I Think My Husband is a Murderer


“Is the surname Prim common?”


Edward examined the document more closely.


“Mother, Candice Keller, gave birth to Edith Prim and passed away. Father, Isaac Prim, a naval sergeant from Dochilia, deployed to the war and died during service.”


Edward, who was muttering to himself, sighed deeply.


“The Duchess is Isaac Prim’s daughter.”


He tightly crumpled the paper and soon recalled an old memory.


Their first meeting wasn’t bad, but the subsequent encounters with Isaac Prim turned into a fateful connection.


It happened when Edward, under the king’s orders, went to capture Johannes Schultz aboard the anchored Baltic ship.


“Are you in charge of the engine room on the Baltic? You don’t need to be so rigid.”


“It seems like you just checked the fleet not long ago. Why all of a sudden…”


Many suspected that he wasn’t Johannes Schultz’s direct subordinate or perhaps had significant regrets towards the royal family.


Or maybe he held some grudge against the royalty. But what could a commoner achieve with such feelings? Edward recalled his somewhat familiar and friendly demeanor.


“It’s rigid. I find this bothersome too. But what can you do when orders come from above? If superiors want to criticize, let them criticize.”


Edward’s expression became even more furrowed.


So, the daughter of that Isaac Prim, of all people, married Johannes Schultz.


It was a disgustingly entangled fate.


Come to think of it, those disgustingly noble green eyes were quite similar.


Edward’s eyes narrowed.


Maybe he was emitting such hostile feelings towards me…


“It could be interesting.”


It might unexpectedly turn out to be amusing.


Going to Muesen, seeing that woman’s face again…


“It’s quite a twisted fate for the daughter of someone I once despised to become Johannes Schultz’s wife.”


Having finished his thoughts, Edward grabbed the ship’s railing and started pacing. After a while, he stopped laughing and said,


“Isn’t that right, Frederick?”


As if it were a familiar sight, Frederick, Edward’s gardener who was writing something in a corner, nodded slowly.


“It’s been a while since I sent condolences. I might as well meet the Duchess soon.”


* * *


The murderer in the murder case still hasn’t been caught.


With a worried heart, sleep wouldn’t come. Eventually, he found himself spending the entire night in the office.


“If the culprit isn’t caught yet, people are still in danger, right?”


I frowned deeply and looked up at Sir Fret, who came to deliver today’s documents.


“Yes, for now.”


Sir Fret spoke in a nonchalant tone. How can he be so casual? Unable to erase the serious expression on my face, he changed the subject.


“This is about the residence that Madam used to live in.”


And he succeeded in diverting my attention. I raised my head.


“A house?”


“Yes. Perhaps due to the increased attention due to the murder case or the complaints from neighbors about the noise, there are no reporters around now. It would be okay for you to visit sometime.”


“When would be a good time to go?”


“You can go whenever you want.”




I recalled the last time I left the house. The image of Mrs. Penciller looking at me with an expression I couldn’t quite understand came to mind. She must have heard the news of my marriage to Johannes Schultz. A family-like figure who took care of me like a daughter and helped me a lot when my father passed away. I didn’t want to share my news with her just through a few lines in the newspaper, though she might have already heard.


“Can I visit the town today then? I should also stop by the neighbor’s house. She has been very helpful, and I disappeared without a word, she must have been surprised.”


“Of course.”


Sir Fret offered to prepare a carriage, but I firmly declined. I didn’t want to draw attention by riding in Schultz’s carriage and having guards accompany me.


I also declined the escort. I only had a brief mention in the newspapers, so my face wasn’t widely known.


It was clear that even if I went out alone, it would attract attention anyway, considering the proximity of the castle to the house.


“I’ll just take a quick look inside the house and then go to Mrs. Penciller. Is that okay?”


When I tried to smile, Sir Fret advised,


“You should return to the castle by 6 o’clock.”


After finishing my work later that day, I left Evanstein Castle. It was my first outing since getting married.


* * *


“Master, I have something to report.”


Johannes, who was leaning deeply into the chair, slowly sat up straight.


A report at this hour, when the work of the Duke was not properly finished yet.


It must be something related to Edith or the royal family.


Judging by his expression, it didn’t seem like a serious matter, but it didn’t look like good news either.


When Johannes cleared his throat, Sir Fret spoke.


“Madam has gone out. Although she didn’t want a carriage or an escort, I secretly assigned guards. She plans to return by 6 o’clock.”


Johannes’s temples narrowed. He spoke with a somewhat sharp tone.


“Are you saying you allowed that without my permission? Without even reporting it to me?”


“You have nothing to worry about. The servants assigned as guards are carefully selected…”


Sir Fret paused mid-sentence, looking aggrieved.


Actually, it wasn’t strange for him to react this way, but the situation itself wasn’t typical.


“There’s nothing to worry about.”


Johannes said irritably.


The murderer still hadn’t been caught, and he didn’t know what the royal family might do with Edith.


“It seems like Madam is worried about the news that the murderer hasn’t been caught yet. I suggested an outing to get some fresh air. She has been confined in Evanstein Castle since she arrived. You didn’t seem to be happy about it. I didn’t know it required your permission for the lady of the house to go out.”


Sir Fret added with a tone that seemed incomprehensible.


“Sir Fret. I’m not deluding myself into thinking I married that woman normally, am I?”


“…Of course not, but anyway, she is the Duchess of Schultz. Isn’t it necessary for the lady to have your permission to go out?”


Naturally, that was the case. Normally, the lady of the house didn’t need the master’s permission to go out.


But Edith didn’t grow up as a noble, and her face wasn’t widely known yet. It was unknown what trouble she might get into.


In this situation, sending her out alone was not right.


However, since the situation of her already being out wouldn’t change even if he questioned it, Johannes asked with his eyes tightly closed, “Why?”


“…It seemed like the reporters were gone from the house where she originally resided.”


“Sir Fret, you’re not unaware of the habits of reporters, are you?”


“But we thoroughly investigated, and it seemed there would be no problem. I judged that it would be better for her to go out before her face becomes widely known.”


Sir Fret’s judgments were generally correct. Johannes also trusted the decisions he made.


This time, too, his decision wasn’t bad. Normally, Johannes would have overlooked it without any issues.


But why was it so irritating?


Johannes let out a short sigh.


“Off-topic, but I’ll say one thing. I know well why you, the master, are so concerned about the mistress. However—”




“If you continue like this, the day when the mistress opens her heart to the master will never come.”


Johannes didn’t respond to Fret’s words. Instead, he leaned back in his chair again.


After a moment, having finished his thoughts, he quietly spoke.


“…Add more people. If there’s any chance it might be delayed, I’ll go myself.”


It was unclear whether he was sincere or just moving out of necessity.


Nodding, Sir Fret said, “And the repair of the west-wing basement is inevitable. It seems we’ll need to relocate the things inside soon.”


“Sure. Pay extra attention so that the lady doesn’t go in that direction.”


It was a move driven by necessity.


It was a moment when Edith, who knew nothing, was pitiable.


As Johannes continued to act cold-blooded until the end, Fret silently lowered his head.



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 29.

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  1. Clovis says:

    It’s good I hope there is more. I hope the translation is fast

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