I Think My Husband is a Murderer


When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black.




My head throbbed. As I touched my head, something sticky smeared my hands.


I quickly looked around. I couldn’t see anything in front of me. Only then did I realize the situation I was in.


Someone had kidnapped me and confined me here. The reason was likely absurd and straightforward.


Duchess Schultz?’


The man had asked, as if confirming my identity for the last time. So maybe…


‘Did I marry the wrong man?’


It didn’t seem ridiculous at all.


Could that man be the one who sent the letter to my house, to Evanstein Castle?


Pretending to be a young lady fond of Johannes, pretending to be Mrs. Penciler, confusing me, and then kidnapping me like this…


‘Why bother?’


Did Johannes hold such a grudge against me? Perhaps he kidnapped me to threaten him.


A faint sigh escaped.


Whatever motive led to my capture, judging by the fact that they hadn’t done anything to me yet, they probably didn’t intend to harm me further.


By the time I finished assessing the situation, the ceiling thudded. The wooden creaking sound was followed by a bright light streaming in.


Absentmindedly raising my hand to shield my eyes, a man who had awakened noticed me and came down.


“It’s quite comfortable to be alive, isn’t it?”




Just when I was thinking that living in this world was difficult, he uttered nonsensical words.


If it were comfortable, my father would have returned safely, and I wouldn’t have fallen into the hands of those debt collectors.


Moreover, I wouldn’t be lying like this in such a cold place.


But what on earth is comfortable?


When I glared at him, the man chuckled.


“If only you didn’t marry such a man.”




“The one who embezzled state funds. He hasn’t even thought about his wrongs, paying the price for making me like this.”


The man gloated while tapping his foot.


No matter how the reputation of the Schultz family is improving again, the belief that they embezzled royal funds remained.


Of course, unless clear evidence of innocence appeared, the deeply rooted suspicion in almost everyone would not disappear.


This man firmly believed that Schultz had embezzled hundreds of billions of Berks.


“What did I do to dare…”


When I tried to respond impulsively, it seemed that the person who sent me the letter was not him. However, there was a clear sense of regret towards Johannes.


“What did I do?”


As I answered impulsively, emotions other than anger crossed the distorted face of the man.


“It’s a problem that you, who haven’t done anything, are sitting in a higher position than us who work ourselves to death, unlike you half-and-half-faced women.”


I was speechless.


There are often people like that. They blame their incompetence on the success of others, believing that if they bring that person down, they can succeed.


“How can they discipline me for embezzling a few military funds?”


I was perplexed.


He confessed to his crime but seemed oblivious to his wrongdoing.


“Because Colonel Schultz reported to the higher-ups, I couldn’t get a promotion, and my salary was cut. From now on, being labeled as disciplined will stick with me like a tag, making it impossible for me to get promoted to a high-ranking officer!”


The man now openly expressed malice.


I was dumbfounded. What did that have to do with me?


A while ago, I was scared, but now, perhaps due to the blow to my head, irritation welled up.


I widened my eyes.


“I received the punishment I deserved. Why vent your anger on me?”


“You, a commoner woman, married and think you’re a real noble? How many women like you have I seen? Anyway, you’re disposable. You won’t amount to anything!”


He continued to berate me without admitting his own faults.


“I’ve seen a lot. How high-ranking nobles ruin and discard beautiful women. I wonder how the last moments of abandoned women like you are.”


Why my utility suddenly became a topic, I didn’t know, but it was a ridiculous conversation.


“Your noble families avoid divorce, right? It’s such a hassle because you need the approval of the royal family. However, there is one way to remarry. Want to know what happens to women like you, who have been used and discarded?”


As I showed a puzzled reaction, he tried harder to make a terrifying face, apparently attempting to scare me.


“When Johannes Schultz gets tired of your face, he’ll find a new woman. For his second marriage, he’ll choose a woman with enough intellect and from a decent family. But what will you do if you’re still alive and well?”


Then, he looked at me with narrow eyes, as if expecting a particular reaction.


So what? Johannes didn’t marry me because of my face. He needed me for public opinion purposes, and I just complied.


But that didn’t mean I would silently endure his rude remarks.


I looked up at him.


“Even so, you have no right to say such things to me.”


The man’s face turned red.


It wasn’t the reaction he wanted. Of course not. He probably wanted to see me cry.


The man sneered.


“Your future only has two options. Die or be killed.”


I felt an urge to slap the man’s face.


He dared to vent his anger on a weaker woman, lacking the courage to confront Johannes.


Just because I was Johannes’ wife. I spoke with irritation.


“Does saying that change anything? Why do you keep taking your anger out on me?”




“Don’t you just need someone to blame? You know you’re wrong, but you don’t want to admit it. You’ve been disciplined, so you need a place to vent your frustration.”


“How dare this common woman!”


The man’s face distorted with rage.


The man pulled a gun from his waist and, with trembling hands, pointed the muzzle at me, approaching with firm steps. The cold sensation of the gun barrel tingled on my forehead.


The pain started to radiate again from the back of my head. I closed my eyes tightly and, with considerable effort, managed to lift my powerless hand.


As I gripped the gun barrel, he hesitated and took a step back with a bewildered look.


However, my anger had reached its peak. To put it simply, there was nothing visible in my current state.


“Go ahead, shoot. What will happen if you shoot me?”




If I couldn’t escape, I had to make the most of his misunderstanding.


“According to your words, I am in a position to receive my husband’s love due to my half-and-half face.”


“Are you daring to threaten me?”


The man’s hand shot into the air. Soon, a dull sound followed, and his head jerked sharply.


For a moment, I couldn’t close my mouth, dumbfounded.


The violence from the soldier was shockingly eerie. The process of pain spreading was excruciatingly slow.


Sharp pain spread from my cheek, and my vision turned white. For a while, my ears felt muffled, making it impossible to hear what he was yelling.


Regaining my senses, I sharply glared at him. With a trembling voice full of resentment, I shouted, “Do I have to endure such humiliation just because you couldn’t get a promotion?”


Click. The man’s thumb pulled the hammer of the revolver. His index finger trembled as if about to pull the trigger.


“Just a promotion? Do you even know how important a promotion is for a soldier? It’s an honor that can’t be compared to the insignificant life of a commoner!”


So, he really intended to shoot. It was when I closed my eyes tightly.


Bang! A terrifying gunshot echoed through the underground. Shortly after, the man tumbled down the stairs.


I raised my eyes toward the ceiling. Light seeped in through the open door.


“Using firearms outside of working hours is illegal.”


A man with an imposing stature appeared. It was Johannes Schultz.


“Kidnapping under the guise of military service, attempted murder, and even extortion.”


Noah Beaver, who fell miserably with a bloody hand clutching his stomach, coughed violently as the blood flowed freely.


Johannes slowly descended the basement stairs. The atmosphere settled like a well-forged blade.


He glanced at me and then approached the man. A dark aura descended over his broad shoulders.


“Commander Noah Beaver. You are hereby relieved of your duties in the Docielia Navy, effective immediately.”




“We will report this case, along with the embezzlement of military funds, to a military tribunal. Be aware of that.”


“What did I do wrong? While you, who embezzled hundreds of billions of Berks, haven’t received any punishment, why should I face this for taking a bit of military funds?”


Click. Johannes, with lowered waist, pressed the gun barrel against the man’s cheek. A chilling voice followed.


“Embezzlement wasn’t my doing; it was done by the former Duke Schultz. He’s still not disciplined, isn’t he?”



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on April, 1.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    wow this girl is a fighter! she didn’t give the kidnapper an inch

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