standing next to Karan.

“My fiancée.”

Rosa raised her chin as if surprised, then bowed her head and greeted.

“It’s an honor to be able to serve the companion of His Highness in the land of bravery.”

Since no one pointed out that she was a prospective companion, Elise didn’t bother to correct it.

Elise stepped forward and extended her hand.

“My name is Elise Worton. As you’ve heard, I’m from Bedrokka. I don’t know much about Tetris. I look forward to your guidance, Lord Dex.”

Elise spoke loudly, as if to make sure everyone heard.

Rosh was intrigued by her not hiding her origin, which could be a disadvantage.

Elise shook her hand in front of Rosh.

‘Hmm, I see. Is she asking for a kiss on the back of her hand as a sign of obedience? She must have meant to accept her as she is since she boasted about being from Bedrokka.’

Rosh moved one corner of her mouth diagonally and grabbed the tip of her hand.

And as she slowly bent her waist, Elise suddenly turned her hand and held Rosh’s hand.

And she shook her hand up and down.

What Elise wanted was not a kiss on the back of her hand, but a handshake.

“Let’s get along, Lord Dex.”

A wind blew between the two people on the bridge.

It was a southeast wind, not the northwest wind that always blew.


Because they had been running through rough terrain, they needed time to recover. So, everyone was given free time today.

When Elise was resting in her room, Regina ran up in a hurry.

“Miss, a letter has arrived from Bedrokka.”

The pigeon flying in the sky was faster than a human’s foot. Elise received the letter written by Deboa.

She was about to cry with joy.

There was no homesickness, but there was longing for people.

Deboa and Jasmine were special to Elise.

Although they had known each other for just over two months, they felt as close as if they had known each other since childhood.

Probably because they had the same heart.

Elise hurriedly opened the letter envelope and checked the contents.

Throughout reading the letter, the smile never left Elise’s lips.

“What does it say?”

Regina, curious about Bedrokka after Elise left, asked with her neck stretched out.

“It seems that there are rumors of discord between His Highness Chase and Sister Iris.”

They tried to quell it by going on a lot of dates, but all the witnesses said the atmosphere was not normal.

“Jasmine started her second business. She’s putting jewels on her nails? Really, her ideas are good.”

She explained, leaving out the fact that Jasmine was inspired by her words.

“She opened a second store near the square.”

“Wow, she’s good at business.”

Elise nodded her head.

Deboa was also on a roll. Deboa added that she had hired more informants and to contact her if she needed help.

Lastly, she asked about Leber’s well-being.

“Can you check what Leber is doing, Regina?”

Leber’s room was upstairs from Elise’s room.

He was still undecided whether to stay by Elise’s side or return to Bedrokka.

She was waiting for his answer, thinking it would be complicated in many ways and it would be nice if he could decide quickly.

“Yes, I’ll go and come back. There was a maid outside, should I tell her to come in?”


Elise carefully put the letter back in the envelope. Soon, Dex’s attendant came in.

“What can I help you with, Miss Elise?”

The attendant bowed her body.

Elise was desperately thinking about taking a bath.

The imagination of Bedrokka people about the cold was terrible.

Even though they were prepared, the cold wind seeped into every joint of their bones.

At this rate, she was bound to catch a cold without moving.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Gemini, Miss.”

“I see, Gemini. I want to take a bath, can you prepare it?”

Gemini rolled her eyes as if she hadn’t heard properly.

“A bath, Gemini.”

Elise kindly and gently explained again. But again, Gemini didn’t answer immediately, but lowered her eyes.


Gemini repeatedly pressed her lips together and then raised her head.

“I’m really sorry, Miss. There’s no one who wants to take a bath at night. It takes a lot of time to prepare hot water…”


“I’m sorry. I’ll prepare it in advance next time.”

Gemini bowed her waist repeatedly as if she had committed a mortal sin.

And without giving Elise a chance to stop her, she ran out of the room.

It was certain that she was going to prepare hot water.

Elise, who had no intention of making it difficult, looked at the door that Gemini had not closed properly and realized one fact.

In the Dex territory, which is unusually cold due to the influence of Ragnaros, it is difficult to use hot water.

For them, taking a cold shower in winter was a daily routine. Not because they couldn’t feel the cold or were used to it.

‘There’s a situation where it’s hard to use hot water.’

The frostbitten back of Gemini’s hand did not leave Elise’s mind.


Elise found Gemini and told her that she would take a bath in the morning.

Instead of melting her body in hot water, she burrowed into the blanket and raised her body temperature.

The blanket was much heavier than the one she used in Bedrokka.

It felt like a heavy dog was lying on her body.

It was very uncomfortable, but the thermal effect was certain.

Thanks to that, Elise was able to participate in the evening banquet with a somewhat recovered condition.

Elise, Karan, Rosh, Trish, and Kram sat around the banquet hall.

The banquet began with Karan, who was sitting at the head of the table, lifting his glass.

The dishes were mainly made of ingredients that were steamed, boiled, or grilled.

Unlike the food of Bedrokka, which is adorned with fancy decorations and complicated cooking methods, the food of Tetris, which preserves the original taste of the ingredients, was plain and clean.

“Does the food suit your taste, Miss Elise?”

“I can feel the utmost sincerity, Lord Dex.”

The atmosphere softened thanks to Elise and Rosh.

However, the friendly atmosphere did not last long.

“Your Highness, it’s an honor to see you in the Dex territory. It would have been better if you had come on a better day.”

The warmth of the banquet hall rapidly decreased at the words that sounded like a complaint about why he came now.

“That’s right. I know how gloomy the Dex territory is in the middle of winter. But can we live only looking at the good times? Whether good or bad, isn’t it Tetris? Everything looks good to my eyes, so don’t worry too much.”

Karan, who finished speaking, switched his plate of finely chopped meat with Elise’s.

The people around were surprised, but Elise and Karan, the parties involved, were calm.

This was because similar situations had been repeated all the way here.

“Elise, the meat may be tough. In Bedrokka, meat is often minced or tenderized, but not in Tetris.”

Karan continued to explain about the food in a soft voice.

Rosh, who had intended to make it clear today that she didn’t need Karan’s help.

But there was no room to intervene between the two.

“It’s not that tough, Your Highness. Your Highness should eat too. Everyone is waiting for Your Highness to eat.”

Elise misunderstood just by looking curiously.

For a while, the sound of dishes clashing was heard, and occasionally Karan’s explanation was interrupted.

‘I heard that His Highness Karan hates women.’

Kram thought, glancing at the scene.

‘The rumor must have been wrong.’

Kram corrected the information about Karan and continued eating.

Because he was focused on eating, the meal ended quickly.

At Rosh’s command, the table was cleared and a simple tea was brought in.

“How was the meal, Miss Elise? It’s lacking compared to Bedrokka. That’s because it’s the Dex territory. If you go up to the capital, it will be much better than this. The same goes for dessert.”

Rosh spoke as if to wrap up the conversation she couldn’t have during the meal.

Elise frowned.

“Do you really think so?”

Elise’s voice, which had been smiling all along, was cold.


  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful chapter!❤️‍🔥

    1. BEE says:


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