I Was a Supporting Character

The World Turns Upside Down (2)


“I’m saying you’re not the protagonist. You play the role of disrupting the male and female Leads.”

…I’m the ‘villainess.’ And that, too, plays a role that disrupts the main couple.

I let out a hollow laugh in disbelief. Then, I meticulously explained to the ‘author’ that I am not a villainess.

“I admit that I have a bit of a rough personality. But I haven’t harbored malicious intentions or committed heinous deeds like those villains. Sure, there are people who find me a bit intimidating, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been doing anything wrong. You know that best.”

The ‘author’ nodded in agreement.

“Right. You were that kind of character. Until now.”

Until now? What does that mean for my future?

Whether my confusion was evident on my face or not, the ‘author’ chuckled meaningfully and spoke.

“If my novel unfolds as I’ve written, you will become a villainess in the future.”

I change? Become the kind of person who cruelly torments the protagonists of this novel?

However, I sensed something peculiar in the ‘author’s’ words. I pointed it out immediately.

“If you hadn’t told me this fact, I would have followed your novel’s course. But now that you’ve revealed it, what happens if I resist becoming the ‘villainess’ in the future?”

The ‘author’ looked intrigued by my words.

“Wow, sharp! That’s right. If I inform you in advance, you’ll somehow try to avoid becoming a villainess with a kind heart.”

“Then your novel will deviate from what you’ve written.”

To this, the ‘author’ nodded in acknowledgment.

“True. It will deviate to some extent. I don’t know how much.”

I became even more confused. Why would she deliberately twist the world she created?

“Why did you seek me out to tell me this?”

The author’s expression remained remarkably calm, resembling the face of a student conducting a magic experiment eagerly anticipating the results.

“I was curious about how much my novel could change. But even if the middle part changes somewhat, the ending will probably stay the same.”

“If the middle changes, why would the ending be the same?”

“That’s because of the ‘contract’ I made.”

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

Another strange term came up. What does she mean by ‘contract’?

The author sighed softly and explained, “Let me tell you how I entered the world of my novel. I made a contract with someone possessing supernatural abilities. When I asked where they could send me since I wanted to Leave the world I lived in, I suggested going into the novel I wrote.”

In short, the author’s story was that she came from a world one dimension higher than the one I’m living in.

The author continued, “I wrote the most perfect and wonderful world I could think of in my novel. So, I thought life would be more enjoyable if I went into that novel.”

I sensed a mood shift, as if the author was going to express regret. So, I quickly interrupted her and asked what I was curious about.

“But even though you intervened, why is the ending still the same?”

“Oh, that’s a thing. I asked the ‘individual with abilities’ about it. Since it’s a world I created, I asked to ensure that the crucial ‘pillars’ of that world don’t collapse.”

She picked up a teacup, took a sip, and then continued.

“So, no matter how you rampage, the happy ending of the male and female protagonists who form the crucial ‘pillars’ of this world will happen anyway. Because that’s the ending of my novel.”

The term ‘pillars’ in the novel refers to the significant events that make up the development and resolution of the story. I cautiously asked, “But if I’m labeled as a villainess, wouldn’t the significant characters in your novel change completely if I don’t become one?”

“Well, even if you change, as long as the happy ending for the male and female protagonists is achieved, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, you’re just a supporting character.”

Ah, right. I never thought being a supporting character would be so comforting. So, no matter how I live my life, it’s okay since destiny is already predetermined.

However, one question lingered.

“But why did you appear to me of all people? If you wanted to appear, you should have gone to the protagonists. Did you not want me to become the villainess?”

“Well, that’s also part of it. I made you too villainous. It would be awkward if you messed things up that much in the world I’m going into. It’s inconvenient.”

I felt a sense of relief. Even if everything until now was created, from now on, I can shape my life somewhat independently from the author.

However, my thoughts seemed too complacent. She started looking at me again, and I felt something odd.

“…Why did you appear to me?”

It was a similar question as before, but the weight behind it was distinctly different. I sensed that it was related to my fate.

Sure enough, the author threw a bomb with a very apologetic expression.

“You die in my novel.”

Haha, oh, that was really funny. Me, dying?

The author’s expression changed strangely.

“I’m not kidding.”

“Ahaha, really? So, you’re saying I’ll die soon?”

“Indeed. I think your death is one of the crucial ‘pillars’ of this novel, so it’s likely to happen.”

“That means you’re not entirely sure, right?”

“True. While my interference might change some things in the novel, the crucial elements won’t change. I don’t want them to change.”

The laughter faded from my face, which had been laughing heartily.

“You don’t want it to change? You don’t want me to survive?”

“…That’s right.”

“Why? Why do you have to kill me so desperately?”

To an outside listener, this conversation might sound like the author is planning to assassinate me tonight, but I could express it no other way.

The author responded confidently.

“Because my novel is perfect. I don’t want my novel to change completely. The world in this novel is the world I wanted and dreamed of. I created it the way I wanted!”

Without a hint of shame, she continued speaking.

“So, you don’t like change. The crucial parts of the novel shouldn’t change.”

“I will change them.”

“Probably not? If the ‘individual with abilities’ properly fulfills my contract, things will likely happen as I wish.”

Why does she have such an obvious expression, as if it’s a matter of course! How can she freely manipulate my life like this?

I shouted at her in anger.

“I won’t die! Since you told me in advance, I’ll find a way to survive!”

However, the author responded indifferently without batting an eyelash.

“Do as you please. But in my opinion, you’re destined to die. That’s why I came to you.”


“Everyone in this world will die eventually anyway. You’re just included as an important axis in the plot of your death. That’s why I chose you. To experiment with how much you can change.”

“Even though you created a perfect world, why would you want to conduct such a strange experiment?”

“Just because. It’s fun.”

It could be that simple. Yet, to some extent, it was an answer I could understand. Something doesn’t need a grand reason to drive. Sometimes, even the smallest things can be motivating.

However, inevitable sadness accompanied my disappointment. In the end, I was nothing more than a disposable supporting character for this ‘author.’

My head was involuntarily lowered. Was my life, lived with such pride as a noble, merely a sacrifice for the amusement of this ‘author’?

Realizing my dejected state, the ‘author’ tried to console me.

“But look at it from a different perspective. Knowing that your end is near, you can live without regrets. You can do the things you wanted to do before you die.”

Well, that’s true. People facing death often prioritize meeting those they want to see first.

The ‘author’ continued speaking.

“Anyway, my novel has a perfectly predetermined ending. I’m curious about how things will change within that. So, I thought it would be good to manipulate characters with some significance in my novel.”

“Are you saying that was me?”

I felt disheartened. Since the ending is already decided, what use is there for me to play around in her palm?

When I chuckled, the ‘author’ looked at me with confusion.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Oh, isn’t it amusing? No matter how much I struggle, the world won’t change anyway. What’s the point of me doing anything?”

However, the ‘author’ stated coldly, “Did you think you could change the world? Regardless of what you do, the world won’t change. Struggle or speak, it’s your choice. But even if you don’t struggle, the world will keep turning. So, you might as well Leave your mark on this world, even if it’s just a trace.”

“You’re quite cruel.”

I criticized her with a tone of disgust. In response, she shrugged her shoulders and casually said, “I can’t help it. I’m a ‘writer,’ and I can write my novel as I please.”

I sighed deeply. Anyway, I seemed to have Learned what I needed to know.

In summary, I am not the protagonist in this world; I am a supporting character.

I am a powerless entity that cannot shake or change this world. No matter what I do, this world will not change. Whether I become a villainess or not, the male and female protagonists will achieve a happy ending regardless.

And I am going to die soon.

Translators: Stardust. Read on moonlight novels only

I am Leaving this world soon. I am destined to die soon…

My once-wildly beating heart calmed down peacefully. Now that I knew the end, I somehow felt resigned or accepting, whatever you might call it.

I asked the ‘author’ in a calm tone, “When and how will I die?”

At this, the ‘author’ jumped up and clapped her hands.

“You shouldn’t know that in advance! It’ll be a spoiler!”

I was dumbfounded by the term I had never heard before.

“A spo… what?”

“Oh, it’s a term used in my world. If you reveal important details in advance, it spoils the novel because it becomes less interesting. So, spoilers are not allowed.”

This is maddening. Isn’t she with holding the most crucial thing in my life?

Seeing my bewildered expression, the ‘author’ spoke with a apologetic look.

“All I can tell you is that you die in the middle of this novel. The ending is the happy ending of the male and female protagonists, so you die before that. I know when and how you’ll die since I wrote the novel, but I won’t tell you.”

Today, I seem to have laughed in vain a lot. This ‘author’ was truly mischievous. Not telling me anything, is she not going too far!

However, I also thought it might be for the best. If I knew exactly what my end would be, each day of living would become that much more listless. It’s better not to know, perhaps, and it might help me conclude my life more meaningfully and beautifully.

“…I should thank you. You’ve allowed me to end my life without regrets.”

“Is that so? Well, if that’s how you feel.”

The ‘author’ said so with an unabashed face and tone. But in front of the creator, what could a creation say? I might as well criticize her.

I became somewhat at ease. Now, I decided to ask the one thing I was truly curious about.

“Can I ask this then?”

“What is it?”

“In this world, who is the protagonist?”


  1. Mai says:

    Wow, this “author” is something else, she isn’t mischievous, she is horrible and mean.

  2. Tih says:

    This author would die, she would see exactly how perfect the world she created was hoho

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