I Was a Supporting Character

The World Turns Upside Down (3)

Then, the expression on the ‘author’s face once again awkwardly changed. It seemed like there was something she found difficult to say to me. This is unsettling; what’s going on?

“Who is it? Anyway, even if I know, the world won’t change, so just tell me. I’ll be discreet about it.”


“That’s right.”

The ‘author’ looked at me suspiciously, but after making a decision, she looked straight at me and spoke.

“Ares Stanley. He’s the male protagonist.”

It felt like a hammer had struck my head.

Ares Stanley is the beautiful man I’ve been secretly in love with for three years. He’s the male Lead. If that’s the case, it means he will never be with me. I was just a supporting character.

The tranquility in my heart started to boil again. Tears welled up once more and quickly streamed down my face.

“So, I will never be with him in this world?”

“…Yeah. That’s how it is.”

“So, I become the villain, jealous of the female protagonist who will be with him.”

“That’s right. You’ll turn dark. A lot.”

Although there were words I couldn’t understand, I didn’t have the leisure to dwell on them.

“So, I’ll spend my life just having an unrequited love like this?”

The ‘author’ nodded affirmatively.

“Originally, according to my novel, you would continue to have an unrequited love, unable to bear Ares Stanley being well with the female Lead. In the process, Ares would notice your feelings, but he wouldn’t turn back the already-given heart to the female Lead.”

I chuckled. Ah, I had no choice but to laugh. My life is so pathetic.

In a voice almost resigned, I pleaded with the ‘author’.

“Could you at Least modify the novel’s content a bit? I’m not asking you to change my death, but could you make it so that I don’t love him?”

It’s too painful to love, knowing it won’t be reciprocated. I pleaded quite earnestly.

However, she firmly refused, shaking her head.

“No. This is my novel. I wrote it perfectly, as I wanted. The novel is interesting when you love him. Shouldn’t the female Leiad face some adversity? You have to create that.”

“But I won’t become a villain. Anyway, the male and female protagonists will do well; why should I interfere in the middle?”

“Even if you ask like that, it’s impossible to modify it now.”

I was dumbfounded.

Why? It’s your novel.

“Because I’ve already come into this world. I’ve become a part of this world now. To modify it, I would have to return to the higher-dimensional original world.”

“Then go back, modify it, and come back again.”

“It’s not as simple as I want. The ‘entity’ said he would grant one wish. And to come into this world, I gave up the version of myself in the original dimension. So, I can’t go back.”

I was shocked by this incredible fact.

“Then, are you saying that you have a deceased body in the original dimension?”

“I haven’t confirmed whether I’m dead or not until the end. But what’s certain is that my existence is not there in that dimension right now. Maybe I died?”

It was like crossing one mountain after another. So, she couldn’t go back to the original world to modify the content, and I was in a situation where I would continue to painfully have unrequited love until the end.

“It’s really maddening.”

Unexpectedly, a coarse word escaped my aristocratic manner. But what can I do? If there’s anyone who can face this situation with a sound mind, come and show yourself.

The ‘author’ consoled me, saying, “Just live. I’m sorry for making it difficult for you too. But thanks to me, at Least you won’t die as a villain and Leave a name behind.”

“…Right. I’m really grateful.”

In a tone devoid of any soul, I mumbled absentmindedly.

The ‘author’ asked me, “Aren’t you curious about who the female Lead is?”

I chuckled. Since Ares Stanley wouldn’t end up with me anyway, I didn’t care who he was connected to.

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

“I’m not curious. Anyway, it won’t be me with Stanley.”

“Still, why not listen and decide? Whether you’ll become a villain or not.”

I looked at the ‘author’ with a puzzled expression.

“Is that really so important? Who the female Lead is?”

Then, the ‘author’ made an ambiguous expression as if revealing her inner thoughts. My forehead furrowed unconsciously. I decided to go along with the ‘author’s trick.

“Fine. Tell me who it is. Who the female Lead is.”

“…Leia Saturanos.”


I couldn’t help but gasp. Leia Saturanos, the young lady who made her debut in high society last week after celebrating her 18th birthday, is the female Lead?

Without realizing it, my inner thoughts Leaked out.

“A clueless fledgling as the female Lead? Is she destined to be with Ares Stanley?”

The ‘author’ gleamed with interest.

“How about it? Do you want to become a villain now? Do you think she’s worth interfering with?”

I laughed despondently. Ah, how many times will I experience such emptiness today?

“No, I won’t interfere.”


The ‘author’ clicked her tongue as if expressing regret. It seemed like she wanted to witness a fight, but I wasn’t going to play along with her wishes.

Let’s tease her a bit more. I was curious to see how her expression would change. I spoke with a sarcastic tone, even adding a laugh.

“Actually, I might even cheer them on. Make sure it goes well.”


Uttering a strange exclamation, the ‘author’ was astonished. Well, I got the reaction I wanted.

She asked me in disbelief, “Why would you want to do that? Are you saying you’ll help the man you like be happy with another woman? Is that something a sane person would say?”

I responded calmly, “You hit the nail on the head. I’m not exactly in my right mind at the moment. Why do I want to do that? Well…”

I was going to say, “Because I want to give you a hard time,” but that was too obvious. So, I opted for a more refined reason.

“For him to be happy, it would be fitting for him to do well with the woman he loves. From what I know, Leia Saturanos seems ridiculously cheerful and occasionally naive. How can such a girl survive in this turbulent high society? So, if Ares can comfort and love the exhausted Leia, it might make for a more interesting story.”

“So you’re saying that Ares will comfort the exhausted Leia and love will blossom!”

“Even if I intervene, won’t the story unfold according to the ending anyway?”


The ‘author’ seemed momentarily lost for words. I felt a strange sense of victory.

I spoke in a tone that reassured her,

“I won’t meddle too deeply. I’m not one to overstep my boundaries too much.”


She looked at me with an unpleasant glare. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I smiled brightly at her. Take that; I have the upper hand.

The ‘author,’ with her chin resting on her hand, asked me, “Don’t you have any more questions?”

I pondered for a moment. However, I soon raised my head with a comfortable smile.

“No, I feel like I’ve Learned enough to sort out my life. If I have more questions, I’ll ask later.”

“Hmm? I don’t think I’ll just show up that easily.”

Surprised by the unexpected response, I was momentarily dumbfounded.

“So, does that mean you won’t appear in front of me again?”

“Why would I bother coming back?”

“Aren’t you curious about what’s happening?”

“I can know that without coming to you individually. However, if you want to see me, I’ll appear occasionally. In this tea house, in this spot.”

I felt reasonably relieved. Unconsciously, I seemed to have accepted this ‘author’ as the creator of this world. Knowing that she wouldn’t completely disappear, I found myself surprisingly at ease.

“Will you let me know when you’re coming?”

“Yeah. I’ll come whenever I feel like it.”

I chuckled.

“I guess I’ll need some luck to meet you. Alright, that’s good enough.”

The ‘author’ looked at me with a strange gaze.

“You’re stronger mentally than I thought. I didn’t describe that aspect in the novel.”

I spoke to her in a teaching tone as if pointing something out.

“You’re not an all-powerful ‘deity.’ In the parts you didn’t describe, my life was shaped by my own will, and my personality was partly formed there. Thinking you know everything is arrogance.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Surprisingly, she admitted her shortcomings.

As her teacup emptied, she stood up.

“Well, I’ll be going now. Nice meeting you, Bianca.”

I smiled back at her, feeling the same.

I also felt the weight of the truth about this world after meeting the ‘Author.’ Everything that makes up Bianca Uranos, myself, was created by the intentions of the ‘Author.’ I was thoroughly a supporting character in this novel.

Even the feelings I had for Ares Stanley, those emotions were manufactured by the ‘Author’ for the sake of the novel. They weren’t real.

I felt a drop of water on my hand and hastily touched my face. Unbeknownst to me, tears were streaming down my face.

Why was I feeling so passionately about something that wasn’t real? Even if those emotions were created, why was I holding onto them so tightly?

I let out a sigh. Various thoughts were tumultuously racing through my mind, causing me inner turmoil.

So, I decided to let go. Since my feelings toward Stanley were not genuine, why should I cling to them so painfully?

That’s right. It’s done.

Now I felt like I could let go of the pain. I had expected this revelation to be more tumultuous, but knowing the truth about this world made my lingering attachment to unrequited love seem somewhat ridiculous.

I absentmindedly looked out the window.

What fate, or rather, what kind of joke was this ‘Author’ playing? Outside, Ares Stanley, with his radiant golden hair, was entering the wine bar, Dionysus.

I looked at him and quietly muttered to myself.

Farewell, my unrequited love.

Ares Stanley, my age-mate, who was only a few days apart on our birthdays, was the heir to the prestigious Stanley Duke’s family in the renowned empire. A man of unparalleled charm with a calm and reserved demeanor, complemented by gentle manners

But beyond all these accolades, I had already fallen for him at first sight. Just seeing him once was enough for him to capture my entire heart.

Maybe his radiant appearance was the catalyst. However, besides that, I didn’t bother looking for other qualities in him. He was impressive enough on his own.

This emotion had lasted for over two years. At this point, I could no longer say that I fell for him just because of his looks.

He was my crush before I even realized it. He was perfect in every way, and just one look from him was enough to steal my entire heart.

‘Real’ it wasn’t, but why was I so heated about it? It was just a manufactured emotion, so why was I holding onto it like this?

I sighed wetly. Various thoughts were Leaping around in my mind, making me restless.

So, I decided to let it go now. My affection for Ares Stanley was not real anyway, so why should I cling to it even when it causes me so much pain?

Well, that’s settled.

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

Now, it seemed like I could be released from the pain. I wondered how this feeling would unravel overnight, but after knowing the truth about this world, holding onto unrequited love felt ridiculous.

I absentmindedly looked out the window.

What kind of fate, or rather, the ‘joke’ of the author is this? Outside, Ares Emperor Peter, with his radiant golden hair, was entering the Dionysus Wine Bar.

I murmured quietly in my heart as I watched him.

Before I knew it, my heart settled peacefully. In the remaining days of my life, I couldn’t afford to Leave such lingering regrets. There was no time to waste on emotions that weren’t real.

A calm smile even crossed my lips. My heart became tranquil. Was this the feeling of facing death?

I captured the image of Ares Stanley, carrying my last lingering affection, in my eyes. His beautiful figure would never change. He was already the protagonist of this world.

However, at that moment, something remarkable happened.

For the past two years, he had always been here, but he had never once lifted his head in my direction. But now, unexpectedly, he suddenly lifted his head!

And precisely from the teahouse window, where I had been observing him, our eyes met.

My heart sank. I quickly turned my head and stood up, falling from the window.

Did he see me? Did he see me looking at him? My heart pounded.

Why did things that hadn’t happened until now explode all at once today? Thanks to that, my head felt like it was going to explode!

I couldn’t move from the window; I stepped back, fearing that if I rushed out, I might encounter Ares Stanley outside. So, I stood there, unable to do anything, stuck in that position.

How much time has passed?

Fortunately, Ares Stanley did see me in the teahouse, but it seemed he had no intention of coming up. I finally took a deep breath and returned to my seat by the window.

Ares Stanley was already gone. Perhaps, after meeting my gaze, he went straight into the wine bar.

Feeling a bit relieved, I picked up my handbag and umbrella.

I should go home.


  1. Meidou says:

    Dear author, go f*ck yourself .
    Even I, as a reader, want to scr*w your novel over.

    Honestly I don’t get why a novel that require a villainess for make a dull FL shine, could be defined a “masterpiece”. 😅

    Thank you so much for the chapter ❤️

    1. Stardust says:

      Your welcome 🙂

    2. Mai says:


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