I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country


As soon as Elise appeared, the women closed their mouths.

Seeing the flushed cheeks of the people who had been whispering and chatting about her, Elise guessed the content of the conversation.

‘They must have been writing a messy story about me and Karan.’

At Elise’s appearance, the women couldn’t hide their discomfort and turned their bodies away.

One of them moved to another place to avoid Elise, and another one raised one corner of her mouth obliquely when she made eye contact with Elise.

Only one person showed a bright smile towards her.

“Have you been well, Deboa?”

Elise greeted her first.

“Thanks for the concern.”

Elise offered a glass of champagne to Deboa.

“Champagne, you must have some good news.”

The remaining person, Cien, glanced at Elise’s glass and spoke.

Cien is the daughter of a southern noble, a person who was implicitly ostracized in the capital’s social circle.

To her, who had a grudge against the capital’s social circle that looked down on the southern social circle, Elise was a good prey.

“Is everyone okay? I feel like I’m out of place.”

Her voice was full of sarcasm, enough to know what kind of expression she would be making behind the hidden fan.

Elise swallowed a laugh.

‘She moves so easily as I want.’

It’s just a matter of joy.

“Why are you so upset? It’s a good day. Spring is coming. Enjoy the party.”

Elise did not lose her smile. To Cien, it seemed quite brazen.

“Oh my, although it’s rude, you openly talk about having an affair with someone else while promising to be engaged.”

Spring is often used as a metaphor for all beginnings. Admission, marriage, the start of a relationship, etc.

Cien was eager to bring up Elise and Karan’s relationship.

Other people pretended not to know and listened to Cien’s words.

Their agreement made Cien more excited.

“You have no consideration for the other person. Have you apologized?”

“Who should I apologize to?”

Elise showed a pure expression as if she really didn’t know.

“If there’s someone who wants an apology, of course, I would have done it.”

Elise also raised her eyebrows.

“Of course, it’s His Highness Chase and Her Highness Iris.”

“Do His Highness Chase and my sister want my apology?”

“Is that what you call it? The two of them have been hurt so much because of you. Are all the people in the capital this shameless? There’s no faith, no morality.”

Cien spoke out, stretching her neck. It was as if she was speaking for others to hear. Her exaggerated gestures and high-pitched voice made Cien look like an actress.

As Cien intended, her voice was heard very well by the people nearby.

“That sounds like my sister and His Highness Chase are the victims. Is that what you mean?”

“Right. Victims. Everyone agrees, right?”

Cien looked around. Then those who had been sending support with their eyes hastily turned their heads.

The atmosphere of support disappeared without a trace, and they expressed with their whole bodies that they had nothing to do with Cien.

Covering their faces with fans or stepping a step away.

Only then did Cien realize that something was wrong.

“Cien, let me ask my sister. She’s just arrived.”

Elise looked over Cien’s shoulder.

Cien slowly turned her head.

There stood Iris, dressed in a dress puffed up with layers of fabric like dragonfly wings, standing in a lovely posture.

She was smiling gently, but Elise knew.

That she was holding back her anger.

“Sister. Are you angry because of me? Are you being forced to be engaged to His Highness Chase?”

Elise tilted her head slightly and asked. Iris passed by Cien.

She mimicked the expression Iris showed when she pretended to be sorry.

Iris’s lower eyes twitched slightly.


Iris’s cherry-like lips opened.

“Why would you say that? I’m very happy to be with His Highness Chase.”

Iris looked at Elise as if she was lovely.

Deboa watched the two of them with interest.

It was a well-known fact that Elise and Iris were distant.

It could be seen from the fact that they had never appeared side by side at a party.

But today, they were unusually close to each other.

In Deboa’s eyes, it seemed thoroughly calculated kindness.

“I didn’t know your feelings and misunderstood. About you and His Highness Chase. In fact, there was nothing between you and His Highness Chase. Due to the adults’ mistake, our hearts could have crossed.”

When Iris mentioned the word ‘heart’, she put her hand near her heart.

And she shrugged her shoulders in sync with her breath. As if she was really relieved.

“Thank you, Elise.”

Thanks to Elise, my sister, who has borne the fruit of pure love, and therefore forgave all the awkward things with her sister, a pure and good woman.

Iris’s acting was excellent.

Even Elise was moved enough.

“Are you having a hard time because of people’s misunderstanding? I wish people wouldn’t misunderstand us. I’m so upset every time you’re misunderstood. To the point where I hate those who misunderstand.”

What Iris’s words suggested was clear.

The engagement with Chase is Iris’s will. Not because Elise cheated on Chase, not because the palace held Worton accountable, but solely Iris’s will.

Iris wanted to protect her pride rather than the truth.

Because she’s a noble, because she’s the rose of Bedrokka.

She couldn’t tolerate the stigma of picking up a man that Elise had abandoned.

“I feel the same way, sister. I wish there were no more people who misunderstood our relationship and spread rumors.”

Elise turned her body and looked at Cien.

“That’s right, Cien. What else do I need to explain?”

Cien stepped back hesitantly.

When Iris stepped forward and clearly explained the gossip, Cien, who had openly criticized Elise and Karan, became ridiculous.

It didn’t show because of the makeup, but if you peel off a layer of makeup, it would be pale.

‘I’m in big trouble.’

A red light came into Cien’s head.

It was a story brought up to criticize the promiscuous private life of the capital’s social circle.

Since everyone was uncomfortable with Elise, she also wanted to stand out.

And she wanted to get into Iris’s eyes by representing Iris’s position.

If only she could get into Iris’s eyes, if she could become her confidant, she could walk with her shoulders straight in the capital’s social circle.

But everything was ruined.

The promiscuous private life was replaced with a pure love story, and people hid their discomfort with Elise under the water.

And Iris said she ‘hated’ someone like her.

Cien felt like she had heard the death sentence of her social activities.


Elise took a step towards Cien, who was swallowing her saliva.

“Should I ask His Highness Chase too? What do you think, Cien?”

The question was predetermined. Cien had to believe in Iris unconditionally.

“Ah, no. I made a mistake.”

Cien hurriedly left her spot. Elise waved her hand in farewell inwardly.

‘Goodbye, Cien. Don’t go far.’

She faithfully fulfilled the role that Elise wanted and left.

Since Iris herself clarified the rumor, the public opinion criticizing Karan and Elise will be quiet at least on the surface.

“Elise, shall we look around the banquet hall?”

Iris naturally looked around as she hooked her arm into Elise’s.

Then the sharp gazes that had gathered scattered in all directions like mice in an open warehouse.

“I’m sorry, sister, but I have a prior engagement.”

Elise removed Iris’s hand and turned towards Deboa.

Deboa, who was emptying the champagne glass that Elise had given, felt the gaze and moved the glass to one side.

“I drank the champagne too early.”

Deboa looked at Elise’s glass, which was still full, and spoke.

“The champagne is overflowing. Deboa, you said you had something to say?”

It was an atmosphere that had to be there even if it wasn’t. Deboa nodded with a grin.

“I know a good place to talk. Shall we walk for a while?”

Elise looked at Iris as if she had no choice. Iris reluctantly gave way to Elise.

“Let’s see when we have time.”

“It seems like my sister is too busy. Here comes His Highness Chase.”

Chase’s steps were clearly heading this way.

But it was unknown whether he was coming to find Elise or Iris.


“My use is up to here, right?”

Deboa spoke near a pillar out of Iris’s sight.

“That’s right. But if you just leave after saving me, I’ll feel sorry.”

“Oh, I feel like I’ve become a prince on a white horse. And I’m not even a man.”

“There’s no law that says only men should save women in crisis. Be a princess on a white horse.”

“I don’t have a horse.”

“Should I buy you one?”

The trivial conversation ended with Deboa bursting into laughter.

Elise waited for her laughter to stop and then turned the tide of the conversation.

“I’m curious. How was the conversation earlier?”

Elise leaned against a pillar and asked.

“The conversation? Oh, the conversation you had with Cien?”

“Yes. Is it worth writing an article about?”

“Did you scold Cien to give me a scoop?”

“I didn’t scold Cien. I just dealt with the dispute.”

Cien would never agree with Elise’s words. She would think she was victimized.

Deboa chuckled.

“Why, Deboa. Do you think I’m bad?”

“No. I feel relieved thinking about Cien tearing up her pillow in her room.”

Deboa didn’t get along with Cien.

Because Cien, a distant cousin, picked on Deboa for everything.

Cien poured a lot of passion into criticizing and tearing down Deboa, who had no interest in dressing up.

Deboa didn’t care, but the problem was Deboa’s parents.

Whatever Cien said, they were so desperate to dress up Deboa that they wasted her most important time.

Even today, she had to get up at dawn and put a lot of liquid that looked like someone had vomited on her face, endure soaking her body in green water that smelled like moss, and cram her feet into shoes that didn’t fit.

If she didn’t get rid of Cien, it would continue for a while, but Elise solved it.

Since it was clear that Cien chose Iris, Cien won’t be able to sing princess for a while after the incident, so she was likely to leave the capital out of loneliness.

‘She’ll be back next year.’

Anyway, it’ll be a year of comfort.

“Not at all. I think it was an appropriate response. And if this conversation spreads, it will be a great help to Elise. It’s a calculated and committed act, right?”


  1. Meidou says:

    Our Elise is smart.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!

  2. Arisu says:

    This is quite a good story, thanks a lot for the translation!

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