I Will Become the Queen of the Enemy Country

The Value of Something

After the first part of the ceremony ended, Elise was called by Tyllo and Bennet.

It was a Tetris tradition to have lunch with family on the engagement day.

The guests were entertained wholeheartedly by Elise’s maids.

“You’ve finally become a Tetris citizen. Congratulations.”

Tyllo personally filled Elise’s cup with alcohol. Elise raised the cup high before draining it in one gulp.

In Tetris, those who heartily drank alcohol were well-regarded.

Elise wanted to maintain a good relationship with Tyllo if possible. So she did not refuse the ill-suited alcohol.

“Refreshing. Elise seems to fit Tetris better than expected, Your Majesty.”

Bennet refilled her cup, complimenting Elise. It was a small jab by Bennet, who knew Elise could not drink well.

The engagement ceremony was so superb that she felt like teasing her.

Her head spinning, Elise hesitated briefly. Bennet immediately seized the opportunity.

“Accepting His Majesty’s cup but not mine? Why? Because I’m not Karan’s birth mother? I’m hurt.”

A smile formed on Elise’s lips as she fiddled with the cup.

“It pains me more that you think that way, Mother.”


“That you don’t think you’re His Highness’s birth mother. Isn’t that why you always say such things? To me and His Highness.”

Elise glanced at Karan.

“Neither of us thinks that way about you, Mother.”

It sounded like she didn’t see Bennet as a stepmother, but to Bennet, it meant ‘I don’t care about the likes of you.’

Bennet tightened her lips.

‘Revealing her true nature right after the engagement?’

As expected, Elise was a vixen.

“Elise speaks the truth, Mother.”

Karan emphasized ‘Mother’ with force.

Tyllo set down his utensils, surprised Karan called Bennet ‘Mother’ in front of others.

Karan’s change was unfamiliar, made intriguing by Elise being the reason.

Bennet felt the same way.

Hearing ‘Mother’ from Karan gave her chills, a subtle pleasant feeling.

But her mood quickly soured.

“Today I’d like to hear your well-wishes, not insults. You have that much sense, don’t you?”

“That’s enough.”

Tyllo gave Karan a displeased look. Karan lowered his gaze in acknowledgment.

“Your Majesty, about Karan…”

Bennet immediately puffed out her cheeks. Even after Tyllo intervened, she looked just like a child insisting on having her way.

“You stop too.”

It was a good day. Regardless of the process, Karan had found his partner.

Tyllo did not want to create discord even on such a day.

As Bennet quieted down, Tyllo stared at Elise.

From what Karan said, she had performed well at the gate too.

She seemed intelligent. More importantly, it was because of this girl that Karan willingly submitted to him.

Going forward, Tyllo planned to use Elise to maneuver Karan.

So there was a need to cultivate a good relationship.

“I have not given you a gift. Is there anything you want?”

Elise held her breath. An unexpected opportunity had arisen.

Her mind raced.

Should she ask for a building to use as a business establishment when she starts selling the hair regrowth tonic? Or valuable land expected to skyrocket in price?

Elise quickly changed her mind. She could obtain money however she wanted.

The profit share Jasmine brought exceeded expectations by far. The hot spring business would start in a month or two as well.

‘It’s not money I lack. What I lack right now is…’

Elise found the gift she wanted to request from Tyllo.

“Please give me Feu Orces, Your Majesty.”

“Feu Orces?”

Not immediately recalling who that was, Tyllo looked at his aide. As the aide whispered in his ear, Tyllo’s brow furrowed slightly.

“The Feu Orces you speak of is the librarian of the palace library?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“…Would he do? This is not an opportunity I often give you to grant a gift. You could ask for money, land, or even a title.”

Saying those were things she already had would sound too arrogant.

“Our Tetris ancestors have said from ancient times that people are the most precious. Money, the value of land, titles–aren’t they all made by people? So I want that person.”

Tyllo’s lips curved upwards. She was far more intelligent than he expected. Her capable side was evident from today’s engagement ceremony too.

“Very well then, Your Majesty. Don’t ask further and just grant what you said you would.”

Bennet rudely interjected.

‘A mere librarian? If she’s going to settle for just that, suits me fine.’

The palace librarian position was considered a minor role even within the palace. Neither from a prestigious family nor possessing exceptional abilities.

‘Asking for a person but settling for just a librarian?’

If it were Bennet, she would have asked for an accomplished warrior or influential noble to command.

Pretending to be smart but failing to seize an opportunity to truly benefit – how foolish.

Trying to hide her smirking lips, Bennet raised her cup.

After observing Elise with interest, Tyllo called his aide again.


“Feu Orces, Your Majesty.”

“Right, Feu Orces. Send him to serve directly under Elise. Tell James.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Elise immediately bowed her head.

Inwardly, Elise cheered. Feu Orces, not yet but he would become a renowned restoration genius.

Restoration in cultural arts was not well-recognized in Tetris, but it was different in Bedrokka.

People from all walks of life had tried recruiting him. Elise was one of them.

But Feu Orces stubbornly remained in Tetris.

Elise chose him solely for Karan’s sake.

‘Then perhaps he can restore the redacted parts of books.’

Restoring the magic circle obtained from Bedrokka’s forbidden library–that was Elise’s reason for choosing Feu Orces.

Even if not, Feu Orces was someone worth investing in.

Once Ragnaros was subdued and stability returned, demand for cultural arts would surge, and the tourism industry would flourish.

In Elise’s memory, Tetris had many hidden treasures. Just restoring the abandoned murals would draw flocks of visitors.

Unlike Bennet’s thoughts, Elise prided herself on making a wise investment.

“By the way, when is Cowett supposed to arrive?”

It was Tyllo who broke the quiet atmosphere of the meal.

Cowett Lysandro, Elise’s ears perked up.

The 6-year-old prince, Karan’s half-brother, had not been seen in the palace even once.

“His cold seems to be lasting longer than expected, Your Majesty.”

“But it’s Karan’s engagement ceremony, he should have come. To show his face to the citizens of the kingdom.”

Though Tyllo spoke like he was looking out for Karan, his intention to expose Cowett to the citizens seemed stronger.

“That brat must be enjoying his convalescence.”

Elise realized Cowett was recuperating from a cold.

Karan gets thrown into a monster-infested area while Cowett takes a sick leave for a cold?

It was silly to compare a 6-year-old to an adult, but Elise’s feelings were hurt by the discrimination Tyllo displayed.

Although genders and ages differed, it still reminded her of her relationship with Iris.

Elise pretended not to hear their conversation and tended to Karan.

“Your Highness, please have some more of this.”

Karan’s eyes, deep in thought about Feu Orces, blinked.

“Thank you, Elise.”

He could guess her intention in offering him food.

‘She pities me.’

Though Karan did not care about Cowett at all, nor want any parental love, he decided to act grateful if Elise felt sorry for him.

“Father, will you also grant me a gift?”

“What? A gift?”

Tyllo nearly dropped the cup he was holding.

Asking for a gift he had never wanted even as a child?

It wasn’t that Karan never made requests. But he demanded rewards or compensation, not soft “gifts.”

“I’ve also had my engagement. I’m happy Elise received a gift, but I too would like a gift from you after so long, Father.”

Even Bennet’s mouth fell open at Karan’s gentle tone.

‘Has he gone mad? Why the sudden change?’

It was jarringly mismatched. Bennet wanted to scratch the goosebumps rising on her skin under her dress.

“Cough. Well, say it then.”

Clearing his throat, the composed Tyllo spoke.

“I want to go hunting with you again after so long, Father.”

Tyllo, Elise and Bennet’s expressions clouded over, for different reasons.

Tyllo was thrown by the unfamiliar request. Bennet could not understand Karan’s ulterior motive. Elise felt pity that Karan had hidden his longing for paternal affection until now.

Under the table, Elise tightly grasped Karan’s hand.

Reluctantly, Tyllo replied, “Very well then.”

“Thank you.”

Karan had no intention of actually going hunting side-by-side with Tyllo. He planned to keep postponing it indefinitely, however he responded gratefully.

Afterwards, conversation disappeared from the banquet hall. Elise caressed Karan’s hand.


The second part of the engagement ceremony began. Elise and Karan rode around the plaza in an open-top carriage.

Enthusiastic reactions poured toward the two, thanks to Karan’s immense popularity.

Standing in the carriage, Elise and Karan waved to the people.

Praises of Elise’s beauty could be heard here and there.

Next was the gift distribution. People flocked to the supply carriages that had trailed behind Elise and Karan’s carriage.

“Slowly! There’s enough, so line up!”

Regina shouted hoarsely. As she said, there was ample food and goods.

Elise had strictly instructed those helping with the engagement not to stint on food and items to distribute to the citizens.

Both the taste of the food and quality of the goods were excellent.

“The response is amazing!”

After handing out food in the plaza, Regina returned beaming, holding up an empty basket.

The people in the plaza laughed and chattered incessantly. In their hands were bread and liquor bottles distributed to commemorate the engagement.

“In my life, I never imagined receiving such treatment from the royal family!”

“Not even at the Queen Mother’s wedding was it like this!”

“She really did come to Tetris for its appeal.”

“That’s right. If His Highness Karan and Tetris weren’t appealing, would they give us such precious things?”

“The rumors on the streets were completely false.”

“What rumors were spreading?”

“That they look down on and belittle Tetris.”

“Ah, don’t say that. Would they treat us like this if it were true? Just look at her face…so fair and pretty…..”


“An angel! I’m smitten.”

“By her kind heart?”

“By her pretty face!”

Though occasionally excessively praised, Elise just smiled.

She was glad to have properly greeted the people for the first time. But a heavy sense of responsibility also welled up.

Winning people’s hearts is easy. But keeping it is difficult. Gaining favor is easy. But turning it into affection is difficult.

Going forward, Elise had to achieve that.

“But Miss, are you really going to go on the commemorative hunting trip?”

As the event neared its end, Regina asked with a concerned look.



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