I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

“Did you pack everything without leaving anything behind?”

“Of course, Madam!”

Vivi, who was checking the luggage next to me, gave me a thumbs-up.

“I checked it ten times yesterday! And I’m double-checking now, just in case!”

…If you’ve checked it ten times, I think that’s enough.

Oblivious to my inner turmoil, Vivi only stopped after meticulously going through everything, finally snapping the bag shut with a loud click.

“A vacation in the South… I can’t believe I get to go to such a place! I’m so excited!”

It was the day we were leaving for the South, two weeks after the incident in the bustling market, to celebrate the princess’s birthday.

Vivi, who had been unable to hide her excitement for days, woke up at the crack of dawn, finishing her preparations quickly.

She even brought along some maids to wake me, still half-asleep, bathe me, and get me dressed in under two hours.

“Are you that excited?”

“Yes! This is my first time going to the South.”

As long as you’re happy.

On the other hand, I was feeling a mix of nervousness and resignation as I gazed out the window.

Going on a trip with the imperial family was bad enough, but I couldn’t be sure Ian wouldn’t clash with the Emperor like he did last time.

I was almost certain I’d end up playing the role of mediator between them the entire week we’d be there.

“Madam! Everything is ready. You can go down now!”

“Alright, let’s go.”

Despite my misgivings, time moved forward, and we were set to depart.

By the time Vivi and I descended to the first floor, the bustle from the lobby could already be felt.

“Oh my, Your Grace. You’ve come.”

“Kyle, you’re up early. Good work.”

“It’s nothing. I’m just glad to be acknowledged by you, Your Grace. It’d be even better if His Grace recognized it as well.”

Kyle clicked his tongue, shrugging in annoyance.

As Ian’s confidant and the mage of the mansion, Kyle was responsible for creating the magic circle that would transport us to the South in one go.

It would take a full two weeks to reach the South by regular carriage, so this was a task Ian had assigned.

“How’s the magic circle coming along?”

“It’s nearly done. My shoulders are killing me from the work, but it’s all set. Is that all Your Grace’s luggage?”

Kyle glanced over my shoulder at the bag Vivi was holding.

Vivi blushed slightly under his gaze and lowered her head.

“My personal maid packed it, so I believe that’s everything.”

“You’ve packed light. Let me put it in the luggage cart for you. Hand it over, maid.”

“N-Not at all!”

Vivi, head still bowed, hastily passed the bag to Kyle and quickly retreated behind me as if fleeing.



But before I could observe further, another figure approached.

“You’ve arrived.”

Startled by the voice that came from so close, I turned around.

Ian stood there, dressed more lightly than usual, perhaps considering the warm southern weather.

I barely managed to drag my gaze up, away from his thin shirt.

Ever since that incident, I had been struggling not to let my eyes wander down, which was torture.

“…Yes, good morning.”

“I hear the weather in the South will be even better than this. It’s supposed to stay clear throughout the vacation.”

He added, glancing briefly at the sky outside the lobby.

Regardless of my awareness of him, Ian had become noticeably more varied in his greetings recently.

It felt like talking to an actual person now, whereas before it was like conversing with an AI on autopilot.

After subtly looking him over, I asked lightly, “How much longer until we depart?”

“About ten minutes. If you’d like, I can escort you to the carriage.”

He extended his arm, as if inviting me to take it.

I almost flinched and stepped back at the sudden closeness but managed to restrain myself.

‘Why am I so conscious of him all of a sudden?!’

Was it all because of that shirtless incident?

No matter how I looked at it, there were other people I should be paying attention to, not Ian. I felt pathetic for being so preoccupied with him.

‘Get a grip!’

How long are you going to let yourself be affected by his looks?

…Does a body count as part of one’s looks? In any case.

I cleared my throat discreetly so he wouldn’t notice, and looked at the arm he was offering.

The wound I had wrapped tightly with bandages two weeks ago had healed nicely.

“Your hand seems to be fine now.”

“Thanks to you.”

‘Even getting a ‘thanks’ from Ian Cloud. You’ve really come a long way, Eloise Cloud.’

Finishing this sudden reflection, I carefully placed my hand on his arm.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

When we stepped outside the main building with his escort, I was met with a much grander procession than I had expected.

Not only was there a four-horse carriage for the two of us, but there were also two carriages for the servants and a luggage cart—four carriages in total waiting for us.

“All this for just a week away…?”

At that moment, I finally understood Kyle’s earlier grumbling about how his whole body ached.

I didn’t know the details, but I could guess that he had to prepare an enormous magic circle.

Unlike me, Ian led me to the front carriage without batting an eye.

After helping me into the carriage, he checked his pocket watch and looked up at me.

“We’ll be traveling via a magic circle to the South, but from the arrival point to the villa, we’ll have to ride in the carriage for about thirty minutes since the magic circle won’t work there. The road may be rough, so if you’re prone to motion sickness, I suggest bringing some medicine.”

“I’ll be fine without it.”

I shook my head.

‘He really has become quite considerate lately.’

In the past, he wouldn’t have cared if I got motion sickness or even threw up in the carriage.

Feeling strangely awkward, I looked at him for a moment and gave a polite smile. However, Ian froze, and I quickly dropped the smile.

‘Forget it, I’m not doing that again.’

Did he really have to react so awkwardly? It’s not like I’m doing this because I want to. Feeling a little peeved, I leaned back in my seat, glancing at him as he turned his head away, seemingly uncomfortable.

Was my face bothering him or what?

Just then, Kyle, having finished setting up the magic circle, shouted loudly from a distance.

“It’s nice seeing the two of you lovebirds getting along so well, but the magic circle is ready to activate. Perhaps you should get into the carriage, my lord?”

“…There he goes again, talking nonsense.”

Naturally, Ian’s face scrunched up in annoyance.

Meanwhile, I was more amazed at how Kyle continued to act like that without consequence, rather than being shocked.

‘How has he managed to keep his job as Ian’s right-hand man?’

Considering Ian’s personality, either his position or his head should have rolled by now.

I should have known from the moment he made jokes in front of me, but Kyle wasn’t just any ordinary character.

After Ian climbed into the carriage and closed the door, a few seconds later, I felt my body lift as if gravity had vanished, and a bright light filled my vision.

When the light finally faded, the scene outside the window had changed.


We were in a forest.

The view outside was full of greenery and trees. Sunlight filtered through the thick canopy, shimmering like jewels.

While I marveled at the sight, Ian remained as expressionless as ever.

“Once we pass through this forest, we’ll reach the villa.”

“The villa is on a cliff overlooking the sea, right?”

“Yes. While it may take a little time to reach the sea itself, you’ll be able to see it from your bedroom.”

The thought of being stuck between the squabbling imperial family was daunting, but aside from that, I couldn’t help but look forward to the spectacular ocean view from the balcony.

‘It’s a shame I won’t be able to take pictures.’

I’d have to ask Kyle later if there were magical stones that could capture images.

While I was lost in my thoughts, dreaming of the scenic views, the carriage continued to roll forward, and as Ian had mentioned, after about thirty minutes, the end of the forest came into view.

“Wow, the ocean!”

Once the forest cleared, a wide-open field and the horizon beyond became visible.

Even though the sea was still some distance away from the road the carriage was traveling on, the crisp air made the point where the ocean met the sky remarkably clear.

“Look, Ian! It’s the sea!”

I turned excitedly toward Ian to share the view.

And then, I met his gaze—he had been looking at me the whole time.

Caught off guard, Ian flinched slightly.


He quickly turned his head, looking somewhat unnatural.

‘Was I being too excited…?’

Feeling embarrassed myself, I cleared my throat and sat back properly in my seat.

Outside the opposite window, I could see the villa coming into view.



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