I Was a Supporting Character

When life comes to an end, there is nothing to be afraid of (8)

“Then… will Viscount Saturnos now receive the protection of the royal family?”

“On what grounds? There aren’t many families that pay more taxes than Marquis Uranos.”

“But Princess, you are publicly defending Young lady, who has committed such indiscretions.”

“Still, our family doesn’t want to bow our heads to Viscount Saturnos…”

Princess Ariel must have sensed the awkward atmosphere.

Well, they’re just aristocrats. And she spent a year longer in high society than Leia.

“Um, Marquis Uranos’ parents are prominent figures in this noble society. Both of them have sufficient tact, so there’s no need to go that far, Young lady.”

She tried to settle things before they escalated.

Huh, but it won’t be so easy. Now, I must bring out my secret weapon.

“Oh… I’m so ashamed that my inadequacy has disgraced even my parents… I don’t know where to hide. Your Highness…”

I dropped my hand holding the fan weakly and instead covered my lips with my hand, shedding a single tear.

“Oh? Young lady Uranos…”

Princess Ariel looked bewildered at my tears.

Did you see, Leia Saturnos? This is how a woman’s tears should be used.

Somewhere, I heard Metis’s voice again.

“Oh my, Young lady Uranos is shedding tears!”

The news that I, who rarely showed weakness, was shedding tears caused quite a stir as expected. Among the nobles, discontented voices began to rise.

“I’m not sure if she has committed such a grave mistake.”

“This seems a bit too much even for Princess Ariel.”

Riding on the unsettled atmosphere, I decided to make a decisive move here.

“…I was afraid for Young lady Saturnos… Who wouldn’t be captivated by such innocence and beauty as hers? Besides, there were rumors concerning her and my lover…”

As I slightly bowed my head, tears trickled down.

Even to my own thoughts, my performance today seemed quite remarkable. Perhaps it was because I put genuine emotion into it.

‘Quickly, answer me. Princess Ariel! That way, I can make my next move…’


Suddenly, my vision went dark.


Huh? Where did Ares come from all of a sudden?

I snapped out of it to find my face buried in Ares’ chest. He had pulled me tightly into his arms.

“What, what’s going on? Ares! You’re not helping!”

I tried to push Ares away with a bit of force, but he seemed determined to hold onto me even tighter.

‘No, Ares! I need to see Princess Ariel and Leia’s expressions right now!’


“…Stanley Gonza.”

I heard Leia and Princess Ariel’s voices in succession.

Oh no! I can’t see with my eyes closed, and understanding the situation just by their voices is not enough! Ares, please let go!

Then I heard Ares’ subdued voice above me.

“I also pointed out the same rudeness to Miss Saturanos, so I too failed to meet the princess’s expectations. I apologize to Her Highness.”


With Leia’s brief sigh, the surroundings gradually fell silent.

I wondered what expression Ares was wearing for me to act like this. I struggled subtly to break free from Ares’ embrace, but he didn’t budge an inch.

“Well, Stanley Gonza. As for that issue…”

Just as Princess Ariel began to respond, another voice cut in.

“Ariel, stay quiet for a moment.”

It was the voice of the Empress. Ares and I quickly separated and respectfully greeted the Empress.

“Your Majesty.”

“Please rise.”

After a graceful sigh, the Empress spoke to me.

“Young lady Uranos. Not receiving an invitation for the Uranos family this time was, initially, a ‘mistake’ made by the princess who hosted the palace event for the first time. I will discuss this matter separately with the Marquis and Marchioness.”

Hmm. Everyone present here might have realized that Princess Ariel certainly did not make a ‘mistake,’ but if that’s what the Empress says, then so be it. Stirring up unnecessary trouble here could lead to a backlash.

“I apologize, Your Majesty.”

I bowed my head respectfully to the Empress.

“And in the future, Young lady Uranos, do not hesitate to offer advice to the newly debuted young ladies in the social circles. Besides yourself, are there any other prestigious young ladies who can fulfill such a role?”

Hmph. To say this in front of Princess Ariel, cheers to the Empress.

“Your Majesty, I will conduct myself so as not to disappoint your expectations.”

“Then everyone, please withdraw for now. I do not wish for this delightful gathering to turn into a mess.”

Ares and I silently bowed our waists to the Empress without a word. Then, we quietly left the place.

Ah. I wanted to see Leia’s expression after being left behind, but with the Empress present, I couldn’t sneak a glance. How disappointing. Damn.

Still, I think I handled the alliance between Leia and Princess Ariel quite successfully. Especially unexpected was the Empress stepping in personally to resolve the situation.

Completely leaving the reception hall, I stepped outside the building altogether. The refreshing scent of May’s spring night grass tickled my nostrils.

I quickly found a nearby bench to sit down and planned to wait until the atmosphere inside the reception hall calmed down before going back in.

As the tension eased, a sigh escaped me involuntarily.


Ares quietly followed me and sat down next to where I was seated. His lips were tightly sealed, his eyes filled with complex emotions as he looked at me.

I chuckled softly and spoke to him, “I’m fine.”


“Really. Oh, if you were startled because I shed tears, don’t worry. This is just…”

I paused, but Ares, whose lips seemed like they would never open, finally spoke.

“But it was sincere.”


I fell silent.

If I were to say I hadn’t put any sincerity into what I said to Princess Ariel, that would be a lie. I am genuinely worried about when Leia Saturnos might steal Ares away from me.

But Ares was the first to notice that. Every time, it surprises me, but this man truly has a sensitive side.

Should I be happy? Should I be touched by his attentiveness, which carefully probes into my heart?

…No. This was evidence that he was anxious.

I always tried to shoulder everything alone without burdening him with any baggage, so Ares didn’t fully understand how significant his presence was to me.

But I didn’t want him to worry. Selfish as it may be, I hoped he could trust my heart even if I couldn’t fully trust his. Because I wouldn’t leave him until death.


I smiled softly and looked at him. I met his heavily clouded eyes with mine. He waited sleepily for what I would say next.

Instead of words, I leaned closer and lightly kissed his lips. His lips, felt for the first time, were warm and soft.

Pulling back and looking at Ares again, he was completely frozen.

I chuckled softly.

“Thank you for worrying. I love you.”

If this could erase even a bit of his unease, it would be good. I didn’t want to see him hurt because of me for as long as I lived.


In a moment of distraction, Ares suddenly rushed towards me.

Surprised, his lips quickly covered mine. And between my lips that hadn’t yet closed, something hot surged in an instant.


Entwined hotly inside my mouth, his passion flooded towards me like a raging fire, engulfing my entire being.

I decided to momentarily erase from my mind that today was the day the novel’s “pillar” appeared.

Instead, I fervently hoped that my Ares could cast away all anxieties and love only me, so I pulled him close with all my strength.

Ares and I embraced tightly and kissed passionately for a long time. It was our first kiss, and though I wondered if it was okay to be this intense, Ares didn’t seem willing to let me go. I simply surrendered my whole body to him.

Who knew he had such a fierce side. I’ll have to remember that for the future.

Just as I began to feel short of breath, he finally loosened his grip on me.

“Haah, haah… Ares…”

As soon as I caught my breath, I called out to him, taking deep breaths.

Even though our lips had parted, we were still close enough to feel each other’s breath.


I called out to him, but he didn’t respond, just gazing at me as if trying to see through me.


I wanted to say “Let me go,” but saying that seemed like it would cause trouble.

Then, Ares slowly opened his mouth.

“…I was glad earlier when you called me ‘my man.'”

Gasping, I wondered if I had actually said such a thing.

As I struggled to recall, Ares continued speaking.

“So now, are you my woman, then?”

Hmm, logically speaking, he wasn’t wrong. I nodded affirmatively.

A bright smile spread across Ares’ face in response.

“Haha… Bianca…”

Satisfaction was clearly evident in his expression and voice. It made me feel good too.

“Do you like that?”

I asked Ares with a slightly bewildered feeling.

“Of course.”

He replied without hesitation. Then he added,

“I was so nervous today because of those young lords who couldn’t take their eyes off you… I wish you hadn’t dressed up so much.”

“Hmm, you didn’t like my dress today?”

I asked, recalling his odd reaction when we entered the reception hall. After a moment’s pause, he answered.

“…I like you best when you haven’t dressed up at all.”

“Hmm? That’s a response totally unexpected from you.”

I replied with a sense of bewilderment.

“Ah… I see…”

My response didn’t seem to please him? Ares sighed as if troubled.

With this much time passed, I figured the atmosphere at the reception hall must have settled down somewhat, so I started to get up from my seat.


Ares called me with a puzzled expression, to which I responded as if it were obvious.

“We should go back to the reception hall now. We’ve been away from our seats for too long. We need to see how things have wrapped up…”

“Let’s just go. Home.”


Ares has really surprised me multiple times today.

“The reception is still in full swing, and we haven’t even had our first dance!”

“But the ball hasn’t even started yet.”

I protested quietly. Ares paused for a moment. Then, shaking his head, he repeated firmly,

“No, I think we should just go.”

“Why? You’ve never danced with me before.”

Even though I’m supposed to be the flower of society, my steps would surely be different from those of other young ladies. Isn’t Ares curious at all?

Then Ares answered in a whisper, as if confiding,

“I just don’t want to be seen in front of people again.”


  1. lemmeread says:


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