I Think My Husband is a Murderer

The wind blowing turned his golden hair, tinged red by the setting sun, gently swaying.

Although he was currently receiving criticism, he was the successor to the Duke of Schultz. His honor would soon be restored, and people would quickly forget about the embezzlement, as they always had.

No one would say anything, even if they ignored me, despite the fact that I also contributed, with the help of his father.

But why?

I stared at his eyes with a puzzled expression. However, no matter how much I looked at his eyes, which had a mesmerizing hue resembling the emerging sea, I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking this time.

After a long pause, I blurted out his proposal.

“You want to entrust me with the duties of the Duke of Schultz.”

“That’s correct.”

“Even though I may not be capable of handling the job?”

The young duke nodded. Perplexed, I clenched my fists and asked.

“What’s the reason for helping me like this?”

He didn’t answer and took out a cigarette from his pocket. Then, he held one cigarette in his mouth, threw the rest onto his father’s grave, and smoothly lit the one in his mouth as if the process flowed naturally, like water.

Seeing my puzzled expression, he spoke.

“Pardon me. I always smoke cigarettes.”

Although it didn’t seem like an excuse, it erased the impression that it was rude.

My father didn’t smoke. He must have had a tough time. As I got lost in those thoughts, I heard his muffled voice.

“I mentioned it earlier, but…”

He deeply inhaled the smoke and slowly exhaled it. He paused for a moment.

“I can’t stand by and watch the daughter of someone I had a close relationship with suffer. I received a lot of help from Captain Prim, and since I can’t repay him directly, I will repay his daughter.”

It was a sarcastic response.

Anyway, the person who owed the debt was already dead, so it had to be repaid to his daughter. That way, my dignity would be preserved.

That seemed to be the meaning behind it.

It was a proposal born out of the aristocratic thinking that only focused on oneself. Although he might claim to be considerate, arrogance seeped out of him.

I looked at his nonchalant profile and spoke, tightly grasping the front of my new dress.

“Is there any other reason why you feel obligated to repay me? I don’t know much about military ranks, but I don’t think my father would have been of much help to someone like a fleet commander. Or is it pity towards me…?”

The young Duke raised an eyebrow.

“No, it’s not that. I received a much greater favor from Miss Prim than Mr. Prim thinks.”

His meticulously crafted face was calm, as if speaking the truth. Moreover, as a young Duke, he had no reason to approach me with lies.


“It’s a burdensome proposal, even if it’s too burdensome,” I thought.

To become a servant in an aristocratic family, I needed the qualifications they demanded. Additionally, I had to bear the weight in my speech, so it was extremely difficult to be employed unless it was a rare case.

In other words, in order to become a servant of the noble family, one had to live properly for three generations. That’s what it would come down to.

Of course, Lord Russell was an exception because he couldn’t find people easily.

I recalled the employment notice I had seen casually before, posted by the Duke of Schultz.

Fluency in foreign languages and possession of professional certifications are preferred.

Although I was confident in my ability to speak, I wasn’t fluent in the foreign language the Duke desired. Furthermore, I was studying for a pharmacist certification, so I didn’t have any professional certifications either.

So, even if I received significant help, it could be seen as a form of preferential treatment.

I wanted to avoid any actions that would trouble my conscience.

With a politely composed smile, I spoke.

“In that case, thank you, but I’ll decline. Of course, I do have the option to decline, don’t I?”

His forehead furrowed even more.

“I thought it was an offer that couldn’t be refused. May I ask why?”

“It seems like I’ve already received more than enough help from Lieutenant Colonel. It’s just fair to pay for the labor you provide.”

I was at a loss for words.

His laughter seemed absurd, as if he hadn’t given me any help at all.

Then, I could immediately tell from his following words that he was sincere.

“Edith Prim.”

The young Duke took a deep drag from his cigarette and exhaled slowly.

“I haven’t put in any effort for you yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“Of course, the job offer I proposed earlier is the same. It’s only paying fair value for the work you do.”

I was speechless.

Despite the respectful tone and polite manner, it couldn’t help but feel arrogant.

“Well…” I began.

Of course, if this wasn’t in front of my father’s grave, I might have felt a bit more bold.

But I was taught by my father to live with dignity. Not to accept favors without cost and to maintain a certain level of doubt in life.

I looked at the burning end of the cigarette, then gazed at his handsome and composed face, so dry and refined.

His upright posture and restrained expression that didn’t reveal emotions.

Once again, I felt that I was having a conversation with a nobleman, and I slightly bit my lower lip.

After taking a deep breath, I responded.

“But if I weren’t Captain Prim’s daughter, this proposal wouldn’t exist. I’m truly grateful, but I don’t expect such things. I’m trying to find my own way and navigate through life on my own, without anyone’s help.”

To Schultz, the young Duke’s continued question, I had to put on a determined expression.

“If it’s a request, how about that?”

It seemed like he anticipated my rejection.

“…A request?”

“I have enough capital and power to repay the debt of gratitude. Yet, you’re making this request so politely…”

He paused for a moment.

“Miss Prim knows better than I do. You understand my reputation within the Muzen right now.”

The young Duke brushed his disheveled hair in the wind. The slight crease between his narrowed brows deepened.

It felt somewhat disrespectful to have such thoughts in front of my father’s grave, but Johannes Schultz possessed a captivating appearance that anyone would fall for. It’s just that his expressions were limited, making him seem a bit cold and difficult to approach.

“Just by observing how people gossip about my whereabouts, I believe you can tell how much the reputation of the Duke of Schultz has plummeted.”

He soon dropped his shortened cigarette onto the dry grass. A faint ash remained where he extinguished it with his boot.

I looked at him, feeling that his behavior was less refined than before, and replied slowly.

“Of course, I’m aware.”

Even though he had outstanding looks and came from a good family, being a noble among nobles who drew everyone’s attention, he couldn’t help but be concerned about his reputation.

I knew that, but it felt anew.

He tilted his head slightly and scrutinized me.

“That’s why I want a trustworthy servant. If that could be you, it would be perfect.”

“…How can you trust me in the first place?”

“Captain Prim spoke highly of his daughter. She’s a rare lady these days, upright and honest.”

For saying that, his voice was remarkably dry.


“I trust Captain Prim’s words. Therefore, I trust you, who is his daughter, and I trust myself for trusting your father.”

The young Duke, Johannes Schultz, paused for a moment and took a step closer, bridging the distance between us. Inevitably, the proximity made him extend his hand.

As the veil that was partially covering his face was completely lifted, my vision became clearer than before. Deep, enigmatic blue eyes stared directly at me.

“I believe you will not disappoint me.”


Translator Note:


This chapter was translated by Bree.

If you like my work please support us in Patreon. Next post will be released on August, 23.

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  1. Dany says:

    Hay tantas incongruencias en lo que dice johannes que no puedo dejar de dudar en lo que dice! Sobre el padre en la morgue que pareciera no ser él, que conozca al padre y que le haya hablado de su hija. Parece todo actuado

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