I Was a Supporting Character

A Spring Day for Me (4)

If we resume the school meals tomorrow, there will undoubtedly be a massive influx of people. I can guarantee that those who went hungry all day today will form lines early in the morning.

Perhaps that’s why the ingredients the staff brought from the market were quite substantial. According to Mimas, they bought enough for 500 people, but she added that it might not be sufficient.

Now, can you imagine the number of potatoes I have to peel? Of course, I’m not doing it alone, but still, the absolute quantity was so enormous that I honestly doubted whether I could finish peeling them all today.

At that moment, when the luggage seemed to have been completely cut, Ares approached me.

“It seems like the luggage-carrying work has been roughly finished.”

“Oh, I see. Thank you for your hard work. Then, next time…”

Thinking he was saying goodbye to go home since his task was done, I was about to bid farewell, but he unexpectedly sat down beside me.


“Aren’t you returning to the duke’s mansion?”

“I haven’t received the full payment for changing the queue yet.”

For a brief moment, my poker face was lost and then returned. I should add another note about Ares to my mental notes. Surprisingly, he has a tendency to persistently negotiate the payment.

Instead of him just sitting there without doing anything, I thought it would be better to have him help me peel these potato mountains.

“Ares, do you know how to peel potatoes?”

“…I’ve never done it before, but I suppose I can follow your lead.”

Ah, so he meant he would help anyway.

I casually went and brought another small knife, then handed it confidently to Ares.

“If you peel the skin too thick, you’ll lose that much of the potato to eat, so it’s better to peel it thinly if possible.”

“I understand.”

For some reason, his response sounded cheerful.

Is he the type who enjoys manual labor? There seem to be many people with peculiar preferences in this world.

He watched me peel potatoes for a long time.

…After watching enough, it would be nice if he started helping! How many times did I almost drop the potatoes from my hand because of this unnecessary tension!

“Um… Do you still need to watch more?”

“Haha, no, I think I get it now.”

He started peeling the potato skin quite skillfully.

Wow, was it this easy just by watching for a while? How many times did I make mistakes at first? No, maybe it’s because I’ve done it so many times that I’m used to it?

I was making all sorts of guesses without him knowing, and he worked with a quite bright face. It was a menial task that a noble had never done before, but I was genuinely grateful and happy because he did it so joyfully. Even if he had volunteered, it might have looked awkward to the staff of this cafeteria, including Mimas.

However, he carried a bag of onions with soil on it, held a small knife that didn’t suit his big hands while peeling potatoes, and had a pleasant expression without a single complaint. I appreciated his manners.

“Thank you. You could have just sat quietly and waited, but I’m grateful for your help.”

“It doesn’t seem like something to be thankful for. Because I quite enjoyed it, so if anything, I should be the one expressing gratitude.”

“Hehe. Are you saying this simple labor suits your temperament?”

“Rather than that…”

Ares trailed off, glancing at me.

“It’s more like… because I’m with a good person.”


My potato slipped out of my hand in a splendid manner! Thanks to that, I almost shaved my hand with the knife.

“Bianca! Are you okay?”

Ares shouted with a surprised voice as I was checking my fingers.

Oh, luckily it didn’t cut, but the blade did touch my finger. No, who throws such a bomb-like statement? My heart is still pounding.

He was originally skilled at speaking kindly about others, but he never crossed a certain line, making him a man whom the young ladies couldn’t get close to. And the first woman who crossed that line was Lea Saturanos.

Anyway, it seems that I was surprised by his words, which were almost like a greeting, probably because I have some feelings for him.

“Oh, yes. I’m fine. But Ares.”

I said it sincerely, looking at him with a serious face.

“You shouldn’t say things like that lightly, especially to someone like you, an aristocrat.”

Although he seemed to stiffen at my words, I thought I needed to say what I had in mind.

“I know that you are a person with good manners towards women, but it could be misunderstood. Anyway, thank you for seeing me as a good person.”

Even though I felt like I was giving unnecessary advice to someone who already knew how to maintain boundaries, my heart fluttered as if it had dropped. His words were polite and courteous, but to me, who was already filled with emotions, they seemed like the perfect words for a misunderstanding.

It was both exciting and sad. His kind words momentarily sounded like he ‘liked’ me. Of course, what he meant by ‘liking’ and what I felt as ‘liking’ were probably as different as heaven and earth, but who cares if the listener feels excited alone?

As I laughed to myself, Ares, who had slightly lowered himself next to me, spoke.

“I’m not as well-mannered as you think.”

Oh, how modest! Even if you say that, all the ladies already know. Hehe.

I laughed heartily and nodded at him.

“That’s how women like me see it. Everyone knows that you are a kind and splendid aristocrat.”


He eventually closed his mouth. Maybe he felt a bit awkward even after adding a compliment after the advice. But still, he seemed a bit upset.

After that, we focused silently on trimming the potatoes. Ares, who had become silent, worked at an incredible speed. In no time, all those potatoes were neatly trimmed.

Once the ingredients were organized enough for tomorrow’s cooking, I finally got up from my seat. The sky, just setting, was dyed in shades of purple.

“Lady Uranos, Prince Stanley. I truly appreciate your immense help today. How can I thank you…”

Mimas expressed his gratitude towards us.

“Don’t mention it. It’s nothing compared to the successful distribution tomorrow.”

I briefly replied to him and hurriedly prepared to leave. It would be best to return before it got completely dark. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman driving a carriage alone at night.

“Bianca, are you returning to the marquisate now?”

Ares, who had maintained an awkward silence until a moment ago, suddenly asked me. I nodded as if it were a matter of course.

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

“Yes, it’s getting completely dark, so it’s better to return.”


Hmm. Judging by his hesitant words, does he still think he hasn’t received compensation for the changed queue ticket? Well, I spent the entire afternoon with him, just as he demanded! Anyway, I didn’t break the promise!

Thinking he might say something else, I gave him a stern look. But unexpectedly, his next words were quite surprising.

“The sun has already set, and it’s still dangerous even now. I’ll accompany you back to the marquisate.”

Ah, he wasn’t trying to pick a fight. Hm.

Nevertheless, he’s considerate. Even though there’s still some twilight, it has indeed become dark, and it’s not entirely safe. Watching his careful consideration, it’s no wonder women are drawn to him. After all, I’m just an ordinary woman who could be moved by such gestures.

Now or never! When else would I get a chance to receive an escort from Ares? Even if Leia finds out later and scolds me, thinking, ‘This wicked woman!’ and grabs me by the hair, I won’t miss this moment!

“Thank you. I won’t refuse your kindness.”

I tried to hide my excitement as much as possible and accepted his kindness in an effort to appear calm.

As Ares and I got on the carriage, Mimas smiled warmly while seeing us off.

“Sir Stanley, Lady Uranos, please take care.”

I slightly furrowed my brows at his farewell. Somehow, his smiling face and polite words seemed like a mischievous joke, as if he was trying to connect us in some way.

“Oh, Mimas…”

I was about to say something in response, but Ares was quicker.

“Don’t worry, Mimas. I’ll take good care of Bianca.”

“Then, please be careful!”

Instead of me holding the reins, Ares took them and started the carriage!

Wait, I haven’t finished what I wanted to say!

The carriage rattled down the dimly lit streets.

I savored the moment, enjoying the current situation.

Hehe, after three years of unrequited love, I finally get to ride a carriage with Ares. Although it’s not a luxurious carriage with a roof, the fact that Ares is the one driving my carriage makes it feel like a dream.

Dream. Yes, it was a dream. The kind of dream that would vanish like an illusion after a night’s sleep The dream is where anything the dreamer wishes for comes true.

If meeting Ares today and peeling potatoes at the soup kitchen were scenes from a novel, I could genuinely thank the “author” for giving me such a good dream before I die.

My consciousness, which was locked in that moment, was awakened by Ares’s voice.

“Today was enjoyable, Bianca.”

“Hehe. I’m glad. I was worried you might be unhappy just doing manual labor.”

I lightly responded to his impression. However, he spoke with seriousness.

“I’m not just saying that. I genuinely enjoyed it.”

I was slightly taken aback, and I ended up closing my mouth hastily.

Why is he looking so serious? Did I make a mistake?

Sigh. Ares Stanley—the real nature of this man—was truly difficult to grasp. I had no idea where he became uncomfortable, but I, as an utterly ordinary person, couldn’t figure it out!

Ares continued to speak.

“As I mentioned before, I’m not as well-mannered as you think. It’s just that I appear that way because I’ve learned social etiquette. My real self is completely different.”

He seemed unjustly aggrieved.

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Well, in social circles, one naturally has to have manners. Who would reveal their true self to others? Even I had to hide my choleric temperament in front of those annoying ladies who touched my nerves.

I felt a bit sorry for Ares, who seemed to be feeling unfairly treated.

Moreover, most people prefer not to reveal their true selves, right? There’s no perfect person in this world, and everyone has their flaws. Who would like their shortcomings to be blatantly exposed to others? Even if someone wishes their true self to be revealed, usually that’s only possible in very intimate friendships or romantic relationships.

So, I fall into the category of people who don’t necessarily need to know his true self.


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