I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

Since most of the customers were nobles from the capital, they looked at Duke Roger and me with curiosity.

It was then that I realized this situation was enough to cause misunderstandings.

‘…Uh oh, maybe I shouldn’t have come.’

I had a strong feeling this would turn into gossip later.

As I subtly shifted my gaze around, Duke Roger, having finished ordering, turned to me.

“The manager mentioned they have a great wine in stock. It’s a bit early, but I’ve ordered wine pairing for us. Is that alright?”

“Ah, thank you.”

I stopped reading the room and focused on Duke Roger.

‘Hmm, I should be careful after all.’

I had already laid the groundwork.

When our eyes met, Duke Roger, who had been looking at me the whole time, smiled warmly, his gentle eyes curving into crescents.

“I hope the meal will be to your liking.”

“Considering this is the best restaurant in the capital, I doubt it won’t be.”

“Next time, I’ll make sure to host a meal at the Duke’s estate.”

Oh, so you’re planning to meet again?

Duke Roger briefly glanced away and bit his lip, then awkwardly rubbed his neck.

“…Actually, I was worried the Grand Duchess might refuse to meet.”

“I was a bit puzzled when you sent an invitation addressed only to me and not the Grand Duke.”

I answered casually while sipping my water, and Duke Roger cleared his throat, clearly flustered. It seemed he hadn’t expected me to address that so directly.

“Ah, well, that…”

“I heard that you and the Grand Duke weren’t particularly close growing up. Does that mean I’m the exception?”

I set down the glass and asked jokingly. He widened his eyes in surprise.

I shrugged.

“If you’re wary of the Grand Duke, shouldn’t I be wary of you too?”

I hinted, and a trace of awkwardness flickered across his smiling face.

“Indeed, the Grand Duchess’s straightforwardness is always… refreshing.”

Just as he opened his mouth to say more, the server brought out an amuse-bouche: a tart topped with chopped salmon and sprout vegetables.

“Please, enjoy this first, Your Grace.”

Duke Roger quickly offered me the food, as if seizing an opportunity.


I gave him a brief, narrow-eyed glance before picking up the tart. The moment I took a bite, a burst of fresh, tangy flavors filled my mouth.


Though the ingredients were simple, the tart’s melt-in-your-mouth texture was exquisite. As I widened my eyes in surprise, Duke Roger watched me with a soft laugh.

“It seems to suit your taste.”

“…This is the best salmon I’ve ever had. It truly lives up to its reputation as the best restaurant in the capital. I doubt even the Grand Duke’s chef could make something this good.”

“Is it that impressive?”

Suppressing his laughter, Duke Roger held out his own tart plate.

“Would you like another?”

“No, thank you. You should enjoy yours as well.”

Though I was tempted to eat another, I had some dignity to uphold.

Smiling faintly, Duke Roger touched the glass in front of him, his expression becoming a little awkward.

“Actually, about the question you asked earlier.”


“You asked if you were alright with me.”

“Ah, yes.”

He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“…Would it be enough to say that I want to be good friends with the Grand Duchess?”


I didn’t immediately understand and tilted my head.

After a moment, I blinked as I grasped his meaning.


“Yes. I didn’t realize it when I had only heard the many rumors about the Grand Duchess, but after meeting you in person, I thought you were a very kind person. Especially after how you helped my cousin.”

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Usually, even if someone feels sympathy, it’s not easy to actively step in and help. Especially someone of your stature.”

Duke Roger glanced at me hesitantly and continued in a small voice.

“So, I hastily extended the invitation because I wanted to get closer, but I apologize if it made you uncomfortable.”

“It’s not that, but considering the position of our families…”

I subtly expressed my confusion, wondering why he would want to be friends with me when he wasn’t even close with Ian.

His face grew a bit more awkward.

“Actually, regarding the Grand Duke… there’s much I could say…”


“When we were younger, it’s true that I kept a distance from him due to my father’s wishes and political reasons. But, in a way, I was both a companion to His Majesty and a playmate to the Grand Duke. Though I am loyal to the Emperor, I don’t personally hold any grudges against the Grand Duke.”

“…I see.”

I let out a soft hum and took a sip of water.

‘Come to think of it, it was the previous Duke Roger who introduced him to the young emperor, making them childhood friends.’

From what I knew, the former Duke Roger was a staunch supporter of the imperial family, befitting the head of a founding family.

There were even jokes that if the emperor told him to die, he would immediately draw his sword and stab himself in the stomach.

‘It was only briefly mentioned in the original story, but it left a lasting impression.’

That line was from Diana, after all.

“Still, if you intend to maintain your political stance, this might not be the best approach,” I said.

“No, I’m different from my father. I want to serve His Majesty in a different way. Although, the current situation makes it difficult…”

I raised an eyebrow.

‘This is an unexpected statement.’

If the Duke of Roger, a strong supporter of the emperor, were to change his stance, there would undoubtedly be significant political shifts.

“…Of course, that’s not my official position yet. I need time to discuss things with the Grand Duke.”

“Then you should have invited both the Grand Duke and me. You’d have had plenty of time to talk to him.”

Duke Roger, who had been looking down, finally lifted his gaze to meet mine. He set his glass down and nodded.

“Yes, but this time, I also wanted to thank you for the kindness you showed to Countess Olsen. If I had suddenly sent an invitation to the Grand Duke, he might have been a bit wary.”


A low sound escaped my lips.

‘That’s right, he did warn me before I came here.’

Now I was even more confused.

“So, you plan to use me as a bridge to the Grand Duke?”

“Haha, it would be sad if you put it that way. I truly wanted to thank you, Grand Duchess.”

“Then next time, I suppose it would be best to invite the Grand Duke as well.”

“It would be an honor,” Duke Roger replied with a soft smile, then hesitated before asking cautiously.

“So… would it be alright? For the Grand Duchess and me to become good friends?”

His dark green eyes sparkled with hope.

…Was he doing this because he knew I was weak against friendly faces?

A brief sigh of resignation crossed my mind, but it didn’t last long.

“…Well, if the situation allows.”

“Really?” he asked, his expression lighting up into the brightest smile I’d seen yet.

His mouth curved into a wide arc, and his open expression made him look carefree.

“Then please feel free to call me Hayden from now on, Your Grace.”

“No, still…”

“I’m truly happy,” he said, his face so innocent and cheerful that I couldn’t bring myself to refuse.

In the end, we agreed to slowly adjust the way we addressed each other.

Just then, the server brought out the appetizers, and the conversation naturally paused.

The meal continued in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

With his tension eased, Duke Roger led the conversation smoothly, and I also enjoyed a rare moment of comfort during the meal.

But I should have realized it sooner.

The more our conversation deepened, the more intense and blatant the gazes directed at us in the restaurant became.


❖ ❖ ❖


I realized something had gone wrong the following Monday.

Grand Duchess in the Spotlight, Walking a Tightrope! Where is Her Heart? With Grand Duke Cloud or Duke Roger?

“W-What is this?”




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  1. byelove says:

    Oh no 😟 she should have been more careful…that’s expected ofc she went out with a gorgeous guy 🙄

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