I Thought I Didn't Have Long To Live!

Chapter 32 (How to purify the lower body?)


Lariette groaned at the stinging pain. It was because Doha’s hand wrapped around her swollen wrist.

It seemed that his hand was a little rougher than usual, but there was no reason for that, so Lariette thought that the injury was so severe that even the slightest stimulation was painful.

Doha raised one eyebrow and looked down at her bewildered face. He looked at me asking what the hell happened to get my wrist to this point.

Lariette smiled shyly and looked into his eyes. No matter how much I signed a verbal contract, it was free treatment, but I was embarrassed because I wanted to take out too much.

The price of calling a talented priest like Doha would have been enormous. It must have been an amount that Lariette could not pay.

This feeling of debt eventually suppressed her self-esteem and made her open her mouth.

“Because of the handcuffs…”

Lariette averted his gaze as if embarrassed, and blurted the tip of her words. And Doha was silent without asking anything.

I was puzzled by it, and when I turned my eyes again, I found Doha with indescribable eyes. It was a look that seemed absurd or even angry.

‘Why are you doing that?’

Lariette recounted what she had said to find the reason for that strange look. And soon I realized that my words were misleading.

Remarks about her condition and handcuffs in various places. It is almost impossible for ordinary women to wear handcuffs, and Doha had previously suspected that Asrazan had hit her.

In other words, I was thinking about whether I played with a different taste. I can’t ask because it’s so personal.

Lariette noticed this, jumped up from the chair and insisted.

“It’s not like that! I’ve been kidnapped!”

“… I didn’t say anything, Rie.”

Doha smiled and shrugged. But the glittering golden eyes were submerged coldly.

‘A kidnapping.’

It was very unpleasant. It was just a few days ago that I said I would protect you at any time. But she was kidnapped without him realizing, and suffered such injuries.

At the same time as my pride was hurt, I felt sorry for the Duke of Kandel, who couldn’t properly protect his women.

However, while maintaining a smiling face on the outside, Lariette sat back down and spoke naturally.

“Didn’t you break the handcuffs with magic?”

“It was a magical restraint. Because I can’t use magic, there’s nothing I can do…”

“The greatest dilemma for wizards.”

The divine power from Doha’s hand permeated into her skin. Lariette felt like her body was getting tired from the warm energy.

It took more time to heal than usual, probably because there was a lot of damage to the bones. It was such a serious wound that I didn’t even know it was painful when we kissed.

Soon, my wrist was completely back to normal. No matter how you look at it, it was a great ability, so Lariette looked at her wrist with twinkling eyes.

Soon, Doha’s long fingers wrapped around her wrist ran up her arm as if rubbing it. Lariette trembled at the subtle yet tickling action.

“Is it hurt?”

“Oh, no. it’s okay.”

The scratches on the broken glass did sting, but it was tolerable. The reason she flinched was that she was ashamed of the touch, not because of the pain.

“Hold on a little bit.”

I can’t let it be ugly. Doha rolled up her reddish lips and muttered with a smile.

Lariette looked at his pretty face and coughed a bit. Doha was treating purely and seemed to overreact.

‘Where can I find a good friend who heals me for free every time like this? Let’s not be sensitive!’

However, this promise was very difficult to keep. It was because his hands were too tickling and embarrassing to all parts of her body.

“It looks like you have injured your back and stomach. I think it would be quicker to find a place that wasn’t injured.”

“Hmm, hmm. You must touch the injured area…?”

It was okay to hold his hand when he was healing my body periodically. Lariette looked at Doha while muttering with a slightly red face.

It was very embarrassing for another man to touch my stomach, no matter how on top of my clothes. If Asrazan knew, it would have been very bad.

But Doha answered naturally as if know what the problem was.

“The trauma must come into contact with the injured area. Even Rie has been purifying, don’t you know?”

In the first place, it works better if it touches the bare skin. Doha lowered his eyelashes and added.

As he said, it was information that Lariette also knew. However, I was just asking because I thought there was no other way.

“Ugh, is that so?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Doha looked at Lariette, who smiled awkwardly, with a satisfied expression, and deliberately followed what he said.

Then he slowly reached out and grabbed her waist. The distance between the two sitting on the same sofa became particularly close due to the posture as if they were hugging.

‘I can’t grab him from behind.’

Is there a need to take this awkward posture? Lariette questioned, but his expression was so normal that she couldn’t say anything.

Lariette watched Doha’s actions with suspicious eyes. However, his hand was more ambiguous because she only pointed to the exact part of the injury.

“Make sure to wear a bracelet from now on, Rie. You have to wear it all the time to have a healing effect.”

“Yes, I will.”

In addition, Doha continued the conversation at the right time whenever she feel awkward. There was no sense of selfishness in the soft voice.

As the throbbing pain disappeared, Lariette felt better. My gratitude for him grew. The body, which had been stiff with tension, suddenly relaxed.

Doha, who noticed her condition like a ghost, naturally moved his hand.

“You have scars on your face.”

A large hand wrapped around Lariette’s face. The wound across the cheek began to heal gradually.

And it wasn’t until his rough thumb started rubbing my lips that Lariette realized that his face was getting closer.

“Ah, the lips….”

“Stay still, lady. Because it was very swollen.”

It’s not that I’m hurt and swollen! Lariette couldn’t bear to say anything and swallowed the truth in her mouth. Because the kiss was so wild I couldn’t say it was swollen because of that.

Her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. I felt the gaze staring at my lips, making me even more embarrassed.

And Doha’s head was so insidious that Lariette could not even imagine.

‘He kissed you rough once.’

There was no way that he could not know the difference between swollen because it was hit and because it was kissed. On the outside, he pretended to be a pure friend, but inside, he was full of possessiveness.

The plump lips in his vision looked sweet. Her shy expression was also so cute.

Desire swelled in his heart. It wasn’t that he had no experience with women, but it was the first time he had ever had this thought.

‘If I follow my desires, she will despise me.’

As he understood, Lariette was a fairly determined person. If you act as you please, she will surely stay away from me.

It would be quite exhilarating to receive contempt from her, but I didn’t want to ruin this good relationship just yet.

“It’s done. Where were you hurt, again?”

Doha withdrew from Lariette with a clean gesture without any regrets. Because it wasn’t good in many ways to expose my desires now.

Lariette only licked her lips, but couldn’t answer. Because the last place left was the feet.

‘How can I make him touch my feet!’

It had been well cared for and had no calluses, but it was still a foot. Besides, I injured my foot again. It was too embarrassing to show.

But it was too tingling and painful not to speak. I didn’t even know it was hurting anywhere else, but after being healed, the pain in my feet was considerable.

Doha noticed the direction in which Lariette was glancing. It was then that the blood-red slippers caught his eye.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

There was no time for Lariette to stop him. Doha suddenly got up from the sofa and lowered gis posture. It was as if the white priest’s uniform was fluttering.

And when Lariette woke up, he was already on one knee in front of her. A white hand grabbed Lariette’s foot from the hem of her dress.


“Oh my god!”

“Are you going to leave this as it is?”

Doha frowned and asked a harsh question. She seemed foolish, hesitating to say that she was sick if she was sick.

Several pieces of glass were embedded in Lariette’s feet. She jumped on the broken glass as it was, so it wasn’t too much.

Tsk. Doha clicked his tongue briefly. Then, he began to heal by emitting divine power.

“Hey, it’s dirty…”

“It’s not dirty.”

Doha cut her words firmly. She didn’t really look dirty at all.

‘I was walking barefoot today!’

Lariette bowed her head in embarrassment. It was embarrassing to show this to Doha, who must have grown beautifully in the temple.

If I had known the real environment in which Doha grew up, I would not have done it.

* * *

Lariette purified Doha’s hand, which held on to her feet before he left. It was because his hands were dirty with blood.

Doha refused to just wash with water, but it was a problem with Lariette’s pride. Anyway, if his hands smelled strange, I thought I would want to commit suicide that day.

“Lariette, have you been healed safely?”

As soon as Asrazan heard the news that Doha had left, he ran to Lariette’s room. He pretended not to be jealous, but it was obvious that he cared.

“Yes! I am completely healthy now!”

Lariette smiled brightly and waved her arms exaggeratedly. At that, Asrazan looked at her body with a little surprise. He doesn’t think she could have gotten better in a day.

He wondered briefly, but the fact that her body had improved was more important, so he passed it lightly.

“I think I can give you a piggyback ride because I’m full of energy! Do you want me to give you a piggyback ride?”

“I’ll decline it.”

“Then will you give me a hug?”

Asrazan did not decline this time. At that cute gesture, Lariette chuckled and hugged him.

I felt hard, large back muscles under my hands. And remembering these two adjectives reminded me of what happened before I was healed.


Lariette felt her face heat up and gently relaxed her neck. It was very stiff and big. The insidious thoughts continued regardless of her will.

Asrazan didn’t know what she was thinking and just hugged her dearly. As if receiving a reward for the time that Doha took her away for a while.

‘To do the next stage… I’ll have to purify him quickly.’

Lariette muttered in her mind, touching his strong muscles with a very contented expression.

The reason why now is not the time is probably because of the curse on his body, as he said before. Lariette opened her mouth, thinking that even the iron horns should be taken out in a short period of the season.

“Asrazan, let’s go purify it!”

“… You must not be feeling well yet.”

“No, I’m okay! I’m feeling more energetic than usual.”

It felt really energetic. Perhaps because it had been forcibly sealed for a while, the power of purification was not enough and overflowed.

Asrazan was persuaded by the excessively sparkling purple eyes and finally nodded.

However, what he did not know was that the purification after a sudden outburst of intensity had to be different from usual.

It was Lariette who realized this fact first. It was because the undressing scene, which I had seen several times, suddenly felt awkward.

Every act of him taking off his shirt and removing the bandages felt particularly shameful. Without realizing it, dry saliva ran down my throat.

The sexy expression I had seen in the dark began to flutter in front of my eyes. The expression on his face as he frowned and stared at her as if he was holding back his desires.

And when Asrazan also found Lariette’s reddened face and shaky pupils, he eventually began to feel awkward.

After doing all these things, she touches his breasts. I was so excited by a single touch that seemed to pass over my pants, but I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to touch my bare skin.

“Well… can I?”

“… Yes.”

In the end, the number of words between the two of them decreased significantly. They were trying not to even make eye contact. Because I know enough from my previous experience how dangerous it is to make eye contact.

Lariette stretched out her hand and placed it near Asrazan’s heart. I flinched and my skin trembled.

‘This is treatment, treatment….’

Excitement during treatment could not have been more embarrassing than that. Lariette and Asrazan worked hard to pull themselves together.

As the silence continued, the purification time felt particularly long. Lariette concentrated her mind on trying to figure out the curse.

The dark marks like broken glass were now quite faded. There were no visible wounds that exposed the flesh as if it had rotted.

As if realizing that fact, Asrazan also looked down at his body with big eyes. It was unbelievable that it was his own body, so clean and human-like.

This is the first time he see this after long time. Because he devoted his whole life to purging the curse.

But up until now, he had always been more focused on Lariette’s hand gestures than on his condition. How she touches him, how her hands feel. I was just too busy thinking about this.

Asrazan realized once again how much Lariette had taken over his mind. And, oddly enough, it felt really good.

“It’s enough!”

Lariette exclaimed succinctly and removed her hand. Then she spoke in a clear voice.

“The purification of the upper body curse is now over!”

Asrazan, who was looking at Lariette affectionately, bowed his head again and checked his body. As she said, all the curses on his upper body were gone.

It was a sight I had always dreamed of. A smooth body that is no different from a normal person.

Of course, from Lariette’s point of view, it was an unreasonable body to be called a normal person. What normal human body could be so perfect!


Asrazan muttered her name in a cracked voice. It was because of his throat.

“Thank you very much.”

I didn’t know how to express all my gratitude. It seemed that giving everything was not enough.

As if knowing his heart, Lariette lightly touched his lips and kissed him. The price meant that it was enough.

“It’s too early to be thrilled already, Asrazan.”

She smiled sweetly and said.

“I’ll purify it all soon! Then, next time it’s the lower body’s turn!”

And it was only after she finished speaking that she realized the embarrassment hidden behind her words.

‘Come to think of it…. How to purify the lower body… Do you…?’

Lariette’s gaze turned to his strong lower body without realizing it. Noticing that gaze, Asrazan flinched and trembled.

He also bit his lip as if thinking the same thing, and looked at Lariette with his shaky pupils.

Silence fell between the two again. Much darker than before.

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  1. byoun says:

    I bite my pillow while translate this chapter they’re so cuteee

    1. Zark Smalian says:

      Me Too, Thank you for translating!

      1. Ryuuki says:

        Thanks for translation..i like bold FL

    2. Lulu says:

      Lol same!

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