I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

“Vivi, this letter from the Duke of Roger. Was there nothing for the Grand Duke?”

“For the master? No, there wasn’t. The letter addressed to you was all.”


I tilted my head as I looked back at the letter.

Normally, when someone invites a married person, especially for something other than a ladies’ salon or tea party, it’s customary to invite both the husband and wife.

However, there was no mention of Ian anywhere in the letter from the Duke of Roger. In other words, the Duke had invited only me to his estate.

‘Of course, it’s not entirely unheard of, so it’s not a big issue, but…’

Still, it was strange that someone as close to the emperor as the Duke of Roger would send such a letter. I put the letter down and rolled my eyes.

‘A luncheon, huh…’

After a few seconds of deliberation, I shrugged lightly.

‘Well, a luncheon isn’t so bad.’

If an unmarried duke and a married duchess were to dine alone at a formal dinner, it could become quite the topic of conversation.

But a luncheon was something even friends could enjoy casually.

Though rare, it was something that did occasionally happen among nobles.

Having made my decision, I said to Vivi.

“Please prepare some fine stationery.”


❖ ❖ ❖


“I think I’ll be visiting the Duke of Roger’s estate next week.”

I mentioned casually over breakfast the next day. Ian, who had been cutting his food, suddenly paused.

“…The Duke Hayden Roger?”

“Yes, he invited me for lunch.”

“The Duke of Roger…”

Ian murmured to himself as he took a sip of water, then set the cup down.

“I didn’t think you had any connections with Duke Hayden Roger.”

“Oh, we happened to cross paths recently, and he mentioned wanting to treat me to a meal.”

I responded nonchalantly and picked up my fork again.

As I slowly sliced a cherry tomato, I noticed Ian’s gaze on me and lifted my head. He was looking at me with narrowed eyes.

‘What’s with that expression?’

Even though his face showed little emotion, it seemed like the word “displeased” was written in bold letters across his forehead.

‘Are they not on good terms…?’

As if reading my mind, Ian turned away and began cutting his food again.

“I haven’t been on good terms with the Duke of Roger since childhood. His family, among the emperor’s faction, holds a particularly hardline stance.”


A small sound of realization escaped me. Within the empire, there were nobles who supported the emperor, but they were divided into two groups: moderates and hardliners.

The moderates simply sought to give more power to the emperor and his sister, the princess, while the hardliners wanted to exile Ian outside the capital to ensure he couldn’t meddle in political affairs.

‘And considering the previous Duke of Roger made his son the emperor’s childhood friend…’

He must have had significant ties with Ian, who was once a prince.

“So, when you say you weren’t on good terms…”

“Despite His Majesty’s affection for me, my mother threatened the emperor’s safety several times when he was the crown prince.”

Naturally, Elisio had a past where he had narrowly escaped death multiple times due to the empress. If the Duke of Roger had been close to the emperor since childhood, he would know that better than anyone.

‘Oh, I hadn’t thought that far.’

My knife slowed as I continued cutting the tomato.

‘Wait, is that why the invitation was only addressed to me?’

Suddenly, it made sense why someone as influential as Duke Hayden Roger had sent such a letter.

‘But in that case, shouldn’t he also be keeping his distance from the Grand Duchess…?’

Now that I thought about it, that made the most sense. Why had he invited me at all? There was nothing to be gained from the emperor’s faction inviting me.


I stared at the half-cut tomato, then quietly set down my fork and knife.

“Um… Your Grace.”

“Go ahead.”

“If this bothers you, I can still decline the invitation…”

I trailed off, stealing a glance at Ian.

He, too, had slowed his cutting and was now looking at me intently.

“No, it’s just that you said you’re not on good terms with him, and the fact that I was invited alone is a bit unsettling. After all, I’m still the Grand Duchess.”


“Should I refuse?”

As I glanced at him, his expression twisted slightly.

“Still the Grand Duchess, you say…”

He muttered something, but the soft music playing in the dining hall drowned out his words.

‘What now? What’s the problem this time?’

Eventually, he set down his utensils and took another sip of water.

After a brief pause, he spoke, his response a beat slower than usual.

“No, if the Duke invited you, I’m sure he has his reasons. It’s fine to go.”

“Are you sure it’s fine?”


It was an oddly reluctant response.


❖ ❖ ❖


The day I was to meet the Duke of Roger was busy from the morning.

“Madam! You can’t lose this!”

For some reason, Vivi seemed to think I was going off to duel someone.

“It’s just a meal.”

“But didn’t you say the Duke of Roger isn’t on good terms with the master? You need to show the dignity of the Grand Duchess!”

As she busied herself dressing me up, insisting I show my authority, I had nothing left to say.

The dress Vivi picked out, saying I needed to show off my dignity, was a purple outdoor gown with layers of lace that swayed elegantly at the ankles. It was just the right blend of glamorous and stately—perfectly conveying the message “I am a noblewoman.”

When I was finally forced into a cocktail hat by Vivi’s insistence and made my way downstairs, a carriage was already waiting in front of the lobby. But it wasn’t just the carriage waiting for me.

‘…Why is he here?’

Standing there, with his hands behind his back, was Ian. Was he going somewhere? He didn’t seem to be dressed for an outing, though.

Hiding my confusion, I gracefully descended the stairs.

Noticing my presence, Ian turned his head toward me. He looked me up and down, from head to toe, before narrowing his brows slightly, his expression unreadable.

“Do you have plans today?” I asked as I descended halfway down the stairs.

His gaze lifted to meet mine.

“No,” Ian said, shaking his head slowly, then briefly paused before continuing, “I’m here to see you off.”




I nearly tripped off the last step. The main hall was enveloped in an awkward silence.

I stood there with my mouth open, my thoughts scrambled, while Ian kept his mouth firmly shut.

‘Wait, what was on the breakfast menu today…?’

I seriously pondered if I had eaten something odd, but nothing came to mind. There was nothing wrong with the food, so why was this happening?

As I was lost in thought, Ian extended his hand.

“I’ll escort you to the carriage.”

I stared blankly at his pale, ungloved hand before awkwardly placing mine in his.

Though I had taught him how to escort someone a few times, I never imagined he would voluntarily offer to see me off like this.

‘Is he really bothered by the fact that I’m meeting a nobleman he’s not on good terms with?’

That faint suspicion made me gaze at him curiously.

Noticing my stare, Ian turned his head and looked back at me.

“Is there something you’d like to say?”

“Does this bother you?”

“…There’s no reason for me to be concerned with your social activities, even if your companion happens to be the Duke of Roger.”

If it didn’t bother him, why was his explanation so long?

“However,” he added after briefly hesitating, “it would be wise to remain cautious. He’s an unpredictable person.”

Contrary to my impression of him as a mild-mannered person, Ian seemed quite wary of Duke Roger.

‘Maybe he’s different from what I thought?’

Given that Ian had been in opposition to him since childhood, it wasn’t strange that his view of the Duke differed from mine.

‘Still, it’s surprising he’s letting me go.’

I narrowed my eyes briefly before offering a calm smile.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a meal.”

For some reason, Ian didn’t respond.

He silently escorted me to the carriage and, after a long moment, slowly let go of my hand.

“I don’t have any work today, so let’s have dinner together.”

It felt like a warning to return before dinner.


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