I Think My Husband is a Murderer


The solver’s eyes instantly became filled with astonishment. Additionally, there was a faint suspicion in the old woman’s eyes.

“Hey, girl! what’s the matter?”

When he jumped up, the old woman raised her hand to stop him. And he asked in a sharp voice:

“How do you know I’m looking for business supplies?”

“You don’t seem to have any interest in other medicinal herbs. Usually, the only people who come to this area are pharmacists and businessmen or…”

She come to ask this person for a request. But that didn’t seem to be the case.

As she glanced at the fixer, the old woman’s eyes narrowed. She now had an interesting expression on her face.

“If you are not a businessman, there is no reason to show this ring to the master.”

“Right. But why do you think it’s not right? I’m very interested.”

“Because it’s dangerous.”

I continued firmly.

“If you import these pills in large quantities and commercialize them, it will probably be on the front page of the newspaper.”

“If the efficacy of the medicine is real, then yes.”

“Ma’am, it’s true. Did you know that when you fed it to a person around you who was suffering from an illness, they instantly got better? It’s hardened juice extracted from plants, so it’s not harmful!”

The fixer joined the conversation. But when the old woman looked with her sharp eyes, she immediately pursed her lips.

“Tell me. Why do you think it’s not right?”

I explained to my wife that if this pill was the pill I knew, it would temporarily reduce pain, but it was extremely addictive and had serious side effects, and the more I took it, the more I had to take it.

The old lady’s expression hardened.

“Is this true without a single lie?”

“Yes. I don’t know where… I remember reading about it in a book.”

“Okay? But couldn’t it be something similar? But you’re just saying that to me so recklessly?”

“I don’t think there’s any harm in being careful.”

The old woman’s stiff expression turned strange for an instant. She nodded her head a couple of times and smiled faintly.

“If there is such a problem, there is no need to touch it. I almost made a huge mistake. Of course, it wouldn’t have been commercialized right away. I guess they sent it out after several experiments.”


“But you saved the lady from wasting time. I appreciate it.”

The old lady took off her hat. Her bright white hair was neatly tied up.

“The lady’s name is…?”

That was the moment when the old lady asked my name in a more generous voice.

Her large hand landed on my shoulder. After that, a soft voice continued.

“I’ve been looking for a while, ma’am.”

It was Johannes Schultz. He said he could find it quickly, but he showed up later than expected.

I turned my shoulder and quietly stepped aside. His eyebrows rose.

When she smiled awkwardly and turned her gaze to the old lady, her wrinkled face showed her surprise.

“Duke Schultz…?”

Did Johannes know someone? He seemed to be a noble lady, as he was full of dignity.

“Have you been alright so far, Old Mrs. Russell?”

Johannes greeted the old lady politely. Then she looked at me and him alternately.

“Then this young lady is Duke Schultz’s…”

“This is my wife.”

Johannes stood close next to me. The atmosphere felt softer than usual. After taking off his narrow-brimmed hat, he then formally introduced the old lady to me.

“Madam, this is the old wife of the Marquess Russell of Böln.”


I made stupid noises without realizing it. Marquis Russell. This is because I was embarrassed to hear that she was an old lady from the place I almost went to work.

How much I was scolded on the phone back then. I hastily corrected my posture.

“I didn’t know you before. Edith…”

“It is done.”

Old Mrs. Russell cut me off coldly. Her face, which had been friendly just a moment ago, suddenly hardened. Was there another problem? I tried to keep my mouth shut and pretend to be calm.

She ignored me and then spoke to Johannes in a cold voice. It was an inexplicable change in attitude.

“This old man didn’t know that Duke Schultz was just a man who was seduced by the beauty of a woman.”

“I wasn’t just fooled by beauty. My wife is so multitalented.”

“Ah! Anyway, I’m still a commoner. This will make the Duke of Heaven in heaven angry. You should be ashamed of yourself, duke.”

Did she hate commoners…? 

Soon after, old Mrs. Russell looked at me with a shocked expression and continued her words.

“She’s a duchess who hasn’t even learned the basics of greeting. It’s shocking.”

Was it a problem that I was so shocked that I couldn’t show courtesy right away? She felt bad because it seemed like something went against her will. 

I quickly bent my knees and asked for forgiveness.

“Peace to the family. I will be careful in the future, old lady.”

But old Mrs. Russell was still cold.

“I appreciate this, but from now on I don’t want you to meddle in my work.”


“I am very disappointed in Duke Schultz. If you had married a girl who was helpful to the family, it would have been easier to get my help.”

“I don’t want to be calculating even when choosing a partner.”

Johannes responded sharply.

Although it was calculated. I barely swallowed the words that were on the tip of my tongue.

The atmosphere seemed like it would never ease up.

Despite my rudeness, I joined the conversation. He maintained a very polite posture.

“I apologize for interrupting you, ma’am. Did I do something wrong?”

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t figure it out. Was it because she didn’t recognize her right away? Because of greetings?

I realized from old Mrs. Russell’s explanation on her return that it was not for such trivial reasons.

“I made a lot of mistakes. First of all, it was a big mistake to get involved in the conversation now.”

Old Mrs. Russell put her hat back on. The sharp expression was hidden by the shadow of the hat. Afterwards she lifted her chin and looked down at me.

“Duchess, I don’t like commoners who basically don’t know the subject.”


“To me, the idea of a nobleman marrying a commoner is a huge mistake.”

In general, historical aristocratic families such as the Dukes of Schultz and the Marquis of Russell considered status very important. He believed that the line between commoners and nobles should be clear, and hated those who disturbed it even slightly.

Old Mrs. Russell seemed to feel the same way. So, wouldn’t you be humiliating me in a public place like this?

Still, the atmosphere was not that sharp when viewed from a distance, and only the herbalist shop owner was paying attention. Others were busily wandering around the wholesale store as usual.

“Status is something you are born with.”

Old Mrs. Russell continued.

Of course, I became a duchess, but it meant knowing the subject.

“So you’d better not have any chance of running into me. I feel very uncomfortable.” she said sharply.

What can I say here? I couldn’t just refute something when I didn’t even know why they were being so hostile towards me.

Then the old lady will definitely talk about being a commoner and put me down.

It was my first time experiencing such shame in a public place. There was nothing I could do but hold on to my skirt.

At that time, I thought that Johannes was also a great nobleman to his core, so of course he would not protect me.

“That’s an old-fashioned idea, old lady. Now the world is changing.” He retorted in a soft voice.

Then Old Mrs. Russell snorted. The white-green eyes hardened fiercely.

“Telling an old man that he’s old doesn’t make you feel bad, Duke Schultz.”

“Didn’t the old lady also make a huge fortune through a business that would have made the previous generation of the Russell family angry?”

Johannes answered old Mrs. Russell with an extremely calm face. In short, he is saying that making money is not a noble virtue. But she was unfazed.

“Status is determined by heaven. It is different from pursuing wealth according to the times.”

Then he turned his attention to me.

“I’ll accept today’s work gratefully, and I’ll repay you soon.”

“…it’s okay.”

I didn’t want to get revenge on the person who insulted me like this. When I refused, Old Mrs. Russell showed signs of displeasure.

“It’s a shame to be indebted to a commoner.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 3.

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