I Think My Husband is a Murderer


“Are you okay?”


I closed my eyes for a long time and opened them. When he nodded, he relaxed his grip.


“I think it would be a good idea to take a short break.”


Most of the stores were closed, so he took me through the buildings. Then he took out a handkerchief and laid it down on the dusty stone steps. It was a novel consideration.


“Actually, I don’t know. I normally didn’t even pay any attention to that… It just suddenly occurred to me that it might happen.”


Johannes sat down next to me and frowned between his eyebrows.




“Yes. Or have you read it in passing? …Maybe I caught a glimpse of it while studying pharmacy.”


“Are you a genius by any chance?”


Phew, laughter burst out without resistance. This is because Johannes’ voice was extremely serious when he asked that question.


“That’s right. I thought I was a genius too? Maybe I got hit on the head and became a real genius.”


As I ruffled my flowing hair and responded playfully, a faint sound of laughter lingered in my ears. Has he ever laughed like that? When I turned my head to look at him in surprise, I made eye contact with Johannes. His face looked so flawless that I burst out laughing too. Johannes answered, tying the half-loose bonnet straps.


“Then let’s put it that way. It would be unfair if only you got hit on the head.”


* * *


It was a very long day. By the time we returned to Evanstein Castle, it had already become dark outside the window. Johannes immediately summoned the Schulz family’s doctor. He checked the condition of my head and told me that the wound was quite deep and that I should rest for a few days.


“You must never engage in unreasonable behavior. You must rest.”


After the doctor left the bedroom, Johannes asked me while his eyes were closed.


“I heard that’s true. It would be better to have the bedroom alone for the time being.”


I slowly opened my eyes at the nonsense, then wrinkled my nose and responded.


“No. The owner of the bedroom is the duke. So I can’t cause trouble by keeping it to myself. The bed is also this wide.”


Then Johannes looked a little uncomfortable.


“You might be getting used to the fact that you are also the owner of Evanstein Castle by now.”


Was he worried that I might make a mistake while dealing with him outside?


“But anyway, it’s not like I have trouble moving around. It’s really okay to sleep together. It’s not like the duke has terrible sleeping habits, is it?”


I looked up at Johannes and asked as if it were obvious. But the answer did not come back right away. Instead, he narrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes as if glaring at me. If I can read emotions little by little from the dull gaze, it may not be just my imagination. The time I spent with him has now accumulated quite a bit. Therefore… Was he feeling a little confused this time? As I was assessing Johannes’ feelings, the answer came back in a low voice.


“…You sound like you don’t think you have it.”


“Of course. I sleep extremely quietly. I won’t cause trouble to anyone.”


Johannes let out a laugh.


“No way.”


I narrowed my eyes. I have never heard from my father that I have a sleeping habit. I, too, have never fallen out of bed while sleeping…


‘What on earth…?’


Did I snore without me knowing? If so, it couldn’t be an embarrassing situation. I got a bit anxious and quickly asked back.


“Am I even snoring?”




Fortunately, the answer came back firmly. Then why on earth did you ask such a question? I wondered if he had hit Johannes in his sleep, but that wasn’t the case either.


“But is there any problem?”


When I asked with my eyebrows raised, Johannes looked at me intently and only answered after a while.


“You don’t think I’m going to attack you, do you?”


“…yes? What is that…”


It was a completely unexpected question. I blinked slowly.


“You’ve been telling ridiculous jokes since yesterday. You actually didn’t have any feelings back then. It’s really not fun at all.”


And then I patted the spot next to the bed with my palm.


“So stop playing around and lie down. You have to sleep in bed.”


Leaving Johannes behind, who was frowning, I quickly turned around and lay down to hide my gaping face.


* * *


The next morning.


Johannes slowly opened his eyes to the sound of regular breathing coming from next to him. Edith was lying down facing him. The hair covering her face danced every time a light breath flowed from her plump lips. Johannes unconsciously reached out and removed the hair that covered Edith’s face. Even when his fingertips touched her, she didn’t even move. Perhaps because she was sleeping, her cheeks were pale and her lips had lost blood.


He looked at Edith, who was in a deep sleep, as if observing her, and then let out a laugh.


‘You’re sleeping well.’


Even today, after making it difficult for people to sleep properly. Johannes’ expression hardened as he gazed at the bandage wrapped around Edith’s head. Yesterday, when he found out that someone had intentionally damaged the train engine, and soon after, the engine started catching fire. Johannes immediately thought of Edith.


The situation was not good. The letters, of unknown origin, led her to Böln. There was nothing particularly suspicious about the hotel room, but he doesn’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t been there. And the train Edith was riding on caught fire. At that moment, he thought that maybe someone was targeting Edith. When he went straight to look for Edith, the room was empty. She wasn’t visible either.


He released the servants and went to find Edith, but the incident had already happened. Even blood was flowing from her head… He knew Noah Weber felt bad for him, but he didn’t think he would be bold enough to do something like that. Of course, there were more than one person who looked after Noah Weber in order to use him for dirty work… 


‘Could it be Edward Windsor?’


However, he has no justification for approaching Edith. He said that the story would be different if Edward also knew Edith’s secret, but that did not seem to be the case. Yesterday, he learned more about Edith. He was a bit surprised.


Yesterday’s Edith Prim blended into the scene so well that it was embarrassing. Even though she’s been through some pretty big things. Not only did she not mind seeing the body, but she boldly examined its condition and even deduced whether it was a murder case or not. It was something he could never imagine from the Edith Prim he had seen before.


‘I’ll have to find out.’


Johannes then took heavy steps and headed towards his office. He had a fret gunner waiting for him. He looked at Johannes in surprise, who looked somewhat blank, and then spoke, hiding his emotions.


“Today’s newspaper.”


There was an article about Edith and Johannes in the newspaper. Since there was a train accident, it was even more strange that there was no news about it. The good news is that Edith’s kidnapping is not discussed in detail, as Fret Gunner may have had her hands full. However, it seems that this did not prevent another murder case in Mussen. The article printed in large headlines was about a woman found dead in a basement. The plan to visit quietly was in vain…


“It’s not bad.”


Johannes muttered briefly. He then put down the newspaper on the desk and turned his attention to Fret Gunner.


“I think there’s something I didn’t know about my wife.”


“I have done all the research I could.”


“No way. Didn’t you see today’s newspaper?”


“Of course I saw it. Are you sure you are talking about the article about Madam’s abilities at the crime scene? The owner at the scene would know better, but the article exaggerated everything…”


“It could have been even greater.”


Johannes interrupted him.


“Do you really think Ma’am has exceptional abilities in investigation?”


Fret Gunner blinked skeptically. He seemed to believe that the information about Edith in the article was exaggerated. Of course, if he hadn’t seen yesterday’s scene, he would have dismissed it as nonsense and moved on.


Johannes said, snapping his fingers on the table.


“Isn’t that why I’m telling you this?”


“…If so, let’s investigate further. However, it appears that there will be no significant income.”


“Just give it a try. And they say Edward Windsor has been appointed police chief of Mussen.”


“We are looking into that too.”


‘You always speak well.’


Actually, the reason was obvious. It looks like the royal family is trying to keep an eye on the Schultz family. It was because it was boring and blunt. Johannes sat down and gave a brief congratulatory message to Fret Gunner.


“Okay, just leave now.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 13.

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  1. artemis_03 says:

    Thank you for the translation

    1. RJR says:

      Thank you for reading <3

  2. Clovis says:

    I have to reread from the beginning bec I’ve forgotten some details but I really like the story so far

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