I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

[Ayaka : I tried to make sure if the Emperor was a woman or a man, but it turned out that the author herself did not specify the gender, so I will make The Emperor a man.]

When I recognized his true identity, I was stunned. My jaw dropped even wider than when I was admiring the Solar Palace earlier.

The 17th Emperor of the Levantine Empire, Elisio Carlottus Helios Levant.

There was no doubt that the person standing before me was none other than the Emperor himself.

He leaned on one leg, placed his hand on his hip, and playfully looked Ian up and down.

“You’re still as stiff as ever.”

“Your Majesty, don’t you think you’re going too far?”

Unlike the two of them, who seemed quite accustomed to this situation, I was utterly shocked and stared at the Emperor in a daze.

‘Did the Emperor…pretend to be a servant?’

It was already unbelievable that he had personally come to greet us instead of sending a proper attendant, but to disguise himself and trick us? Meanwhile, Ian’s expression showed nothing but exasperation.

“Isn’t it time you gave up these little hobbies, Your Majesty?”

“Oh, it’s far too soon for that, maybe in another ten years.”

“Please maintain your dignity.”

“You just don’t understand, do you? Even as men age, they remain playful. Besides, if a bit of mischief can shatter dignity, then it’s not worth having.”

Emperor Elisio chuckled and poked Ian’s cheek.

“More importantly, don’t you think you should work on that stiff demeanor of yours? Though, I must say, it does have its charm.”

At that moment, I couldn’t believe my ears.

‘Did I just hear that right?’

Did he say Ian was charming? Ian Cloud, and the word “charming,” in the same sentence? But Ian merely frowned as if this was nothing new, without showing any other reaction. Emperor Elisio, seemingly finding even that adorable, playfully scratched Ian’s chin as he laughed.

‘he’s really treating him like a puppy!’

I couldn’t believe my eyes. What was even more surprising was Ian’s expression, which, though irritated, seemed to accept this treatment as if he was used to it.

“I couldn’t just sit still when my dear brother and his wife were visiting the Solar Palace for the first time.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Don’t scold me too much. I just asked the court magician for a bit of harmless fun. Didn’t you find it amusing?”

“I did not.”

“Oh dear, I certainly did.”

Despite Ian’s firm reply, the Emperor found the situation amusing and burst into laughter, clutching his stomach. Meanwhile, I had to make an effort to close my mouth, which had fallen open for an entirely different reason.

‘Is this really the Emperor I know?’

In the original story, he wasn’t mentioned often, but whenever he appeared, the Emperor was always described as Ian’s strong ally and the wise ruler of the empire. I’d never heard of his behaving in such an undignified manner.

Ian seemed to share my thoughts as he let out a light sigh.

“I’m used to it, but it seems the Duchess has been quite taken aback.”


Only then did the Emperor’s brilliant azure eyes turn to me. As our eyes met, I quickly lowered my head. I had almost forgotten to greet him in my shock. I then grabbed my skirt with both hands, stepped back with one foot, and offered a curtsy.

“I greet the most exalted First Sun of the Levantine Empire, His Majesty Elisio Carlottus Helios Levant.”

The Emperor blinked at my formal greeting and waved his hand with a smile.

“No need for such stiff formalities between us. Raise your head, Duchess.”

I swallowed back the words, “Aren’t we quite distant?” and straightened my back.

“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

I forced a smile, trying so hard that the corners of my mouth were trembling.

“I didn’t consider your feelings. Was the prank too much? If it startled you, I apologize, Duchess.”

“No, Your Majesty.”

“It was indeed too much.”

While I quickly denied it, Ian’s somewhat snarky tone overpowered my voice. The Emperor looked back and forth between the two of us before bursting into laughter he couldn’t contain.

“Hahaha! I had my doubts when I heard the rumors, but it seems you two have indeed grown closer. To think I would see Ian standing up for the Duchess!”

…Was that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?

Whether it was a compliment or not, the Emperor looked at the two of us with a strangely satisfied expression.

“I’m curious. What kind of wind has blown in to bring you two so close?”

“…Your Majesty.”

Ian raised one eyebrow in displeasure before quickly letting it drop.

“Alright, alright. You look ready to storm out if I say one more word. How can I possibly tease you when you’re that scary?”

The Emperor, who wasn’t scary at all, joked as he turned around with a smile.

“Anyway, enough with the teasing. Let’s head straight to the dining room. The Empress is already waiting for us there.”


❖ ❖ ❖


As we were led to the dining room by the Emperor’s gracious guidance, the bright sunlight of late spring poured in through the large windows. Sitting next to the Emperor was the Empress, who had arrived earlier and was already in her seat.

“I greet Her Majesty, the Empress of the Levantine Empire, the Resplendent Moon, Lailie Heremias Gerion Levant.”

“It’s been a while, Duke, and Duchess.”

The Empress responded to the greeting with a gentle smile, her eyes soft.

“You must have had a tiring journey. I heard His Majesty played a mischievous prank on you.”

“It’s nothing, Your Majesty.”

Though I couldn’t help but think, ‘If you knew, why didn’t you stop him?’

“It seems I was late in giving you a proper welcome. Thank you both for coming.”

Emperor Elisio, now seated next to the Empress, looked at the two of us with a pleased expression. he had been gazing at us as if he were proud of how well we’d turned out.

“On the contrary, we should be the ones expressing our gratitude for being invited personally by Your Majesty.”

“Is that so? Ever since Ian left the capital after being granted the duchy, I’ve been hesitant to summon him.”

“Yes, that’s wise of you. You should be cautious.”

This time, the reply didn’t come from me. It was Ian, who had been wearing a stern expression the entire time, speaking curtly.

‘I must say, he’s as bold as ever, even in front of the Emperor.’

I couldn’t help but be impressed. Despite being half-siblings, it still took a lot of nerve to speak so bluntly. The Emperor, however, didn’t seem offended at all. In fact, he looked a bit dejected, his eyebrows drooping in a display of mock sadness.

“Look at that, he’s drawing a clear line between us. No more brotherly affection, it seems.”

“That time has long passed.”

…The more she teased, the more resolute Ian became.

As we were exchanging these rather unproductive pleasantries, the servants began bringing in the food. The Emperor, quickly changing his expression to one of warmth, smiled as he spoke.

“Well, in any case, now that I’ve invited you, that’s what matters. There’s plenty of food, so please enjoy.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

With the Emperor picking up his utensils, the meal officially began. Contrary to my earlier nervousness, the meal had a relaxed atmosphere. The conversation mainly involved the Emperor and Ian discussing various matters of the Empire, while I answered briefly whenever the Emperor or Empress directed a question at me.

Suddenly, the Emperor looked at me with a mischievous grin and asked,

“The Duchess’s complexion has improved a lot. Is it the power of love, perhaps?”


“Your Majesty.”

My coughing and Ian’s reprimand echoed through the dining hall at the same time. With a sigh, Ian immediately handed me a napkin.

“Are you all right? Please wipe your mouth.”

“…Yes, thank you.”

Caught off guard, I took the napkin and gently dabbed my lips. His quick reaction today was surprising. Perhaps he was more attentive because we were in front of the Emperor. Meanwhile, Emperor Elisio leaned back in his chair, resting his chin on his hand, watching us with satisfaction.

“You two really do look good together.”

“…Your Majesty, I think that’s enough. The Duchess might get indigestion.”

“Oh? So now our Ian is showing concern too. Isn’t that truly the power of love?”

“Your Majesty.”

For once, I was on Ian’s side. Please, do something to stop him.

Perhaps recognizing my desperate plea, Ian let out another sigh and fixed his gaze on the Emperor.

“If you keep making things uncomfortable, we’ll take our leave.”

“Oh, all right, all right. I won’t say another word. Honestly, how can one even joke around with you? You’re just too intimidating….”

He kept saying hhe was scared, but the Emperor’s expression was nothing but playful, as if he was having the time of his life. His face practically had “I’m having fun” written all over it.

Just as my face was starting to turn pale, the Empress, seemingly trying to steer the conversation in a different direction, brought up another topic.

“Speaking of which, Duchess, I heard from the Princess that the two of you have become quite close.”


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