I Was a Supporting Character

Poor handwriting is difficult to correct (2)

I wanted to meet the ‘author’ right away to resolve this question. I had the idea of asking the ‘author’ to recite the sentences from the novel as they are.

I need to figure out how the writing has unfolded into such an unpredictable development. Perhaps her writing skills are not as excellent from my perspective. She might have just listed events as they came to mind.

According to the ‘author,’ the world in this novel is so perfect that she wanted to enter it and requested a skilled person’ for it. Therefore, this novel could be her masterpiece. This is, of course, based on the ‘author’s’ own standards.

Today, once again, I spent half a day in a tea house, ultimately unable to meet the ‘author’ and ending up in frustration. I’ve been counting for several days now, and even that has become tiring.

Hey, Mr. ‘Author’! Are you eating and moving around? I’ve been waiting for days in the tea house to buy tea and sandwiches for you, so why aren’t you showing up?

Sigh. I’m tired, so tired.

I weakly opened the door of the tea house and walked out onto the bustling street.

The sun had completely tilted, and the twilight was setting in. Today was another day completely wasted. With not many days left to live anyway. I absentmindedly looked up at the sky, tinged with red.

Should I just give up and naturally become a villainess?

But then, it happened. Amidst cries and screams from all around, a loud voice rang out.

“Move aside! It’s dangerous!”


I, who was looking at the sky in the setting sun, lowered my head in the direction of the shouting.

Thud, thud, thud—a sound echoed in my ears like thunder. And then, a horse tied to a carriage, crazily leaping, approached me very slowly, as if time itself were moving in slow motion.

People were rolling to the sides of the road, avoiding the horse and carriage. But for some reason, my legs seemed to have stiffened, and I couldn’t move an inch.

The large, bloodshot eyes of the crazed horse looked hauntingly prominent. I could even see the foam-mixed saliva it was spewing around. Every detail, even the fierce flying mane, entered my vision in slow motion.

Yet, I couldn’t move.

Ah, so this is my death, it seemed. My demise was approaching faster than I had anticipated.

As a result of my struggles to deviate from the path of the villainess described diligently in the novel, it seemed that I was quickly leaving this world and heading towards a predetermined route of Ares and Leia’s ‘sweetwater.’

If I had known I would die so quickly, I shouldn’t have wasted these days waiting desperately to meet the ‘author’ in the tea house. I had wasted precious time for nothing.

Once I saw my death approaching in front of my eyes, it wasn’t as frightening or sad as I thought. Without any thoughts, my mind calmly settled and became quiet.

Now, I am going to die.

I saw the crazed horse approaching me slowly. And then I closed my eyes slowly.



With a loud sound that felt like it would tear my eardrums, something heavy forcefully pushed me. Because of that gust of wind, I became a lump with it and fell onto the street.


A short scream burst from my mouth. As I fell, the crazed horse barely grazed past me.

… I didn’t die.

Huh? I’m alive? It wasn’t my time to die just now?

I couldn’t quite grasp the reality of still being alive. With a dazed expression, I watched the crazed horse, with the carriage, crash into the wall of a building.

And then, at that moment,

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only


Only then did I realise that someone was holding me tightly. Still not fully aware, I looked at the person who had saved me.

“Are you okay?”

Ah, it was you. Ares Stanley.

His brilliant blonde hair was dishevelled, perhaps due to the shock of the fall, and his usually warm golden eyes were now tinged with red as he gazed at me.

“Yes, I’m okay.”

I mechanically replied, and indeed, I wasn’t injured.

Considering the recent brush with death, my mental state was surprisingly stable. Perhaps because I knew I was going to die in advance. It wasn’t as disconcerting or frightening as I thought it would be.

Well, it seems I’ll experience a situation like this again the next time I’m about to die. I don’t like the sound of that.

Anyway, it was fortunate. At least my parents didn’t have to see my lifeless body trampled by hooves.

After the crazed horse crashed into the wall, a crowd quickly gathered to see what had happened. In the midst of the chaos, only Ares and I remained on the ground, unable to get up.

But why won’t this person let me go? Ares continued to hold me tightly, refusing to release his grip.

No, could it be that you’re shaking right now?

“Ares, I’m really okay.”

I hope he lets me get up.

I silently looked into his eyes until he released his arms on his own. Somehow, his eyes seemed to be moist.

His face, twisted with concern and shock, suddenly changed as if he were angry.


Seeing my questioning expression, he closed his mouth tightly, looking angry about something. He then released his grip, but soon after, he grabbed my hand firmly and lifted me up, leading me somewhere.

“Ares! Where are we going?”

He took me to a narrow gap between buildings, hidden from the eyes of the people.

Why would he bring me to a place like this?

Just as I was about to ask him with a puzzled expression, he shouted at me first.


Huh? Ares, why are you so angry?

“Why do you have that expression!”

My expression? What’s wrong with my expression?

“Why do you have such indifferent eyes!”

I could only stare at him blankly for a moment.

How did he know?

“Why are you trying to leave so nonchalantly…!”

This person, as I felt before, has a very sharp intuition.

But why is he so angry that I’m accepting death?

As I was already sweating over revealing my true feelings to Ares, something even more bewildering happened.

Suddenly, he tightly embraced me!

In my frozen ears, Ares’ voice, full of anger, or rather sadness, echoed.

“You almost died…! You were about to disappear from this world! I thought I lost you forever, right in front of my eyes…!”

“Uh, well…”

“I haven’t even told you that I love you yet…!”

At that moment, it felt like lightning struck my head.

What? Wait, Ares, what did you just say?

Why is Ares Stanley saying he loves me? What on earth is happening? What has happened to me?

I opened my eyes wide. And with confusion and fear, my whole body began to tremble.

Something is wrong!

Unconsciously, I pushed Ares away with all my strength.

“Bianca! Please don’t do this, please!”

As soon as I broke free from him, I turned around and sprinted away in a state of complete panic, rushing back to the tea house to find the ‘author.’ Despite Ares desperately calling out for me from behind, that was not important right now.

Damn this ‘author’! Explain this situation to me now!

Why me, and not the protagonist, Lea!

Breathing heavily, I opened the tea house door again and raced up the stairs. I stared at the window seat where I usually sat, but just like before, the ‘author’ wasn’t there.

No…! I need to meet you right now!

I could only stare helplessly at the empty seat. Never before had the inability to meet the ‘author’ felt so terrifying.

As I stared blankly at the vacant spot, I heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs.


Ares Stanley. He had somehow followed me.

I was too shocked and confused; I couldn’t manage my expression. I just looked at Ares with a dumbfounded face; my poker face shattered.

The tea house was empty as everyone had left to witness the commotion with the crazed carriage. In this deserted space, only Ares and I stood facing each other.

“Bianca. I’m sorry for surprising you.”

His face looked painfully distressed.

“But I mean what I said. I love you. And I have loved you for a very long time…”

I had no idea what my expression was like now. No thoughts crossed my mind.

“Bianca. I understand if you don’t believe me. I’ve been watching from afar for so long. The thought that you were avoiding me, I was too scared to gather the courage to approach you.”

It was anticlimactic. All the heartache and turmoil I had gone through for over two years was nothing but foolishness.

“I wanted to gradually become friends with you. Then, perhaps one day, you might open your heart to me.”

Ares lowered his head.

“But the moment I saw you standing in front of the charging carriage, there has never been a more fearful moment in my life.”


“So, I unconsciously moved my body. And… I shouted to you, who knew nothing. I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t respond. His words echoed in my head.

I felt like my mind was about to fade away. I struggled to hold on to my sanity and stumbled as I asked him,

“W-when did you… start having feelings for me?”

“…From the first time I saw you.”

Truly, I couldn’t feel more foolish about myself.

Ares and I, both nursing unrequited love for each other, spent over two years foolishly suffering in silence! If either one of us had mustered the courage, we wouldn’t have needed to hide our feelings like this…

No, rather, if I had shown the courage a bit earlier, like when I faced the possibility of death just now, we wouldn’t have found ourselves in this ridiculous situation where his true feelings surfaced only when death was at our doorstep.

It was utterly disheartening.

Now, Ares’ confession brought not joy but a profound sense of emptiness.

“….But why do you love me?”

Amidst the storm of emotions, a single question gently raised its head.

He was supposed to be the male protagonist of this novel, destined to love Leia Saturanos, the female lead. They had just shared a passionate first encounter with a street kiss, entering the initial stages of a blossoming romance.

Could it be that he resisted the predetermined plot?

No. There’s absolutely no way.

Even I, who knew the whole truth, failed to resist the plot and push Ares away. How could he manage it!

The incessant questions were causing my head to explode. I instinctively reached for my forehead, the self-rising headache forcing me to slump into a seat.



Ares called my name. However, I had no mental strength left to face him.

Please, just go away. My head is pounding so much, just leave!

Despite my desperate inner plea, he opened his mouth and spoke to me.

“I won’t force you to accept my feelings. You can just treat me the way you have been until now.”

His voice sounded devoid of strength.

“I didn’t intend to confess. I was afraid that if I did, we might not even be able to remain friends.”


“I got excited unintentionally when I thought you might get hurt. So, just consider it unheard.”

His words felt weak.

“I won’t pressure you. It’s okay to treat me the way you always have.”

The throbbing headache made his words blur into the background noise.

I couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh.

After saying such momentous words, he now wants me to pretend I didn’t hear them? Your confession has shaken my entire life, you know?


  1. Mai says:

    It’s so ridiculous, he says he has loved her for a long time but is still going around with that other woman, even after meeting like that and hearing the rumours about them… He should have either approached Bianca alone and try to get closer, the way he does things is just so…

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