I Was Just Trying To Raise Male Lead

IWTRML Chapter 34

Chapter 34


As expected. It seems that the ‘temporary solution’ that Roman had prepared was Chase.


Surely, just having him around will reduce the number of people who approach me…


“Why are they putting off the gardening worker to help me?”


“I don’t know.”


It was a unexpected question so it would be confusing to someone who doesn’t know it. But Chase didn’t look puzzled at all.


He shrugged his shoulders rather calmly.


“Because you and I are both employed.”


I guess that means he’s doing it because he’s told to do it.


It seemed like I was lost in thought without realizing it and was staring at Chase.


“Why do you look at me like that?”


“No, just….”


I wondered why it was Chase. Because Edwin gets along well with Chase and has an appearance that people won’t easily approach?


Or does he know the details too?


It was also difficult to ask Chase directly. But her curiosity did not subside easily, so she stared at him.


Chase didn’t avoid my gaze, nor did he ask why.


“Chase, you need to hurry up and draw a picture.”


“Yes, young master Edwin.”


At Edwin’s urging, Chase stared at the white paper again and lifted the brush. Very heavy and difficult.


Chase had no hesitation in thinking for a long time and instead started playing with the brush without hesitation.


Thanks to this, although I was late, I quickly caught up with Edwin and he finished the painting similarly.


“Wow, young master Edwin! In the meantime, your painting skill has increased again!”






Edwin’s drawings were more detailed than before, so it seemed like anyone who looked at them would be able to recognize what he had drawn.


Moreover, the colors were mixed well and harmoniously. When did you grow so much? It was just admirable.


My gaze shifted to Chase’s sitting next to Edwin’s painting.






“Are you going to teach Edwin how to draw?”




I looked at Chase’s drawing with lines that I couldn’t figure out what it meant and touched my forehead.


Even when he first met Edwin, he drew…


“This is a bit too much. Isn’t it more graffiti than a drawing?”


“Why? It’s a very pretty flower!”


Edwin seemed to want to take Chase’s side and said, showing his paintings side by side next to the vase.


“Young master Edwin, I drew an apple.”


Edwin, hearing Chase’s calm voice, dropped the paper he was holding.


It was a paint where neither the flowers nor the apples nor anything could be clearly seen.


There’s no curve at all in the first place.


Edwin couldn’t hide his surprised face and slowly picked up the paper he had dropped.


Edwin looked down at the paper for a while and spoke in a serious voice.


“Then let’s have Chase learn from me.”


“That would be great.”


Chase and I readily nodded to Edwin’s suggestion.




Because of the shock that Chase’s painting brought, a curiosity that I had not realized before arose later.


Edwin also knew that teaching him how to draw was just an excuse. So when he saw Chase’s drawing, he suggested that Chase learn from him.


Even if Chase says so, how does Edwin know about this situation?


This too was a difficult question to ask Edwin. Even more so because I missed the timing in the first place.


“I guess I have no choice but to ask Roman.”


I never thought the day would come when I first thought of Roman, who I was so busy avoiding.


It seemed right to say that it was impossible to know what would happen in the world.


“What are you going to ask Roman?”


Chase always stayed close to Edwin, but when I was alone, he followed me without hesitation.


It seemed to people that it was Raynan’s response to protect me.


Some people questioned why Chase was there. If anyone was going to be there to protect me, Roman was the most likely candidate.


Therefore, the rumor that Roman was against me gained weight, and there was even talk that Raynan and Roman had a conflict.


Raynan seemed quite satisfied with the content of this new rumor.


As a result, Chase spent more time with me than with Edwin.


Is it because I often forget he’s by my side because he doesn’t say anything? I forgot Chase’s presence and he didn’t miss the self-talk that flowed from my mouth.


“Huh? no.”


“I see.”


I shook my head and said, Chase didn’t ask any more questions. In this respect, he was very easy to get along with.


Not only was he silent, but more than anything else, Chase wasn’t very interested in other people.


Moreover, his rough body and fierce look that could pass for a rogue worked to my advantage.


His appearance kept people away from me now.


Even though they gave me a harsh look, they tended to quickly turn their head away when I looked at them.


“How about horseback riding? Is it worth it?”


“What? no.”


I slumped my shoulders as I remembered the horseback riding time that was approaching again today.


Chase spoke in a puzzled voice as if he didn’t understand me.


“But if you learn from Amelia, you will improve quickly….”


“Does Chase know Amelia too?”


Since it seemed like there was no contact at all between the two, it was very surprising to see Chase calling Amelia in a friendly way.


“Uh, yeah. She’s very talented in many ways.”


Chase responded with a mixture of respect and admiration. Then he shook his head with a frightened expression, as if remembering something.


“She is a good person as long as she doesn’t get angry.”


“Amelia angry?”


Amelia always spoke kindly with a smiling face.


I couldn’t imagine that she would be so angry, and that Chase would be disgusted.


“Let’s not talk about that, since you’re going to talk with Roman.”




“I heard Roman is very against you?”




“So, there is talk that the relationship between the Duke and Roman is breaking.”


“Breaking. No way.”


Although they didn’t exactly exchange kind words, their relationship wasn’t bad. On the contrary, isn’t it a good thing?


When I chuckled at Chase’s absurdity, he froze in place.




“You really… need to get to know some more people or listen to the rumors, you’ll be in a different position than you are now.”


I just blinked at his serious advice.


Are you sure you know something? No, the rumor is so widespread that I wonder if I believe it.


“Does it matter?”


“I suppose it does, because your social circle is nothing compared to the Duke’s.”


“Social circles…”


Without realizing it, I frowned at Chase’s words. Chase looked at me and shook his head.


“You really need to learn how to control your facial expressions.”


It wasn’t me who answered his lament, but Roman, who had suddenly appeared.


“Is there really a need for that?”




Unlike me, who was surprised, Chase had his usual expression on his face, as if he knew he would show up.


“I think she’s better off the way she is now, without people being wary of her.”


“I don’t know, it’s a murderous neighborhood for that.”


“Especially you, now, aren’t you? You’re not the kind of person who gives in to favors so easily. Renee must have taken quite a liking to you.”






“Do you know that it looks like you are actively taking Renee’s side right now?”


Roman froze at Chase’s words. Chase, seeing his shocked face, smiled slightly.


“No way, I was just telling your story.”


“I see.”




Roman glared at him with narrow eyes, as if he was completely offended by Chase, who readily answered in the affirmative.


Chase didn’t really care what Roman looked like.


“Forget what I said. I don’t think there’s any need to struggle with something that doesn’t suit you.”


Instead, he corrected his earlier advice and turned back the way he came.


“You’re on your way to horseback riding, right? let’s go.”




Roman, who surprisingly understood my downcast voice, asked me.


“Still not getting used to it?”


“Yes. No, it’s called horseback riding in the first place…”


“I know, you’ve never even ridden a horse. You’re just feeding animals these days.”


It was like that. She went to see Amelia every day under the pretense of going horseback riding, but she never actually went and rode the horse.


I would watch Amelia feed and care for the horses and help take care of small animals.


The only way I could help was by holding a feeder.


In addition, they spent a lot of time sitting on the grass, eating snacks or talking.


“Anyway, it seems like my relationship with Amelia has improved quite a bit.”




Despite her tall height and cool appearance, Amelia was a woman with a delicacy that put people’s minds at ease.


Is that why? Her poisonous animals followed her well.


As she sat on the grass and talked, animals would gather around her.


More than once, she blended in naturally with the peaceful atmosphere and realized only too late that she was among animals.


Thanks to this, I was meeting her every day as if I was going on a picnic, but at the same time, I was worried about whether this was okay.


Anyway, the Loerian family considers horseback riding very important, but I haven’t even ridden a horse yet.


“But if I don’t even know how to ‘win’ a horse yet, is that okay?”


“What did Amelia say?”


“She said it’s okay.”


It didn’t seem like she meant to comfort me. Because whenever I showed such concern, she always laughed heartily.


The strength of her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me that I had nothing to worry about, was always comforting.


“If Amelia said it’s okay, then it’s okay.”


Unlike what I thought he would urge or scold me, Roman spoke casually.


I looked at him with suspicious eyes due to his unexpected reaction.




“No, I thought you trusted Amelia quite a bit.”


“Amelia deserves it in many ways.”


“No matter what, it feels awkward to trust someone.”


As we chatted about various things, I began to see Amelia from afar.


“Oh, while we’re at it, I wanted to ask you something.”


“What is it?”


“Does Chase know about this?”


“About what?”


“Me and the Duke…”


I didn’t know what to say, so I hesitated, and Roman nodded as if he understood.


“That you’re going to get engaged?”


“Um… Yes.”


“Well. Either Chase knows or he doesn’t.”


Roman responded by looking the other way. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten used to him a lot in the meantime. Unlike before, I was now able to read Roman’s intentions a little bit.


He just wants to tease me.


“I guess he knows.”




He shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn’t funny.


“Then what about young master Edwin?”


“Young master Edwin?”


“No, it was young master Edwin who brought Chase.”


“Oh, that’s right…”


Just as Roman was about to answer, Amelia’s voice was heard.




“Okay then, try to get on the horse quickly.”


Instead of answering my question, Roman ended up making fun of me and then turned around.


“Can I ride a horse…?”


Is it because of the experience of being bitten by a dog when I was young? My body stiffens when I see an animal, big or small.


It wasn’t enough to make me scream and run away, but it wasn’t easy to get close.


“It’s nice to meet Amelia, but I’m not confident about horseback riding…”


I took a deep breath, remembering Amelia’s words to just think of it as a picnic.


I walked towards her, who smiled and welcomed me as always, waving her hand.

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♡


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