I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

Unavoidable and Unconfrontable

The day of the hunting festival dawned.

“Isn’t that the Prince of Bedrokka?”

“Yeah. But why is he here? And carrying a sword too?”

“Didn’t you hear? He’s participating in this hunting festival.”

“A Bedrokkan? Those bookworms?”

“Something about respecting our culture, I heard. Word is the Prince of Bedrokka’s fiancée is also participating.”

“Well I’ll be, a Bedrokkan participating in the Tetris hunting festival–the sun must be rising in the west.”

Reactions of it being an unusual occurrence sprang up here and there. Despite hearing the comments, Chase calmly looked around.

Tents for the hunting festival were set up in a circle on the common ground between the two mountains. The tents served as resting areas for warriors, a clinic to handle any emergencies, and kitchens to provide meals and refreshments for nobles.

At the far end of the circular grounds facing the sun was a high, wide stage where the King and Queen sat surrounded by other nobles. Duke Odilon was among them. Chase held Odilon’s gaze for quite a while.

“Let your valor be known to the world!”

With Tyllo’s declaration, the hunting festival began. Participants raised their weapons and roared.

Chase gripped his weapon tightly. He had no intention of winning the hunting festival today. He had other intentions, having met with Melanie several times to plan this.

Though Melanie disappeared before completing the plan, Duke Odilon took it over from her. After today, Chase would return to Bedrokka. And in his arms, he had no doubt, would be a prize more valuable than any winner’s gift.

Chase became immersed in imagining his future. As his hardened face softened, people stole glances at him. Some women gasped in admiration, while some men clicked their tongues enviously.

But those sounds did not reach Chase’s ears at all.

“Your Highness, don’t get hurt.”

However, Elise’s voice was different. Her words to Karan tore through Chase’s imagination.

Chase turned his head. There he saw Elise tying her handkerchief around the hilt of Karan’s sword.

“In Bedrokka, we give handkerchiefs to loved ones going into battle. It may differ from Tetris’ culture, but remember I’m wishing for your safety.”

Why did those words sound so familiar? It was like she had said the exact same thing to him before, causing Chase to stare intensely at Elise.

‘Where have I heard those words before?’

“It’s best you don’t show it so openly.”

Iris spoke to the pensive Chase. She had decided to stop pretending not to know about Chase’s desire for Elise.

“Thank you, Iris.”

The Chase receiving Iris’ handkerchief was a far cry from the drunken, riotous one from before.

“You should quit drinking, Your Highness.”

“I’ll take your advice gratefully. May fortune also smile upon you.”

Chase kissed the back of Iris’ hand. He made an effort to prevent his gaze from drifting towards Elise.

Iris gracefully received his kiss.

“Elise, I’ll be the one winning, so don’t get hurt.”

Karan whispered, holding Elise tightly. Until that morning, he had resolved to cheer admirably for Elise, but it was not easy.

“Understood, Your Highness. I absolutely won’t get hurt. No matter what happens, no matter what interference.”

Elise looked over Karan’s shoulder at Chase kissing the back of Iris’ hand. Her eyes shone meaningfully.

The sound of horns shook the grounds. The warriors dashed together into the forest hunting grounds.


Determining the hunting festival winner was simple. Kill the most threatening animal.

There was also a method of winning by killing many animals, but it was not easy.

Killing one fox was valued higher than ten rabbits.

If the same formidable beast was killed, the winner was decided by who killed the larger one.

So as soon as the hunt began, Iris caught a couple of rabbits, hung them on a long wooden pole, and ventured deep into the forest to lure a formidable beast with the bait.

Elise also headed into the deep forest, but in the opposite direction from Iris. She had no intention of luring formidable beasts like Iris did.

The warriors following Elise on Karan’s orders thought, ‘What is she trying to do?’

For someone attending the hunt, Elise lacked enthusiasm for hunting.

It seemed her participation itself held the only significance.

If so, why did she not remain near the outskirts? They had been briefed that more dangerous beasts appeared the deeper into the forest.

Still, the warriors continued trailing behind the puzzled Elise.

Elise finally stopped in front of some cave. Standing there, she unfolded a map.

It was the map Regina had given Elise before the start.

[I had an extremely hard time getting this. This place is said to be a renowned hunting spot. And safe too.]

Elise thanked Regina, but inwardly scoffed, for it was exactly as Melanie had told her before leaving the palace.

‘How foolish of him to still follow through on the plan we made together, even after Melanie disappeared.’

Should she call the easily trusting Chase naive? No, foolish was the more accurate description.

If it had been her, she would have changed the plan the moment Melanie vanished.

Just as she was mocking Chase thoroughly, a fierce roar echoed from inside the cave.

Soon after, the surprise gift Chase had prepared for Elise emerged from the cave’s entrance.

It was a wolf that had been starved for days.

Drool incessantly dripped from the wolf’s open jaws. Its size exceeded imagination–it was no ordinary wolf.

It was easily three times taller than Elise. Its paws pressed to the ground were massive –get struck by one and the outcome was obvious.

‘My bones would be shattered.’

And those fangs, sharper than spears, one bite would surely puncture clean through.

Elise had known the wolf would appear–she was aware this was Chase’s gift.

Still, facing it now caused cold sweat to run down her back.

Elise replayed the combat with the wolf she had envisioned countless times in her mind.

For this battle, Elise had spent nights engraving magic circles onto the sword Karan gave her.

From the densely carved circles, the once smooth sword surface became jagged.

The wolf started scraping its hind legs, as if about to pounce on Elise at any moment.

Elise drew her sword. The wolf began circling widely around Elise, slowly closing the distance.

Schwiing. Chwiing.

Sounds of all kinds of weapons unsheathing rang out.

“Flee. We will handle that wolf.”

“Leave it to us and step back, Miss Elise.”

From somewhere, several warriors surrounded Elise. She was flustered.

Who were these people?

Why were warriors attending the hunting festival acting like her personal guards?

It made no sense that they aimed to take her prey, because that wolf must not be killed.

The silver wolf.

Slaying the symbol of the Lysandro royal family was strictly forbidden. Not only had their numbers dwindled alarmingly, but they were currently the emblem of the reigning monarchy.

‘Chase thought this through well.’

If she killed the silver wolf, she would be accused of disloyalty to the Lysandro royals. But if she did nothing here, she would become wolf feed.

‘Does Chase want me dead?’

Just what was the source of his rage?

“Evade it, Miss Elise!”

The warrior’s voice snapped Elise back to alertness.

“Not me, you should move aside.”

Elise made her polite request.

“The wolf…is extremely dangerous. And that wolf is not prey. We don’t know why it’s here. But it’s safest for you to move back.”

“I’m aware. So I’m telling you to move aside.”

Did they still not understand?

Seeing the blinking warriors, Elise sighed.

“I intend to subdue that wolf.”

“It’s too dangerous.”

“Absolutely not. If even a scratch appears on Miss Elise, it will be a huge problem.”

Only from their reactions did Elise realize why they were protecting her.

‘His Highness Karan sent them.’

So that’s why he sent her to the hunt so readily. He had assigned many warriors to guard her.

After going to such lengths, why had he seemed so anxious when parting, like sending a child off to the riverbank?

Karan’s overprotectiveness always surprised Elise.

Thinking of Karan, Elise smiled faintly.

That someone facing the excited wolf would smile puzzled the warriors.

“That’s an order, withdraw.”

Elise exercised her authority as Karan’s fiancée. The warriors hesitated. The smile vanished, replaced by a solemn, stern expression exuding dignity.

“Disobedience will be punished accordingly.”

Elise raised her sword.


“Only intervene if I’m in real danger.”

Unable to simply order their withdrawal since they had Karan’s command, Elise attached a condition.

The warriors wavered briefly. Seizing the moment, the wolf puffed up and roared.

Elise slipped past the warriors. Her sword traced an arc through the air.

A flash of light. A white streak grazed the wolf’s thick hide.

“You mustn’t kill it!”

The warriors tensed. Hearing their voices, Elise’s lips tightened.

Facing the silver wolf, which could neither be killed nor allowed to kill, tension flowed across Elise’s features.



  1. Eleme Nopee says:

    A stocking full of unlocked chapters! Thanks for the treat Bee!

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