I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

Kyle’s expression could be summed up in one word: busted.  

My face grew darker and more menacing. Just thinking about the trouble that article had caused me still made my blood boil.

“You said you’re not in it for the money, so there must be another reason, right?”

He should know better than to bring up money at this point. My voice was laced with intimidation, and Kyle averted his gaze.

“Well, uh….”

His red eyes wavered uneasily. I could almost hear the sound of him desperately trying to think of an excuse.

“It’s just that… His Grace, the Grand Duke, has been so oblivious! I thought I’d use that opportunity to make him jealous and light a fire under him. I care deeply about the relationship between you two, you know….”


“…But I did think a bit about the money too. I’m sorry. Please, spare me.”

Watching him become immediately servile was quite a sight.

If I pushed him a little more, he’d probably grovel on the floor without me even asking.

“You sold out your master for money?”

“Oh no, of course not! But… it did get a really good response….”


“I’m really sorry.”

As Kyle bowed his head deeply again, I thought to myself

‘He’s not a loyal servant, just a penny-pincher.’

Kyle, visibly dejected under my cold glare, suddenly perked up and looked at me with wide eyes.

“But getting rid of the newsletter is out of the question! My identity can’t be exposed either! I have a family to feed, little bunny-like kids to—”

“You don’t have any.”


I knew full well he was the only son of the Viscount Elzeir family, living a cushy life. Where did he think he could fool me?

As he realized his excuses weren’t working, Kyle’s face grew more serious. Watching him squirm, I leisurely stroked my chin.

Naturally, from my perspective, getting rid of the newsletter wasn’t an option either.

‘There are so many ways I could use it. Why would I get rid of something so useful?’

I placed my hand firmly on his shoulder and smiled darkly.


“Why do you look like you’re plotting something evil?”

You’re right to notice that, kid.

My grin grew even wider.

“How about we make a deal?”

❖ ❖ ❖ 

“You want me to publish articles you want in Aria?”

A few minutes later, Kyle, who had dutifully inscribed protection and tracking spells on my body, asked with a bewildered look.

I wagged my finger and clicked my tongue.

“Tsk tsk. Saying it like that makes me sound like I’m manipulating you behind the scenes.”

Which, to be fair, is exactly what I was doing.

“I’m just asking for a little help in steering public opinion in social circles every now and then. It’s something you’re quite good at, isn’t it?”

Kyle closed his eyes and crossed his arms in an X shape.

“No, no, no! Even if you say that, I can’t. Aria is like a part of me. I have a journalist’s pride….”

“Is His Grace in the office right now?”

“…No, he’s not. Uh, you know, what pride does a gossip rag that collects rumors from high society even have? Your Grace can do whatever you like! Hahaha!”

I swear, this man was born for a sales job, not for working under Ian. He’d be perfect in insurance or some other service industry.

His businesslike attitude adjustment was nothing short of spectacular.

“I see…”

But this works to my advantage.

I leisurely flipped through the pages of the newsletter.

Sensing the tension, Kyle nervously glanced at me and hesitantly asked,

“So… what exactly are you planning to publish that you’d go this far…?”

“Oh, nothing much.”

I folded the newsletter and tapped the front page with my finger.

“There’s nothing in here about who’s really behind the attack on us, is there?”

“Ah, no.” Kyle shook his head.

“The ones responsible are the emperor’s faction of nobles, aren’t they? I don’t think we even need to confirm that.”

“Well, yes, that’s true, but the actual individuals haven’t been identified yet, and while we suspect the emperor’s faction, we don’t have solid proof.”


“Well, even if we figure out who’s behind it, we probably wouldn’t mention their name directly. I’d get sued.”

Kyle spoke firmly.

The same guy who spread all kinds of rumors from high society was now worried about getting sued?

I stared at him with an incredulous look, then nodded.

“Alright, I get it.”

“So… what are you planning to do…?” Kyle asked, still confused.

I gave him a bright smile.

“That’s none of your business. I’ll contact you soon, so sit tight and don’t try anything stupid.”

Kyle’s head drooped.

Time to let him stew in his own fear for a while.

❖ ❖ ❖ 

The next morning.

I managed to shake off Vivi’s overprotective insistence that I continue resting and headed to the dining hall.

For some reason, Ian was strangely kind, as if he was pleased to see me after a long time.

During the meal, I asked,

“How’s the investigation into the attack going?”

“My men are tracking them down. We’ll find them soon. Are you worried?”

“Not at all. I just like to be sure of things.”

“I see.”

With that short response, Ian lifted his glass of water.

Watching him, I asked casually,

“Just out of curiosity.”

“Go ahead.”

“Do you want to be emperor?”


Ian almost spat out the water but managed to swallow it, staring at me with a bewildered expression.

It was the familiar look that said, ‘What nonsense are you spouting this time?’

I paid no attention and continued.

“No, really. It seems like the emperor’s faction is so concerned that you might be a threat to the throne, but I don’t think anyone’s ever asked what you want.”

Ian, now calmly wiping his mouth with a napkin, shook his head firmly.

“I’ve never had that thought, not even once in my life.”

It was the answer I expected, so I wasn’t surprised.

“Have you told His Majesty that?”

“If you mean about relinquishing my claim to the throne, I’ve told him long ago.”

“But the fact that you’re still in the line of succession means His Majesty hasn’t allowed it.”

With no children of his own, the emperor’s siblings were next in line for the throne, according to imperial law.

Louisa, the legitimate princess, was first in line, and Ian, the illegitimate son, was second.

Ian had willingly left the capital and accepted the title of Grand Duke, meaning he could have renounced his claim, yet he still remained in the line of succession.

The reason was simple: Emperor Elisio had no intention of removing him from it.

He probably thought that if Ian, who was already distancing himself from his family, also gave up his claim to the throne, he might truly sever all ties.

Considering Ian’s usual behavior, that wasn’t a far-fetched assumption.

‘And even if he has no intention of taking the throne, just having a claim to it is a form of power…’

Elisio likely didn’t want to take that power from him.

But that also meant there was a certain amount of risk involved.

After pondering for a moment, I asked,

“Hm… is it a topic that mustn’t be made public—that you’ve given up your claim?”

Ian furrowed his brow slightly but then shook his head.

“…Not necessarily. Why do you ask?”

“I was just thinking that you’re constantly being targeted because of a throne you won’t even inherit.”

“That’s not the only reason, but on the surface, yes.”

He replied nonchalantly.

Why does he talk about people trying to kill him like he’s discussing the lunch menu?

That’s probably because he’s a Swordmaster who shrugs off danger like it’s nothing.

I glanced at him with mixed emotions and said,

“Anyway, I understand. I’ve just been thinking more about it since I got involved myself.”

Ian’s eyes narrowed at my vague response.

His expression was filled with suspicion, as if to say, ‘What are you planning now?’

He set down his glass and spoke.

“Wife, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but—”

I braced myself, expecting the annoying lecture that would follow.

But what he said next caught me completely off guard.

“Just make sure you don’t get hurt.”

“Don’t worry too much—huh?”

Wait, what did I just hear?

I looked up, startled, and locked eyes with Ian, who had been watching me the whole time.

His gaze didn’t waver as he spoke again.

“I said, I don’t want to see you hurt again. I don’t want to witness that a second time.”



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