I Was Just Trying To Raise Male Lead

IWTRML Chapter 10

Chapter 10


“What are you talking about, coming here at this time?”


Erin’s voice was as sharp as ever, and there was a hint of irritation in it, but she wasn’t particularly offended by Marvin’s reaction.


She hadn’t really thought of him as a person in the first place.


Erin smirked at Marvin, who didn’t hide his anger, and said what she had to say.


“Is there something going on between the Duke and Renee?”


Marvin made a bewildered expression at her words. He looked at Erin for a moment as if he couldn’t understand what she was saying, then scratched his head and said,


“There is nothing.”


“What? Are you just thinking about something else, or do you really not know?”


“Where on earth did you hear this and come here like this?”


Looking at Marvin, who was genuinely irritated, Erin took a moment to catch her breath. It was because she felt that his attitude was not made up.


What could be happening that Marvin, who is watching closely, doesn’t know about?


Erin had mixed feelings. But surely Renee had told her.


That ridiculous nonsense was correct.


“Then why did she say that?”


Erin chewed her nails nervously. She had forgotten about Marvin.


I was sure she wouldn’t last more than a few days.


It was a story that no one else would ever believe. How dare you bother Raynan and get his attention.


Even thinking about it again, I almost burst out laughing because it was so shabby. But Renee, who was clueless, believed Erin’s words.


She was such an easy girl from the beginning. Of course she did, that’s why she chose Renee.


“I didn’t know it would be this annoying.”


She had no interest in being Edwin’s nanny, so she’d just taken the job and asked how she could impress Raynan. Renee was always like that.


I wanted to mess up that innocently smiling face who didn’t know anything.


Renee, who began to wander around Raynan without the slightest suspicion, became a hot topic among the maids. Her unknowingly brave behavior was the talk of the Dukedom, and they worried about the dark future that would soon follow her.


What are you worried about? Everyone was waiting in their hearts to see when Renee would disappear without anyone noticing.


A cynicism appeared on Erin’s face.


She also believed that Renee would soon be scolded by Raynan and kicked out of Dukedom.


For that purpose, Erin encouraged Renee, and didn’t she believe me without any doubt?


But why…?


There still hasn’t been any unsavory news about Renee’s whereabouts.


Erin jumped up from her seat as she remembered Renee’s face saying thank you with a bright face.


I tried to suppress my anxiety and went to Edwin to get a glimpse, but I never thought things would turn out like this.


“What the hell?”


Marvin’s anger at Erin, who had called him out, berated him, and now ignored him as if he didn’t exist, was already unbearable.


Erin was in a similar position to him, but she always acted as if I was her employer.


Above all else, isn’t she the one having other thoughts?


It wasn’t funny that it was so obvious and yet she firmly believed that it was well hidden.


She didn’t know whether things went as Erin hoped or not, the end was set.


“Watch carefully, okay?”


She ignored Marvin until the end, leaving a command word and leaving his room without looking back.


Marvin, who was left behind, exhaled heavily from his rising anger. Erin was too controlling and venomous to wait and endure the unhappy ending that was sure to come.


However, since he couldn’t ruin things with his own hands, the only thing Marvin could do was to kick the bed she was sitting on to vent his anger.




“Are these morning glories?”


Edwin asked after seeing the purple flowers decorated in the room. It was a difficult question for someone like me who doesn’t know much about flowers.


Fortunately, I couldn’t identify the flower, but I knew it wasn’t a morning glories.


“No. Shall we find out what flower it is?”


Chase, the gardener, said, thinking about where he would be right now. Edwin shook his head with a slightly disappointed look.


“Edwin, why are you doing this?”


“No, I saw morning glories in a book. I thought it was a morning glories because that flower was also purple.”


“Morning glories have slightly larger petals and are in full bloom.”


“Does it really look like a trumpet?”


“Yes. It looks like this.”


I took a piece of paper nearby and drew a morning glories I knew. I don’t know if the morning glories here are the same as the morning glories in my world, but they will be similar.


Edwin looked at the picture with his eyes squinted for a moment, then clapped his hands and said.


“It really looks like a trumpet! So if I blow it like this, will it make a sound like a trumpet?”


“Huh? I’ve never blown it before…”


Does it make a sound like a trumpet? I had to grit my teeth to hold back the laughter that was about to escape.


“Oh, then shall we plant it together? Morning glories will grow very quickly.”


“Really? Okay. I want to plant it.”


“Then I’ll ask Chase and come back.”


I left Edwin in Marvin’s care and went out to find Chase. It didn’t take long to find him.


Chase was mostly in the garden or greenhouse.


When I saw him from afar, my steps quickened. People used to avoid him because he was rough and blunt, but Chase was not a threatening person.


I have already seen many times how he takes care of flowers and trees with care. People wouldn’t know it because of his appearance and the way he spoke, but he was a rather delicate person.




At my call, Chase approached me, shaking his hand.


“What’s going on?”


“Edwin wants to plant morning glories. I was wondering where to plant them.”




“Yes. I guess he’s curious about morning glories.”


Chase nodded and looked around. He soon started walking towards it as if he had found a suitable spot.


“I will prepare it, so you can bring him tomorrow.”


Although he didn’t say it to me, it was clear that it was a positive answer.


I could see how pleased Edwin would be with just one morning glories. Just imagining Edwin’s face lighting up at this new experience made me smile.




Edwin was visibly pleased when Chase relayed his words. The reason I couldn’t fall asleep more easily than usual and the reason I woke up early the next day was probably due to anticipation.


I kept looking back at the classes I had happily gone to on other days to see if I was losing my footing today.


On the other hand, the walk back was so light.


Was planting flowers this happy and exciting? I tried to think back to when I was young, but I couldn’t remember anything.


The contrast between Edwin’s innocence and my newfound worldliness made me feel a little sad.


Still, just seeing Edwin listening to Chase’s explanation with such excitement on his face made me feel proud.


Chase also kindly explained to Edwin with a faint smile that I did not normally see.


He seemed to know that Edwin wanted to do everything himself, so he only explained it verbally but did not add any help.


This sight of two adults and a child squatting might have looked quite comical to a passerby.


But there are very few people passing by here at this time…


“What are they doing?”


I stiffened as the familiar voice landed on my ears.


My legs were cramped from squatting for so long, but my spirit was strong. I was able to face the voice’s owner with a straight face.


“Young master Edwin said he wanted to plant morning glories, so we are planting them now.”


“Morning glories?”


His gaze flicked down to Edwin’s hand, which was now standing upright with me, and his eyes lingered on my hand before returning to my face.


Even without looking, I could tell the condition of Edwin’s and my hands. There must be a lot of dirt on it. Because I was tapping the ground a little while ago.


The Duke’s son’s hands are covered in dirt. As expected, it would be a bit of a scolding.


Suddenly, I was shocked and remembered the image of Edwin I had seen not long ago. When I had just become his nanny.


No, until then, he had been rolling around on the dirt floor, playing, and just eating snacks without even washing his hands. No one said anything back then, but now…


It was then. The corners of Raynan’s mouth rose.


“You’re playing well.”


What? Are you smiling at me? Is he warning me to behave myself?


“Have you finished all your classes today?”


“Yes. I came back after studying both writing and swordsmanship diligently.”


“I see. Everyone complimented you.”


He praised him. As expected, it seemed like he was doing well.


Not knowing what Edwin would be like when he went to class, I decided to erase the anxiety that was in the back of my mind.


Since he was such an energetic child, it seemed enough to just believe that he would do well.


“More than that, Renee.”




I answered, startled by the call, and when I responded, Raynan gestured. As if he was telling me to come closer.


The smile on his face was deeper than it had been a moment ago.


Perhaps that was why my feet didn’t leave the ground as easily. Instead of approaching Raynan, I turned my head around.


But there was no one to help me.




I slowly took my steps when I heard my name again as if urging me on. It felt like there were sandbags attached to my ankles.


He waited without saying a word for each heavy step.


When I stood in front of Raynan, he slightly raised his eyebrows.


I came as he said, but something didn’t seem right to me, so I was trying to think about what the problem was. Raynan took a step forward.


Is it because of his long legs? As the distance got closer, I unconsciously held my breath. The moment a breath escaped my lips, Raynan slowly lowered his upper body.




I slowly raised my head as the words slowly flowed out. I couldn’t see his face because he had his back to the sunlight.


It was as if my entire vision was blocked. Because of that, it felt like my other senses had become more sensitive.


His breath on my face was hotter than I thought. As if receiving harm directly.


His voice was softer than I’d expected, and it seemed to tickle me somewhere.


“You’re not coming to talk about Edwin, are you?”


I was so distracted, I didn’t quite understand what he meant for a moment.


I blinked, and then my voice broke through.




“I told you, come talk to me about Edwin often.”


Did he say ‘often?’ It hadn’t been that long ago, had it?


It didn’t take me long to recall the last time he had heard that story-it was only a few days ago.


“I’ll hear it now.”


Raynan said that and slowly stood up.


“Follow me. Edwin continues.”


Leaving only those words, Raynan turned his back and started walking.


Unlike when he had narrowed the distance just a moment ago, as I was staring blankly at his back moving away very slowly, I heard a voice urging me.


“I will take care of Edwin, so don’t worry.”


How could a flat, pitched voice be so obnoxious? She glared at Roman for a moment, but then lowered her eyes.


Because to me, he was as scary as Raynan.


Before I knew it, I found Raynan standing still and looking at me, so I quickly ran.


I thought he would just head straight to the office, but the direction his steps took me was an unexpected place.

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♡


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