I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

“…I am not unaware of Your Majesty’s intentions.”

Ian looked directly at Elisio.

“I also understand that giving up my right to the throne could weaken my position as a member of the royal family.”

“You know that, yet…”

Elisio frowned again, massaging his temples.

“But, Your Majesty,” Ian paused briefly before continuing, “…the Grand Duchess was injured.”

The Emperor hesitated.

He slowly lifted his head to look at Ian. His face remained calm.

“It’s fine if they target me. They pose no real threat to me. Up until now, I’ve followed Your Majesty’s orders for that reason.”

His gaze briefly met mine before drifting away.

‘He’s still claiming they don’t pose a threat.’

Is this the confidence of a swordmaster, the male lead?

While I was entertaining such frivolous thoughts, Ian, who had been silent for a moment, continued speaking.

“You know this, Your Majesty.”


“Targeting me and targeting those around me are entirely different matters.”

The Emperor’s lips pressed together tightly.

“Yes, I understand why you’ve kept your distance from others.”

Elisio couldn’t have forgotten what happened on Ian’s tenth birthday. After the death of his nursemaid, Ian had distanced himself from everyone, refusing to form close bonds and choosing isolation. Elisio surely knew that too.

That’s why he probably wanted to protect him and bolster his position, to show the world that no matter what, he was his blood.

After the recent attack, he summoned the imperialist nobles and issued stern warnings, ordering a thorough investigation. However, based on what I knew, the effect wouldn’t last long.

‘After all, they support the “Emperor” of Levant, not Ian’s brother, Elisio.’

Strengthening imperial power was synonymous with enhancing the authority of the imperialist faction. Their sole goal was to eliminate any threats to the Empire’s ruler, no more, no less.

I took a short breath while glancing between the two siblings.

“Your Majesty, if I may be so bold, could I offer a suggestion?”

“So now even the Grand Duchess is chiming in.”

Elisio closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again with a complicated expression. He nodded as if to say, “Go on, let’s hear it.”

“I understand Your Majesty’s concerns, but, Your Majesty,”

I glanced briefly at Ian.

“Didn’t you say this before? Just because the Grand Duke receives a title and leaves the capital doesn’t mean he ceases to be royalty.”

Quoting his own words back to him, the Emperor narrowed his eyes at me.

“Even if the Grand Duke renounces his claim to the throne, he will still remain Your Majesty’s family. The same goes for me.”

Elisio, who had been rubbing her forehead, suddenly paused. At the same time, I felt Ian’s eyes on me, as if studying me closely.



I could feel both siblings staring at me, and it was unnerving. I forced a smile, trying not to let the pressure show.

“And even without the succession rights, the Grand Duke isn’t someone to be treated lightly. After all, Your Majesty knows better than anyone just how capable he is.”

The Emperor blinked at me, momentarily taken aback, then looked between us and let out a soft chuckle.

“Huh, I don’t know when the two of you became so in sync.”

“Because Your Majesty asked me to take good care of the Grand Duke.”

I smiled shamelessly.

The Emperor sighed.

“Well, I suppose it’s true—birds of a feather flock together.”

He rested his chin on his hand and leaned back against the sofa.

“I called you here to reprimand you, but it seems I’m the one who ended up listening instead. Fine, both of you may leave. I need time to think.”

He waved his free hand dismissively.

‘I wasn’t expecting him to agree right away anyway.’

At least he hadn’t outright rejected the idea.

I tugged at Ian’s sleeve, signaling him to follow me as we quietly exited the room.

Just as we stood to leave the sofa, the Emperor, who had been lost in thought with his eyes closed, suddenly called Ian’s name.

“By the way, Ian.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Giving up your right to the throne won’t instantly solve everything. It’s not that simple.”

“I am aware.”

At Ian’s calm reply, his face contorted with a mixture of emotions.

“Ha… fine, go on, both of you.”

We bowed respectfully to him before leaving.

❖ ❖ ❖

By the time we returned to the Grand Duke’s estate, night had already fallen.

As I stepped out of the carriage, I tilted my head toward Ian.

“You must be tired. Get some rest. We can finish our conversation tomorrow.”

He must have been exhausted from being dragged into this mess I caused.

Just as I was about to head inside, Ian lightly squeezed my hand, holding me back.

I half-turned to look at him.

After a long moment of silent contemplation, Ian finally spoke.

“Let’s take a walk.”

Listening to his calm voice, I thought, ‘Ah, here it comes.’

Even though I had indirectly gained his approval, I knew he wouldn’t let me off the hook for causing such trouble without consulting him first.

Still, judging by the tone, he didn’t seem too angry, which was a relief.

Without a word, I took his hand and started walking toward the rose garden.

The summer roses in the Grand Duke’s estate were breathtakingly beautiful, glowing under the soft light of the moon.

As we strolled slowly through the vibrant roses, it felt as if time itself had slowed down. Eventually, we reached a tunnel made of intertwined vines.

It was then that Ian finally asked,

“What were you thinking?”

Even without meeting his gaze, I could tell he was looking at me intently.

“Because you said you didn’t want to become emperor?”

“The Emperor may have let it slide this time, but you could have been reprimanded.”

“Well… it’s not like he’d actually kill me.”

I nonchalantly answered and turned my head to look at him. Under the sparse moonlight that filtered through the tunnel, his face faintly frowned.

“My lady.”

“It was a joke.”

His expression was quite fierce. I chuckled softly, took his hand, and quickened my pace. As we stepped out of the tunnel, the soft moonlight enveloped us.

“You seem confused.”

“I don’t understand why you went that far.”

His tone was more curious than accusatory.

To be honest, our relationship wasn’t one built on affection or consideration. After all, it was me who first brought up the idea of a give-and-take arrangement with him.

I rolled my eyes.

“Well… there are many reasons, but the biggest one is that I wanted to lighten your heart.”


Ian’s steps slowed.

I slowed down with him, my eyes now resting on the roses blooming brilliantly under the moonlight.

“You said it yourself, didn’t you? That you didn’t want the people around you to get hurt.”


“And from my perspective, you are one of those people.”

He came to a full stop.

Even though I was avoiding eye contact on purpose, I could feel his gaze lingering on me for a long time.

‘Why does he keep staring at me like that? It’s making me flustered.’

For some reason, his persistent gaze was becoming harder to confront.

Just as the cool summer breeze brushed past my cheeks a few times, I heard him murmur softly.

“You did that because you didn’t want me to get hurt?”

“Well… yes, in a way.”

“Even though it’s me, you’re still concerned?”

“Not about your body—more about your heart.”

Unable to avoid his gaze any longer, I glanced at him.

Our eyes met, and his deep, azure blue eyes were locked onto me.


No matter how I felt, he was still the male lead of this story.

This was a story about Diana and Ian, about the two of them finding happiness together.

So, it wasn’t strange for me to be concerned about him in this way.

‘Though, logically speaking…’

In truth, the memory of Ian’s pale, shocked face in that alleyway had stuck with me. Maybe that’s why I acted the way I did—so I wouldn’t have to see that expression on him again.

‘Even though, in a year, we won’t see each other anymore.’

One year.

The thought suddenly weighed heavily on my chest, as if a stone had settled there.

I quickly shook my head, trying to clear the feeling.

‘What’s wrong with me? Am I feeling regret?’

Regret? No way.

I cleared my throat loudly and hastened my steps again.

“…Anyway! Let’s head inside quickly.”

“My lady?”

In the distance, the lights of the Grand Duke’s mansion flickered in the darkness.

Thanks to my quick pace, we reached the front steps in less than five minutes.

I had just passed him and climbed a couple of steps when I felt a firm grip on my hand again.

I instinctively turned back to see Ian standing at the foot of the stairs, silently gazing up at me.

‘Ah, here we go again.’

He didn’t say a word, but his expression was loud and clear. I had seen that look before, but tonight it seemed unfamiliar, as if there was something different about it.


At that moment, the wind blew, causing the moonlight to scatter across my hair.

Through the strands of my tousled hair, Ian, who had been looking at me so intently, finally spoke.

“…You said that no matter who I kept by my side, they wouldn’t get hurt because of me, didn’t you?”

It was something I had said to him a few days ago.

I had told him that the people around him getting hurt wasn’t his fault—that he didn’t need to fear that. He just needed to protect them.

Recalling that conversation, Ian lowered his gaze for a brief moment. His long eyelashes cast shadows under his eyes.

For some reason, I felt a strange tension in the air, different from usual.


When he lifted his head again, his composed face had returned to its usual calmness, as if the earlier tumult had never happened.

He spoke slowly, clearly.

“I’ll try to follow that advice.”

His gaze was sharp and focused.

“I think I’ve grown greedy for you.”

His grip on my hand tightened.

“…In a rather improper way.”


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  1. Usurpadora says:

    Não tem problema meu amor, pode continuar sendo ganancioso por ela😍
    Se ela não quiser, eu quero.

  2. byelove says:

    Thank you translator… please fix your kofiko it’s not working 🌸

    1. Ayaka says:

      I tried to fix it, is it working now?

  3. Tuna tuna says:

    واخيراً 🥹

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