I Think My Husband is a Murderer

Somehow, peaceful days continued. The gossip surrounding Duke Schultz also gradually diminished.


In the meantime, I had hidden the belongings filled with memories of my father in unseen places around the house.


Although there were moments when my father came to mind, I could bear it better than before. It was because I was trying to keep myself busy, unable to afford to dwell on thoughts of him.


When I visited the post office to inform Lord Russell that I couldn’t attend the interview, I received a cold and stern reprimand in return.


After several apologies, the butler finally let me off.


Anyway, as I busily went about my days, the day of my first day of work at Schultz Manor was approaching.


I woke up earlier than usual and prepared to head to Schultz Manor. As I boarded the carriage, sudden exclamations filled the air.


“Why are you going to the ownerless Schultz Manor? Could it be that you’re secretly involved with Count Schultz?” 


“No, absolutely not.”


Despite my denial, the skeptical gazes of the coachmen lingered on me, prompting me to come up with a hasty excuse about being a newspaper reporter.


The coachmen still looked suspicious, but they seemed to believe me to some extent.


“Next time, it’s better to get off nearby and walk.”


The view outside the window was not as peaceful as before, but it had its own vitality.


After a while, the carriage passed through the bustling streets and entered a quieter area. After riding uphill for a while, we finally reached the entrance to Evanstein Castle.




Getting off the carriage, I looked down the cliff below.


The surrounding forest was blanketed in snow. From there, I could see the river that meandered through the forests, Lake Popfen, and even the distant sea at a glance.


I realized that the castle was situated on a high ground.


When I turned around, I saw the formal entrance with its rising roof. It was a structure where red bricks were tightly arranged between cream-colored columns.


I stared blankly at the eagle emblem of the Schultz family carved above the entrance before slowly stepping inside.


Buildings were stacked layer by layer like a fortress in all directions. Overwhelmed by the grandeur, I involuntarily shrunk back.


After walking a considerable distance, I climbed up the milk-colored stone steps and was greeted by the housekeeper of the manor.


“Miss Edith Prim? Thank you for coming such a long way. I’m Fred Gunner, the housekeeper.”


Oh my.


I stared at the man in front of me in a daze, without even thinking to greet him.


Was it a prerequisite for someone to become part of a nobleman’s staff to have a remarkable appearance?


Mr. Fred Gunner was undeniably handsome to the point of captivating women at first sight. However, he had a slightly different charm compared to Johannes Schultz.


To describe Fred Gunner in one word, he was a good-looking man, through and through.


The bright, cheerful smile that could easily captivate women further enhanced his appearance.


That’s not all. Neatly styled dark brown hair and impeccable attire added to his already high likability.


Whether fortunate or unfortunate, he seemed accustomed to such reactions. He maintained a polite smile and spoke.


“I serve as both Duke Schultz’s housekeeper and his aide. I’ll explain most things, but feel free to ask me anything you don’t know.”


“Oh my…”


Taken aback by his consistently courteous attitude, I instinctively covered my mouth. In response, his eyes widened slightly.


“Did I make a mistake?”


Mistake? There was absolutely no way.


He had shown me respect even though I was just a lowly servant. Despite rudely staring at him and not properly returning his greeting.


I quickly raised my hand and blurted out whatever came to mind.


“No, absolutely not. I just didn’t know how to address you.”


“Ah, you can just call me by my name.”


He smiled even more perfectly.


“Yes, Mr. Fred. I apologize for the late introduction. I’m Edith Prim.”


In reality, individual circumstances don’t matter.


In other words, it’s not a good idea to show a gloomy demeanor during an interview. Especially if it’s for a job that you really don’t want to miss.


So, I filled my face with a smile that hid any trace of shade, as if I were someone with no worries.


“You don’t need to address me as Mr. Fred. Of course, if you’re comfortable calling me that, it’s fine.”


“You’re really kind.”


“I’m just showing the appropriate attitude for my master’s guest.”


“I’m not a guest…”


“I haven’t signed the employment contract yet.”


Mr. Fred smiled broadly. I awkwardly mustered a forced smile.


Anyway, he remained consistently kind. I may not know much about noble families, but it’s unlikely for a butler to treat a mere servant with such courtesy.


Afterwards, Mr. Fred introduced me to various places in Evanstein Castle and began explaining the tasks I would be assigned.


“The task for you, Miss Prim, is to sort the documents that have arrived at Schultz Manor on a daily basis.”


“Do you have any other tasks? It seems too simple…”


“As you’ll see, I will guide you through the interior of the castle. Please follow me.”


He added, then took the first step. I followed behind Mr. Fred nervously.


The architecture of the castle was as chaotic as its grand size. Various architectural styles coexisted, ranging from simplicity to the pinnacle of splendor according to the trends of the time.


Nevertheless, it was a place that could be called the most beautiful castle in Dothilia.


Grand halls, ateliers, ballrooms—there was not a single space that lacked attention to detail.


Mr. Fred guided me through numerous private rooms and even the library.


Finally, we headed to the reception room for the contract signing. Even the reception room in this magnificent castle was astonishing. The walls were adorned with elaborate arches, adding to its grandeur. Not a single small item was haphazardly placed throughout.


As I absentmindedly looked around the reception room, Mr. Fred handed me the contract.


“The servants’ quarters are located in the east annex. Since Miss Prim will be commuting, I won’t provide a separate guide.”


The agreed-upon weekly salary was 1 million Berkes.


When I saw the documented amount, I was amazed once again. It was while I was staring at the numbers.


“If the amount is different, please let me know. If you have any changes you’d like to make, I will ask the master.”


“No, this amount is more than enough.”


“Then that’s fortunate.”


Come to think of it, is Lord Schultz not coming? I asked, looking around.


“What about Lord Schultz…?”


“There needs to be a correction in the title.”




As I tilted my head in confusion, Mr. Fred explained.


“Upon the passing of the previous Duke, the title was passed down to my master simultaneously.”




My face turned bright red.


How could I have known how the succession of noble titles works?


So, it was partly Lord Schultz’s fault for not correcting the wrong title.


“Don’t be embarrassed. Most families have separate procedures for inheriting titles, so it’s understandable.”


Mr. Fred added to his explanation. He was kind as always.


“As you know, currently, it is publicly known that my master is missing. Please make sure to keep it a secret. Do you have any questions regarding my master?”


“Yes, one question.”


He seemed to be waiting for me to speak.


“Then, was the rumor about his disappearance intentionally spread by the Duke’s family?”


“Creating new topics is quite a traditional method, but it works.”


“I see.”


I nodded slowly.


That’s certainly true. Initially, the focus was on articles speculating about embezzled funds hidden by Duke Schultz, but now everyone was paying attention to Lord Schultz’s whereabouts.


Rumors circulated that someone had kidnapped Johannes Schultz to extort a huge sum of money or that he had fled to a foreign country.


In awe of the nobles’ ways, I signed the contract.




“Just in case, I wanted to ask.”


After being assigned to my office and preparing to return home, Mr. Fred spoke to me.


I looked at him with a puzzled expression.


“Yes, please go ahead.”


“Do you have any knowledge of proper etiquette?”




My face turned as red as a beet at his question.


Because I didn’t know whether Mr. Fred was accusing me of being impolite or not.


Perhaps he was about to say that they would cancel my employment.


Did I make some mistake?


If the employment was canceled, I wouldn’t have anywhere else to go, so I quickly spoke as if making excuses.


“Of course. I’m familiar enough to get along well with others. However, since I don’t usually pay much attention to it, I have to make an effort in public situations like this.”


In truth, I was putting in a great deal of effort to appear quite presentable.


If I impressed the butler, there was a good chance that positive words would reach the employer’s ears.


After all, I couldn’t disappoint my father, who praised me so much.


But if my etiquette was inadequate…


“Not at all. My question is… Have you ever learned the etiquette of high society?”


Mr. Fred lowered his head slightly. I let out a sigh of relief inwardly.


However, his immediate response made me even more perplexed.


“No, my question is… Have you ever learned the etiquette of high society?”



Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on September, 13.

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