I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

Cute Little One

Karan departed for Gate 4. It was dawn, exactly two days after he regained his magic.

Elise said she would go with him, but Karan insisted he needed to go alone to properly gauge his powers.

Reluctantly, Elise had to be content with writing down information about Gates 4 and 5 and handing it to Karan.

Karan shoved the note into his pocket without even looking at it. He left with an ambiguous remark that he now knew well enough.

Then Elise received the first settlement for the hair loss drug distribution from Pawnshop K.

The amount was astonishing. And according to information from Pawnshop K, the business prospects were not just bright, but dazzling.

The Ivory Tower was showing no interest in the hair loss treatment.

It seemed they were experiencing internal turmoil in the aftermath of losing Iris and the magicians who went to support Gate 3.

This was good news for Elise.

Elise now made plans to prepare for the battle with Ragnaros in earnest.

‘Once His Highness conquers Gates 4 and 5, Ragnaros will have no choice but to come out.’

It was natural for the main body to move after losing its subordinates.

‘We’ve blocked all the gates that serve as Ragnaros’ pathways, but he can still exert tremendous power with just his thought form.’

The best method was to organize an allied force and attack simultaneously through all five gates before he revealed himself first.

‘To organize an allied force… one needs to be at least the Crown Prince.’

But Karan was still just a prince. Although public opinion favoring him becoming Crown Prince was dominant, Tyllo hadn’t made a decision yet.

‘Bennet must be blocking it.’

Elise, who had no major grievances against Bennet in her past life, had waited for her to step down on her own.

But far from stepping down, Bennet was holding on and scheming ways to take down Karan behind the scenes.

‘I need to clean this up neatly before His Highness returns.’

One week.

Elise didn’t think Karan would struggle with Gates 4 and 5. These were gates Karan had conquered even in her previous life.

If he conquered them when he couldn’t use magic, there was no way he wouldn’t succeed now that he could use magic, had warriors equipped with weapons made from skeleton bones, and plenty of fatigue recovery potions made by Leber.

Thinking that way, there wasn’t much time.

Elise visited Pawnshop K.


“Welcome, Miss Elise!”

Dimitris was at Pawnshop K today as well.

“Is the owner doing well?”

“Um, I am the owner.”

“Isn’t it about time to stop this clumsy act, Dimitris?”

“Hahahahaha. Was it that obvious?”

“Of course. You should take separate acting lessons. Especially if you plan to keep pretending to be the owner.”

Thinking this sounded like advice someone had given him, Dimitris brought out sweet tea for Elise.

“The office atmosphere is different from last time. Did you change all the furniture?”

“Yes, the owner gave special instructions. He invested a large sum for the comfort of guests visiting the office.”

It was solely for Elise. Plush sofas, an oil burner for pleasant scents, lavish tapestries that were a feast for the eyes, soft rugs and a handcrafted table, and even hard-to-find tea.

“You have an excellent owner. Please make sure to tell him I said so.”

Dimitris nodded.

“What brings you here today? We’ve been regularly sending you data related to the hair loss treatment business.”

“Ah, I heard Pawnshop K also does background checks on people.”

“Yes, well… it’s like running errands. We gather information on behalf of busy people.”

Dimitris tried to package it nicely, but it was ultimately a background check.

Elise smiled brightly and handed Dimitris a list.

“…Viscounts, barons, generals, hmm… quite a lot, isn’t it?”

“They’re also quite powerful figures.”

“Is there a particular reason you want to investigate these people?”

“I thought Pawnshop K didn’t ask for reasons. Am I mistaken?”

“No, you’re correct.”

Dimitris showed curiosity about the list because these were families that had already been investigated.

Moreover, families that Karan had been keeping an eye on for quite some time.

“When would you like the information by?”

“The sooner the better.”

“I see. Then I’ll visit you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? But I haven’t even said what information I want.”

Dimitris realized his mistake. In his eagerness to impress Elise, he had gotten ahead of himself.

“Usually, what people want to know is similar. Like if there’s anything fishy, that sort of thing. Good points can be asked about directly anyway.”

Dimitris skillfully avoided Elise’s suspicion.

“You’re right. That’s correct. Please find out if there are any weaknesses that can be used to manipulate the people I’ve listed. There surely will be.”

They were all close associates of Bennet. And strong opponents of Karan.

People Elise needed to eliminate before Karan’s return.

“I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Elise said goodbye to Dimitris and returned to the palace.


Elise had some free time until Dimitris brought the information.

She took a stroll around Tetris Palace after a long while.

‘Not long ago, I walked this path with Bennet.’

It was a time when they maintained a false peace. Until then, Bennet had shown restraint, being mindful of Elise.

But when Karan returned with achievements from Gate 3, she completely shattered even the pretense of peace they had maintained.

She didn’t even offer congratulations to Karan and Elise, nor did she come to see Karan off when he departed for Gates 4 and 5.

She must have felt a great sense of crisis.

‘There will be an uproar when they hear that His Highness has become a magician.’

The fact that Karan had become a magician was still kept top secret.

It was because opposition was expected if they revealed it before dealing with Bennet.

‘We should reveal it after solidifying His Highness’s position.’

So that everyone could look up to him.

Elise smiled thinking about the people who would be surprised when they learned Karan had become a magician.

These days, just thinking about Karan made her smile. It had gotten worse since she accepted her feelings for him.

Elise worried she might look too sentimental.

A woman suddenly bursting into laughter while taking a walk might seem a bit lacking.

Elise continued her walk, pressing her cheeks firmly to control her smile.

That’s when she heard faint crying from somewhere. Along with it was the sound of someone scolding harshly.

“How long will you act so childishly, Your Highness!”

“Huu, huup, Mother, I’m sorry… sniff”

“Stop crying and speak properly, Your Highness. Isn’t it because you show such weakness that His Majesty keeps delaying your appointment as Crown Prince?”

“That’s… because I’m young… and brother…”

“Brother! Who is Your Highness’s brother? You have no brother. That person is someone Your Highness should command.”

“That’s not…”

A sharp sound of a hand striking a cheek rang out. Then someone fell to the floor.

“Your Highness, you are destined for the highest position. Everyone is beneath you. Even this mother of yours. Do you understand? Now, say it. I will become the king of this country. Come on. Repeat after me.”

“I am… sniff, of this country…”

“Stop crying!”

“Sniff, king… Waaaaaah!”

The child burst into loud tears mid-sentence. Harsh words of criticism poured down on the child.

It was so severe that Elise wanted to cover her ears.

She had inadvertently witnessed a scene of abuse.

Though she wanted to leave quickly, all Elise could do was hide her body in the shadows.

It reminded her of her own childhood.

Though completely different from the words Madam Worton used to pour on her, the authoritative shouting, the criticism within, and the violence that erupted when things didn’t go as planned were similar.

‘It’s truly sickening.’

There were times when the past would wrap around her ankles, pulling her into the mire.

It always happened just when she thought she had overcome everything.

Whew. Elise clasped her hands together to calm herself. She squeezed so hard that her hands turned white.

By the time the child’s crying subsided, Elise was able to calm down too. Bennet had long since left.

Cowett, was it?

Karan’s younger brother and competitor was sitting in the quiet hallway, crying.

The child, curled up like a pill bug, looked small. And he seemed so fragile that he might break if touched.

The relationship between Bennet and Cowett wasn’t something Elise could resolve.

And if Bennet found out that Elise had helped Cowett, who knew what wickedness she might commit.

Despite this, Elise found it difficult to ignore the child and pass by.

‘It should be fine to comfort him briefly without revealing who I am.’

After all, in her own childhood, she had wished for someone, anyone, to pat her back.

Elise approached Cowett.

“I heard a sad crying sound and came to find a cute little one. Did you fall? Would you like me to help?”

Elise spoke to Cowett, putting on the brightest voice she could muster.

Sniff, sniff.”

Cowett, seemingly startled, lifted his face from between his knees and quickly wiped away his tears.



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