I Was a Supporting Character

What's the Fun in a Romance Novel Without Clichés? (2)


I was truly moved. It might not be the splendid capital, but the serene countryside village scenery was so beautiful.

“Do you like it?”


Ares, who had come next to me on horseback, had a satisfied expression on his face.

“I wanted to show you this. Every time I come here, I always see this view.”

I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to him.

“It’s really wonderful. Thank you, Ares.”

After admiring the scenery, Ares, who knew the way well, took the lead. I was starting to get hungry, so we needed a place to sit.

“Are you tired?”

Ares asked kindly. I shook my head and smiled.

“I’m not that tired. I’m quite confident in my stamina.”


Please shatter any preconceptions that a socialite would be delicate and frail.

Despite appearances, I was quite skilled at swimming and horseback riding. This meant that my athletic abilities were pretty decent. As proof, even when dancing throughout the entire evening at a ball, I rarely stumbled or broke into a sweat.

After walking for a bit, Ares found a suitable place for the two of us to sit. It was just below a ridge where we could overlook the valley and enjoy the cool breeze.

We tied our horses to a nearby tree and settled under a large tree that provided shade above us. As soon as we sat down, Ares and I opened the basket containing our lunch.

“Oh my, such pretty sandwiches. They’re almost too beautiful to eat.”

“Wow, your family’s chef is amazing.”

“Haha. I’ll have to tell the chef that. He’ll probably be thrilled.”

“Really? Haha.”

I picked up a sandwich and took a bite. The coolness of the salad slid down my throat, refreshing me.

“Ares, make sure to tell the chef that I really enjoyed it.”


We laughed together and enjoyed our lunch. During the meal, Ares kept looking after me, offering me water and a handkerchief.

He’s even more attentive than Miranda, it seems.

It’s like a dream. Just a while ago, I couldn’t have imagined spending such a time with Ares.

When I first heard about my fate from the ‘author,’ I believed I would never end up with him and would remain stuck in unrequited love. Of course, the ‘author’ thought the same.

Maybe I should be thankful that the ‘author’ wrote the novel in the first person. Otherwise, would I have had this opportunity? And another thing. If it weren’t for Leia Saturnus, I wouldn’t have been able to open up to Ares and become his lover.

It’s quite ironic, isn’t it? Both the ‘author’ and Leia were my adversaries in this world, but because of their interference in my life, I got to be with Ares.

Life is truly unpredictable, haha.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”

Suddenly, Ares’ voice came from beside me. I gave him a small smile.

“Just that… ‘Life really is unpredictable,’ you know?”

His expression changed subtly, neither a smile nor a frown.

Ares responded briefly.

“Don’t you think we’re too young to be discussing life already?”

“That’s true, but even a short life has its own things to ponder.”


Ares fell silent with a serious look on his face.

“Don’t take it too heavily, though. Haha.”

I said in a deliberately bright voice. My days might be short, but his are long. He can afford to look at life a bit more lightly.

Ares looked at me intently, still serious.

“I don’t know if you remember, but I once said your eyes looked like those of someone who’s lived through everything.”

“Ah, I remember. It was before we started dating.”

It felt like a long time ago, though it hadn’t been that long in terms of actual time, given everything that had happened.

Ares looked like he had a lot to say, but in the end, his words were simple.

“I want to be happy with you for a long time.”

“…I see.”

I couldn’t respond to his words immediately. But soon, I smiled at him and continued.

“I feel the same way.”


At my reply, Ares gave a somewhat sad smile.

I truly want to be happy with him for a long time. However, I am not so foolish as to cling to false hopes. Nothing in this world is eternal, and Ares likely knows this well.

A pleasant breeze blew from the valley. Ares spread out a blanket and lay down. I sat next to him, knees drawn up, and propped up my easel.

“Are you going to draw?”

“Yes. The spot is perfect for capturing a beautiful scene.”

Ares watched me from his reclined position as I picked up a piece of charcoal. As I began sketching on the canvas, he murmured in admiration.


I lifted my chin slightly, giving a playful smile, and continued focusing on my drawing.

Ares sat up and quietly observed my work. Since he didn’t interrupt unnecessarily, I was able to concentrate and capture the scenery below the mountain.

While drawing, I occasionally glanced sideways at Ares. Each time our eyes met, he would smile softly, making my heart race and my face flush. Hiding this reaction was quite a challenge.

It seemed like the drawing was almost done. As I brushed off the scattered charcoal dust with a piece of bread, Ares suddenly spoke up.

“Can you draw me too?”

Hmph. He must have thought my drawing skills were pretty decent. Although, I’m sure I’m not as good as professional artists. It feels a bit embarrassing.

“Drawing you isn’t difficult, but I don’t know if you’ll like it.”

I replied bashfully, and Ares responded as if it were obvious.

“Of course I’ll like it. You’re the one drawing it.”

Haha. When he says things so openly, it makes me even more flustered!

Anyway, since Ares had asked, I picked up the charcoal and turned to face him.


He quietly sat there, keeping his gaze on me. A few days ago, I had drawn him from memory in the study, but drawing him in person felt different.


Neither of us said a word. Only the sound of charcoal sweeping across the paper could be heard.

After some time had passed…

“…..How is it?”

I showed Ares the completed portrait.

Instead of trying to make it an exact replica, I focused on capturing the essence and atmosphere. I wondered if he would like it.

A moment of silence passed.

“…I really love it, Bianca.”

He spoke with genuine emotion. It wasn’t exaggerated praise, so I knew he truly liked my drawing.

“Thank you, Ares. Honestly, I was a bit nervous. I was worried you might not like it.”

“There’s no way I wouldn’t. Haha…”

I rolled up the portrait of Ares and tied it with a long, thin piece of grass since I didn’t have any string. Then I handed the rolled-up drawing to him.

“I’ve never drawn a portrait for anyone outside of my family. You’re the first.”

“Really? I’m honored…”

Ares looked a bit surprised as he accepted the drawing.

Having eaten and drawn, Ares seemed to be getting sleepy. He had been lying down earlier too. He rubbed his eyes, perhaps to shake off the drowsiness.



When he turned to look at me, I gestured to my lap.

“Rest your head here.”

He shook his head with a slightly embarrassed expression.

“I can’t do that…”

“It’s just the two of us here. Get some rest.”


Hmm. He still seems hesitant.

“Come on. There’s no one here to see.”


When he continued to hesitate, I sighed and gently pulled his arm. Ares, unable to resist, finally let himself be guided and rested his head on my lap.


For a moment, he lay there, looking up at me. I gazed down at him with a faint smile. To help him sleep, I placed my hand on his forehead and gently brushed his bangs aside.

His hair was so soft, slipping through my fingers. The sensation was so pleasing that I found it hard to stop.

Ares’s eyelids gradually lowered, eventually covering his golden eyes completely. He fell asleep peacefully, breathing evenly like a child.

Even his eyelashes, resting against his closed lids, were the same golden color as his hair. Seeing Ares’s defenseless face up close made me incredibly happy.

…Maybe I was too happy. A slow, creeping sadness began to well up in my chest.

Why was I feeling sad in such a peaceful and quiet moment, spending time with Ares in the mountain breeze?

Was it because I knew this happiness wouldn’t last long? Or was it the bitterness of knowing this wasn’t meant for me?

Or perhaps, Leia had already seen this natural, unguarded side of Ares many times before. Who wouldn’t want to stay by his side? I couldn’t completely fault Leia for clinging to their friendship, denying any deeper feelings.

The gentle sadness spreading through my heart made my eyes start to well up.

To keep the tears at bay, I lifted my head and gazed into the distance, as if trying to let the wind dry them. The quaint, tiny roofs of the village below looked charming and picturesque.

Once my emotions settled somewhat, a faint smile tugged at my lips. I realized my hand, which had been gently stroking Ares, had stopped. Recognizing this, I looked back down.


At some point he had awakened from his sleep, and now he was looking at me with eyes filled with intense emotions. Slightly flustered, I quickly withdrew my hand from his hair.

He sat up from where he had been lying against my knees. His golden-brown eyes trembled as much as my eyes did, colored with surprise. His tightly closed lips seemed on the brink of breaking into a strained smile.

Why? Why was he so perceptive again?

No, more importantly, when did he wake up and start looking at me?

Ares tightened his grip on my arms with a grimacing face. Then abruptly, he leaned towards me, his gaze penetrating.

Before I could react, his lips covered mine. His warm tongue slid between my lips, seeking mine.


His emotions flooded through his lips and tongue into me. I felt a sense of urgency, of desperation. And faintly mixed with that, anger.

I was bewildered by Ares’s unexpected emotions. In shock, I twisted my body to break free from his tight hold. But he didn’t release me; instead, he pressed harder.

Why was he clinging to me so desperately?

I continued to struggle, trying to escape his grip.

“Mmm! Mmph!”

Despite my efforts, the intense kiss continued, as if he might devour me.

If his initial feeling was urgency, as the kiss deepened, what I felt was…



  1. CatLady says:

    Does stardust not have a kofi? ☹️

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