I Was Just Trying To Raise Male Lead

IWTRML Chapter 20

Chapter 20


It’s almost time to end another busy and hectic day. Outside the window, darkness had already fallen.


In Edwin’s bedroom, only a few candles flickered, dimly lighting the cozy night.


“Renee! Read me this book today!”


After he finished getting ready for bed, Edwin came to me holding a book in his arms as if he had been waiting.


Edwin loved reading books before going to sleep. So did I.


It was nice to see Edwin quietly listening to the story in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, and then falling asleep with a relaxed face.


It was Edwin’s and my way of ending the day.


“Yes. Would you like me to read that book today?”




After hearing the answer, Edwin got excited and jumped into bed first. He placed a pillow on the seat next to him and patted it to prepare a place for me to sit. Edwin waited with an excited face.


I smiled slightly when I saw him moving more nimbly than ever. As I watched, Edwin became impatient and slapped the seat next to me with his hand.


It was when I sat next to him, read the title, and opened the book.


The bedroom door, which could not have been opened from the outside at this hour, swung open. I couldn’t see who it was because I had turned off most of the lights.


All I could tell was that it was a very tall adult man.


Edwin and I were surprised by the unexpected visitor who came late at night and held each other’s hands tightly.


“I see you’re still on good terms.”


It was only when I heard the familiar voice that the tension in my body slowly began to ease.




I got out of bed and approached him. Raynan was wearing comfortable clothes that I had never seen before. So was his head.


His hair, which was always neatly trimmed, was now slightly damp and covering his forehead.


Whereas it was usually sharp and organized, it now had a languid, relaxed look.


Can the atmosphere of a person change like this just because the clothes and hair are different? Perhaps it was the darkness of the night.


Anyway, judging by the appearance of Raynan standing in front of me, he had come here on his way to bed.


Did you come to see Edwin before going to bed?


He was incredibly hard to understand. One minute he’s not so bad, the next he’s worse.


So at times like this, I was even more confused. If it were a normal father-son relationship, there would be nothing strange about it. What would be strange about coming to see your son before going to bed?


However, considering Raynan’s attitude towards Edwin so far, there was absolutely no reason to come here before going to bed, especially while dressed in such comfortable clothes.


“Is something wrong?”


“No. It looks like I came at just the right time.”


As expected, it seemed to be the first time Raynan had visited Edwin’s bedroom. Edwin was frozen in shock when he realized that the unexpected visitor was Raynan.


And even as the conversation between Raynan and I continued, I blinked and looked at Raynan’s face, still dazed.


Raynan’s gaze landed on Edwin. Edwin was startled and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but no voice came out.


Contrary to his worries that he might be frowned, Raynan walked with a calm expression.


He spoke confidently, sitting on the sofa not far from the bed.


“What are you doing?”


So, it seemed like the parents came to check whether the nanny was reading books to their son well.


After exchanging glances with Edwin, Raynan leaned back comfortably and said,


“If it bothers you, pretend I’m not here.”


As if that would help.


I swallowed a small complaint and returned to Edwin’s side. Edwin’s hands holding the book were full of strength.


He looked like he was wondering if I should read it.


“I will read it to you today. Next time, I’ll listen to what Edwin reads.”




When he spoke softly, Edwin immediately relaxed his body and lay down comfortably.


“A long, long time ago, a legendary animal, now lost, lived in a country.”





At night, Edwin usually picks out storybooks that are more static than dynamic. He loved to read them aloud, and often fell asleep before he finished.


This day was no different. I was halfway through the book and Edwin was already asleep.


Even when he did fall asleep, he usually finished the book. Not that he listens to the whole thing, but I like to think he can still hear my voice.


But that wasn’t the only reason I kept reading the book today.


It was Raynan’s gaze that never left mine as I read.


Even after Edwin fell asleep, Raynan was looking at me to the point where it stung. I could tell without looking.


Worried that we might make eye contact, I focused more on the book than on other days.


After confirming that Edwin was asleep, my voice was getting a little faster, but Raynan didn’t say anything.


I soon finished the rest of the story and closed the book. I gently tucked Edwin’s blanket around him as he slept soundly, and as I left the bed, I caught sight of Raynan.


Before I knew it, he too was closing his eyes with a relaxed expression on his face.


I silently walked up to Raynan, but he didn’t move. The regular rise and fall of his body suggested he was asleep.


Should I wake him up? I was lost in thought while looking down at Raynan.


Although his face looked comfortable, it was obvious that sleeping while sitting would be uncomfortable.


Moreover, I felt like if I left him like this, I would hear something about it later.


I guess I should wake him up, but…


I actually felt bad that he looked so relaxed when I tried to wake him up.


I don’t know if I’ve ever looked at Raynan without feeling so nervous.


It was an awkward experience. The eye level was also different, as I was usually looking up at him.


Even when he was sitting and I was standing, I somehow felt like I was looking up at him.


Slowly, without realizing it, I lowered myself down. I bent down to be eye level with him.


The face looks even more handsome up close.


Or maybe he looked even better with his eyes closed. I’d never really looked him in the eye like this before.


I slowly lifted my hand and waved it carefully in front of his eyes. But not a single muscle of him moved.


As expected, he seemed to be sleeping soundly.


“Hmm… What should I do?”


After thinking for a moment, I grabbed a blanket from the end of the couch and covered him with it.


It seemed like he was sleeping quite soundly as he still didn’t move even though I was wrapping his body carefully.


I didn’t think he would wake up if I woke him up, and I was scared of waking him up more than anything, so I decided not to wake him up.


This is enough, right?


For now, I’m off work. I should quickly go back to my room and sleep comfortably.


When I got up with excitement and took a step forward, the blanket fell to the floor.


“Where are you going?”


I heard his voice at the same time I realized Raynan’s hand was on my wrist.


His voice was low and rumbled languidly in my ears. It was definitely his voice, but strangely, the moment he opened his mouth, it felt like the air suddenly became denser.


“I-I thought you were sleeping.”


I don’t know if it was the fact that I’d left him sitting up and trying to get some sleep on my own, or the way I suddenly looked into his eyes.


My trembling voice reflected my panic.


It definitely looked like he was asleep.


But there was no sign of sleep in his eyes as he looked up at me.


The moment I felt that Raynan’s eyes were darker than before, the wrist he was holding began to burn.


It was clearly the same body temperature, but I couldn’t figure out why only the area he was holding felt so hot.


Raynan suddenly woke up and the atmosphere got so intense in an instant that I panicked and backed away, forgetting that my wrist was being held.


Of course I might have thought he would let me go.


But Raynan did the opposite of what I had hoped. I felt like there was a little weight on the wrist he was holding, and my body leaned forward.


The moment I said, “Oops,” my center of gravity shook, and Raynan wrapped his arms around my waist as he had once done so familiarly.


It wasn’t until the faint swaying of the light calmed down that I realized that my vision had changed.


In an instant, I was sitting on his legs and I turned my head, bewildered by the sudden closeness.




Thanks to this, his voice reached my ears right away. With breath as hot as the one that touched my wrist.


I was startled and tried to get up, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought.


He obviously wasn’t grabbed too hard, but strangely I couldn’t get out of his grasp.


Even though I moved around, he still held on to me without using any strength.






Even though Raynan knew what my call meant, he pretended not to know.


“Can you please let go?”


“Maybe you should answer my question first.”


I quickly turned my head as his chuckling voice reached my ears, and the face I’d been avoiding earlier came into full view.


Contrary to his voice, there was no smile or playfulness on his face. He had a calm face, but I could see something sparkling in his eyes.


Is it the night, or is it an illusion created by the still-faltering candlelight?


As I looked blankly into Raynan’s eyes.


“So what is the answer?”


“Wh-What was the question?”


“I asked where are you going.”


I turned my head to avoid the voice reaching my ears, but this time his deep voice poured right into my face.


I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn’t because my mind was filled with warnings that I shouldn’t.


I was worried that my voice would reach Raynan’s face like he did, so I had no choice but to turn my head again.


“Since Young master Edwin’s asleep, I’m going to go to my room now….”


If I do this, at least my breath won’t touch him.


As if he had read my thoughts, he pulled my body closer to me.




I ended up closing my eyes to Raynan’s soft call. Unlike my darkened vision, my heightened hearing did not miss his small chuckle.

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♡


  1. Usurpadora says:

    The duke really now how to mix with the heart… I fall😔(⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)

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