I Think My Husband is a Murderer


I unconsciously leaned my upper body back.

‘It’s close.’

Even though we were sharing the same bed, it was still uncomfortable to be this close. Even when we sleep, isn’t it a relationship that ends with the end? Johannes must have sensed my secret reluctance, as he bit my outstretched hand and said,

“I still have a scar.”

It was embarrassing, but I was so calm that I was embarrassed because I avoided it. I turned my head and barely answered because my face was about to turn red.

“It’s okay. Anyway… I think it was a good idea to take a break. But before that, I want to go to Böln.”

I grabbed the hem of my skirt with the hand I placed under the table. A shallow breath came from Johannes.

“If you look closely, it appears that the lady is very adept at ignoring what her husband says.”

“I’m not ignoring you-”

I jerked my head up and Johannes grabbed the armrest of the chair I was sitting on and turned it so I was looking at him completely. I held my breath for a moment.

Johannes immediately bent down to me with one hand on the table. The distance became so close that even the smallest patterns on the blue iris could be seen. It was a time when I couldn’t do anything because I thought he could hear even the sound of me passing the needle.

“I know how much you care about Sergeant Prim.” Johannes said.

Why are you doing this when you know? I can’t afford to wait any longer now. I barely swallowed the words that were on the tip of my tongue and told a lie that I had already used once and that would be completely exposed.

“If banquets are held frequently, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop by the herbal medicine market during that time.” I asked, curling the corners of my lips tightly.

Of course, I know full well that this is nonsense. I didn’t think Johannes would be fooled by this lie, but he didn’t want to tell him any more lies, so it was a choice. These words are full of my sincere desire to make sure that my father is alive, even if it means telling you a series of ridiculous lies.

“So I want to go to Böln. I promise I won’t go anywhere else.”

Of course, you will definitely want to go to the herbal medicine market. I heard from a woman I used to study pharmacy with that there was a problem solver there. Although it has now disappeared due to a crackdown by the royal family, it is said that they are still secretly accepting requests. I planned to somehow find that person and ask him to find out about his father’s whereabouts.

‘Actually, I could ask Johannes…’

The information power of the Shultz family must be enormous. Nevertheless, the reason I want to hire someone else is because I still believe and want to believe that the owner of the letter is my father. In the letter, the father said that he wanted Johannes to come and visit him without telling him.

Of course…

‘If you stop me until the end, I’ll have to give up at this point. There is no need to rush into finding out, even if it means ruining your relationship with Johannes.’

I have done everything I can. How can we insist further when we have already caused a nuisance? Johannes’ deeply sunken eyes were hidden and revealed between his eyelids.

“Madam, you always make me break the rules I set.”

Then I lightly rubbed the wound on my temple. As he reflexively frowned at the stinging pain, his eyes narrowed. It is no secret that Johannes Schulz is a man of principle. He’s naturally like a sword, and he’s also a soldier… So I guess I’ll have to do this. I slowly opened my mouth.

“Sorry. As if I didn’t hear you-”

“When do you plan to go to the herbal medicine market?”


I looked up at her husband with wide eyes. I can’t believe it, but fortunately, he seems to have decided to fall for my ridiculous lies.

“Of course, you must promise that you will only stop by the herbal medicine market.”

Blinking my eyes blankly, I quickly nodded to him, hoping to change his mind.

“It looks like I’m going to be quite busy from now on, so it’s better to come at least a day early, so how about tomorrow?”

Johannes’ expression, which had been calm the whole time, turned into complete embarrassment.

* * *

The next morning. I repeatedly urged Johannes to dress normally. Still, I was worried that his attire would give off a hint of aristocracy, but fortunately, it was similar to that of other men. Johannes wore a gray coat with a velvet collar and narrow-brimmed bowlers. However, even a cursory glance revealed that it was made of good fabric. In fact, it wasn’t just that, he couldn’t hide his high status due to his natural physique and elegance.

“I think it would be better for me to go into the wholesale store alone.”

After getting off the train and entering the carriage that had entered the trading port of Böln, I spoke while struggling.

“No one who goes to buy medicinal herbs has a companion wearing such expensive-looking clothes. It will attract attention.”

Just look at the clothes of the people walking outside. They usually wore cheap cotton pants or a faded coat. Not many people wore hats properly. Sailors, their skin tanned by the sun, rolled up their sleeves and unloaded imported goods from the ship, even though the weather was still chilly. If Johannes Schulz were among such people, he would immediately stand out. Even a passerby could vaguely guess Johannes’ identity, but what about quick-witted merchants? No matter how ordinary the customers were dressed, they had the ability to immediately recognize the person who came to buy medicinal herbs and the person who was out to crack down on the drug, such as a businessman or a police officer. So, Johannes will immediately be recognized as a nobleman. What catches attention are the specifications. Besides, I had someone to look for, so I had to go in alone. But he was just carefree.

Johannes spoke in a calm voice.

“Well. I don’t think you’ll notice anything.”

I looked into indifferent indigo eyes.

“Do you really think so?”

Regardless of the clothes, there was no way the merchants would not notice those eyes that had never bowed to anyone.

“It’s not possible.”

When I shook my head with a stern expression, Johannes shrugged his shoulders and said,

“Then would you like to go and check first? If I really had something to do at the apothecary, it would be over quickly. Can I just wait and go?”

Is this really a test to see if I go to the apothecary? It’s an expression that I don’t know if he’s deceiving me or if he’s testing me.

“Sure. But there are so many people, you might not be able to find me.”

“Do you think so?” he asked in a tone that sounded somewhat arrogant. 

‘Do you really think I won’t be able to find you?’

In fact, it was not unfounded confidence. I glanced at Johannes’ legs, which were much longer than those of ordinary men. Since I am one head taller than everyone else, you will be able to find me quickly.

“Then, yes. I think that would be a good idea, uh…?”

Before answering, I widened my eyes at the scene unfolding outside the window. This is because a railroad line was being laid along the sea route of the trade port.

“Is there a railroad being built here?”

Johannes explained in an indifferent voice.

“It was approved a while ago. Now that most cities have roads, the idea is to connect ports and major cities by rail. The transportation of imported goods will become easier.”

“I see…”

I nodded quietly.

Soon black smoke will color the port. I was so slow, but the world was developing so rapidly.

* * *

It was when I arrived at the herbal medicine market. As promised, Johannes decided to wait in the carriage and come visit me. After barely remembering the characteristics of the problem solver, I went to the place where he was already having a conversation with the customer who had come before me.

“Where did you say you got it from?”

A somewhat strict-looking old woman asked in a dignified voice. Then he explained as if he had been waiting.

“It’s the Northeast, ma’am. It is not yet an officially imported medicinal herb. A trade ship crew member secretly brought in something famous in the area and gave it to me as a test.”


“Yes, yes, if you want…”

I narrowed my eyes and stared at the small pill explained by the supposed problem solver. It was definitely the first time I had seen it, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was somehow familiar. I snatched the pill and smelled it.

“This is a dangerous pill.”

At the words I blurted out without thinking, the old lady quietly turned to me. The eyes were filled with some interest. On the other hand, the solver’s expression suddenly became distorted.

“Miss, what are you doing now? Are you going to ruin someone else’s business?”

“Why do you think so?”

The old woman’s white-green eyes stared at me. As time passed, the color of the eyes, which were originally clear green, faded, but the glow in the eyes was fierce. I don’t know how I know about this pill, but I said firmly.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but this doesn’t seem right as a business item.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 27.

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