I Thought I Didn't Have Long To Live!

Chapter 70 (Stab in the heart)

Asrahan could not find Lariette in the Blanche mansion.

I couldn’t even get any information, let alone face her.

At this, Duke Blanche questioned Asrahan with an arrogant face.

“How dare you rummage through my mansion without an acknowledgment. Are you ready to take responsibility for it?”

It was a very satisfying voice. That said, it was a good opportunity to take Kandel’s power.

Do you doubt the injustice? What a joke! The Duke of Blanche snorted and laughed at what he had said.

The Duke of Kandel will certainly not escape interrogation. All the nobles will rebuke him for his mistake, as if waiting, and the Emperor will accept their request, pretending not to win.

The Duke Blanche’s face was already shriveled at the thought of avenging him.

However, Asrahan’s face was only blank.

“Gerard. Any other reports?”

“In the city, around the Osman mansion, around the temple. We’re all searching, but… There have been no reports yet.”

“Let’s move on.”

Asrahan neatly ignored Duke Blanche’s words and hurriedly moved forward. Because he didn’t want to waste time.

“Can’t you hear me?!”

Duke Blanche groaned and grabbed Asrahan’s shoulder. But as soon as he looked back at him, he regretted it.

“I hope this has nothing to do with you until the very end, Duke.”

It was like knowing something. The Duke of Blanche, who had committed a crime, could not speak any more and took his hand away. He chose silence because it seemed like he would be caught if he told a lie.

But, of course, that silence was another proof. Asrahan flashed his blue eyes and opened his mouth for questioning.

But just as he was about to do so, Gerard’s bright voice took all his nerves.

“Lord! Report!”


Asrahan asked in a loud voice that was not like that. There was a glimmer of hope on his face.

“It’s towards the old town! Let’s go first!”

Gerard quickly led Asrahan to the carriage. As the hour was urgent, Asrahan was also busy moving without asking any more questions.

The knights rushed out of the mansion, Duke Blanche looked at them with a puzzled face.

‘You’re doing something crazy like this.’

He was originally an abnormal Duke Kandel, but for some time he showed a step outside of common sense.

If it was related to Lariette, he was acting like a crazy person.

Bringing privates to another Duke’s family. He was grateful to be able to catch the tail, but when he remembered his eyes that looked like something was broken, goosebumps rose up on his back.

‘If he finds out what I gave to Delwin…’

The instructions were given with a strong mental preparation, but when he faced the Duke of Kandel again, fear came again. If he was in that state, he would have cut himself with a sword without even thinking about it.

‘I should have told him to proceed with caution.’

As I imagined dying at the hands of a war demon, dry saliva ran down his throat. The Duke Blanche was quickly frightened and thought to take a step back.

But it was already too late.

* * *


It was already the third ringing. A wind that I had never felt before came in and the smell of blood grew stronger.

Delwin’s face turned white all of a sudden, as if he had never been relaxed. The grip on Lariette’s face also loosened.

It was clear why he was so embarrassed with hand-to-hand skill in the empire. The ability who approach him was superior to that.

He could be seen from a distance. How thick and heavy is the approaching energy, and how fierce it is. And what the future holds in front of you.

An aura that is so horrendous. This probably belonged to Duke Kandel.

“Nonsense! How…?”

Delwin murmured, rolling his eyes. No matter how much he thought about it, it was impossible for Duke Kandel to find him.

Even Duke Blanche, who ordered this work, did not know yet. Moreover, this place was a place that only he and his subordinates and the location could not be traced without any clue.

“Obviously I erased all the clues…!”

Delwin moved his body back and forth, and approached the cage. It felt like a deep presence was getting closer every moment.

He has to run away! He thought instinctively and turned around. He couldn’t leave his princess alone.

However, when he met Lariette’s face, his expression was instantly distorted.

It didn’t look like she was surprised at all. Rather, there was joy. As if waiting only for this moment, her purple eyes twinkled.

This joy did not come from faith in my lover. More than that…

“… This, I got stabbed by the princess.”

Delwin muttered in a polite tone. On the other hand, the action that followed was harsh.



Crude grips strangled Lariette’s neck. Due to the strong pressure, Lariette could not breathe at all, so it creaked.

“Somehow, you were draining mana unnecessarily.”

Delwin remembered her splattering mana just before she fainted. It was considered a meaningless struggle at the time, but it seemed that he ignored her too much.

“Did you keep it going even when you fainted? It would be impossible because the mana consumption is too much.”

Lariette groaned as if she wanted to say something.

Delwin glanced down at her with a mad gaze, loosening his hands. I only held it for a moment to see how strong It was, but the handprints she earned were clear.

Let’s see what that pretty mouth is saying. He murmured harshly.

And then, a smile came into his sight as she rolled up the corners of her mouth.

“Ugh, for you, that would be impossible.”

Lariette let out a breath and spit out a laugh at him.

As he expected, she left a mark just before Delwin kidnapped her. It was one of the skills I learned from Doha.

Lariette’s unique mana floated in the air, leaving a mark on the floor after they left. The trail would then continue until she wakes up and dispels the spell.

This magic continues to eat mana unconsciously until the caster dispels it, so other wizards did not like it very much. Even if it seems to be useful only in a kidnapping situation like now, the mana consumption is too large, so the traces are cut off quickly.

However, the biggest advantage of Lariette was that she had a surprising amount of natural mana.

Although she had lost too much mana, there was not enough mana to break the restraint ball, but it was enough to leave a trace.

It was Delwin’s biggest mistake to be careless without fully grasping Lariette’s skills.

“… You’re acting so rude until the very end, Princess.”

Delwin chuckled as if it was funny. It was like a man who had lost his fear and was enjoying himself.

Lariette instinctively leaned back. This guy is really crazy. A red signal rang in my mind.

But Delwin did not allow her to run away on her own accord. A rough hand grabbed Lariette’s hair in an instant.

The pain continued as if her scalp was being pulled out.


“But it can’t end like this. His weakness is something I already know.”

The sharp sword flashed again in his grasp. The pain that pierced my thighs came to mind, and anxiety came again.

“Damn, boss! The Duke Kandel…!”

One of Delwin’s subordinate hurriedly ran to report the situation. It was a fact that Delwin also knew because he had grasped the presence.

“Bring all the rest. If you think about dealing with them separately, you will die.”

“Yes, boss!”

After a quick reply, the subordinate informed the other comrades of the captain’s order. Lariette watched what they were doing with confused eyes.

“Wha-what are you doing! Let go!”

“Even a mouse bites when it is driven into a corner. Don’t worry. The kiss of the oath can be continued somewhere else. Let’s go first, Princess.”

Delwin moved without hesitation while holding Lariette’s hair. He opened the iron cage and headed to another place.

Lariette was dragged away by him with a scream. The hand was tied to the restraint ball, and the leg was unable to move due to the wound, so there was no way out.

Blood from her thighs stained the floor in the direction he was walking. There was no light, so long bloodstains continued into the dark cave.

The place we arrived at was a little more spacious than before. Except for the lack of iron bars, it was no different from the previous prison. However, it was farther away from the exit, so the sound of the wind could not be heard well.

“Come on, here we are. The villain will appear soon.”

Delwin said leisurely, leading Lariette to the center. All around her were his subordinates.

Lariette did not respond and stood up by her hand. Blood was gushing out from the wounds on her thighs, and her body was ripped apart by the stone floor.

Her head was heavy because she had shed too much blood. My vision was blurry and dizzy. It was not easy to come to terms with the pain.

“You can’t sleep at a critical moment. Open your eyes.”

Slap! Delwin slapped Lariette’s cheek without mercy. It was such a powerful force that it blew my mind.

And then, the voice I wanted to hear the most, and at the same time I didn’t want to hear, echoed through the cave.


It was Asrahan’s voice.

My blurred vision became clear in an instant.

Jet black hair, blue eyes resembling the sea, pretty lips and a sharp jawline. All of them were stained with blood, but they were still beautiful.

Lariette bit her lips at his appearance. It was because of the overwhelming sense of guilt.

On the other hand, when Asrahan saw Lariette’s miserable appearance, unspeakable anger erupted.

I wanted to kill the guy who grabbed her hair right away. I would kill you. Pull out his tongue and pluck his fingernails, and all limbs are cut off, and finally, the throat will be cut.

His large hand gripped the black sword. It was a moment to wield it without hesitation.


Delwin spoke calmly, even with the Duke Kandel in front of him.

Asrahan followed his orders and stopped all movements. I wanted to cut him off right away, but I couldn’t.

It was because the sword was aimed at Lariette’s heart.

“Can you see it? If you move even the slightest bit, I will stab her in the heart.”

It wasn’t empty words. Asrahan read the sincerity in his voice.

“… What do you want?”

“Withdraw your knights.”

“Gerard. Take them out.”

At Asrahan’s instructions, Kandel’s knights withdrew. Gerard rolled his eyes until the end, looking for a way out of the situation, but to no avail.

If Delwin’s skills were a little lacking, he would have somehow taken advantage of it. However, he has an unexpected power, and it was very easy for him to kill a target that was so close even if there was a gap.

Above all, Asrahan wished for Lariette’s safety. Death of course, could not be allowed, even a little injury was unacceptable.

So now he had no choice but to follow whatever Delwin ordered him to do.

“I want to get out of here safely… I’m afraid you’ll follow me.”

“If you just let Lariette go, I will guarantee your safety.”

“Whoa, how can I believe that? As soon as I let her go, you will follow me to kill me.”

Delwin responded with a playful voice that didn’t fit the situation. Then, with a hand that did not hold a sword, he gave instructions to his subordinates.

“Hold him.”

“Yes, boss!”

Delwin’s men surrounded Asrahan in an instant. His arms and legs were tied to the hands of the subordinates.

Seeing this, Lariette screamed desperately as if screaming.

“No no! Asrahan, just go! Please just go!”

She had never seen Asrahan hurt because of her. It felt like my own fault for being kidnapped. It was all just a shame.

“Princess, you must be quiet.”


Delwin bit her earlobes with dissatisfaction. Lariette groaned briefly at the pain of a hard tooth digging into his ear.

“Don’t touch her.”

Asrahan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice. He glared at Delwyn as if to kill him with his red-veined eyes.

“You should start worrying about that.”

“No, please, please…! I’ll do anything, please!”

Lariette cried and begged again. It wasn’t very pleasing to Delwin. Crying is cute, but crying for someone else is very annoying.

She even held the blade in front of her heart like a fool. Her hand was cut and it was bleeding profusely, and it was clear that she was not able to defeat me with just that much power.

“Cut it, guys.”


“He wouldn’t be able to wield a sword without an arm.”

Let’s run away safely, Princess. Delwin whispered in Lariette’s ear with a sweet voice. It was the ear that he had bitten and was bleeding.

Lariette couldn’t accept the situation, so she blankly watched Delwin’s subordinate move. Soon, she met the eyes of Asrahan, who was still silent.

‘What are you doing? Why don’t you move, you idiot!’

Lariette knew he was not a person to be easily bound. I also knew that it was easy to get out of that level.

However, Asrahan was still waiting for the blade to approach him.

Just for her safety.

Thud! It was as if I heard something falling from Lariette’s chest.

Asrahan may die because of me.

Because I am destined to die anyway.

Beep- A loud tinnitus filled my ears.

Lariette clenched the blade that had dug into her palm even stronger. No matter how hard I pushed, it wouldn’t budge.


A mournful voice came up through her dry throat.

She made eye contact with him again. Unlike before, Asrahan had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

It was because Lariette was smiling softly. Just like when we first met.



Something is going wrong. As the thought occupied his head, Asrahan instinctively reached out toward her.

Unfortunately, Lariette moved faster.

Her hand pulled the sword towards her without hesitation. The pull seemed unexpected, and Delwin moved at her will.


And then, a sharp metal pierced into Lariette’s chest.


Only the name that lost its owner hovered in the air.

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  1. Potato says:

    Still wondering how she will heal from her disease… maybe because she died there? Uuuugh, I want to know >u<

    1. bambi says:

      this is pure speculation but it could be that doha healed her because he mentioned before that she had a twisted mana circuit and couple chapters before this one doha also twisted raon’s mana circuit.

    2. Mari says:

      It was established in previous chapters that she was misdiagnosed (Doha found the alteration in her mana flow and corrected it during their first and second encounter, but explained that it was not so bad as to kill her as other cases)

      I do not know how will she survive a stab in the heart I guess Doha will appear as her life is in danger due to the bracelet 🤔

  2. Ryuuki says:

    I too feel the same

  3. Khai says:

    I wondering when next chapter release?

  4. Rose Marie says:

    Doha never appeared, then the bracelet was never useful, Asrahan appeared first

  5. Nova says:

    Please update i’ve been waiting for next chapter so bad

    1. Honey says:

      Omg me too😭

  6. Vee says:

    Thanks for the translation! 🙂

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