I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

It was clear, even without carefully observing the atmosphere, that public opinion was buzzing with sympathy for the unfortunate situation of Countess Olsen.

Indeed, as long as one is human, it’s impossible not to be moved by that story.”

Even I, who didn’t even know the Count’s face, felt my heart flutter.

I pretended not to pay attention to the voices and pulled the Duke along.

“…It seems everyone has read the poster. Let’s go and take a closer look too.”

Ian, who had been staring intently at my excited self, obediently nodded.

“Yes, let’s do that.”

Under normal circumstances, I would have been pleased with his compliance, but after recalling the Count and Countess’s story, I couldn’t help but feel utterly sorrowful.

‘How could the love story of a passing supporting character be more novel-like than the main plot of the original novel?’

The author of this novel clearly didn’t understand what love is.



“It’s nothing. There are quite a lot of people.”

‘Why can’t you even follow half of what Count Felix Olsen did?’

That was something I could never say.

Leaving my complex feelings behind, I headed toward the poster through the crowd.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the people who spotted me and the Duke slowly made way, so it didn’t take long to reach the poster.

“Let’s see….”

The poster, placed in a prominent spot, was elegantly arranged, just as the guild member hired by the butler had promised.

“Underneath that beech tree lie 20 years of the Count and Countess’s memories. These are precious memories that cannot be traded for even tons of minerals.”  

I couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction as I read the contents of the poster.

“Whoever wrote this did a great job….”

The writing was really superb. Truly amazing.

I could say for certain that the only one who wouldn’t be moved by this poster was Ian, the tin man.

As I marveled internally, Ian asked indifferently, in a tone devoid of any emotion.

“Is this really why everyone is in such an uproar?”

Thanks to him, the overwhelming emotion that had just filled my heart deflated like a balloon.

“Are you telling me you feel nothing after reading this heart-wrenching love story?”

“What exactly am I supposed to feel? If it’s mourning for the late Count Felix Olsen, I’ve already done that.”

“Sigh… tin man.”

I muttered as I rubbed my forehead.

Yes, if this man could understand such poignant emotions, he wouldn’t have driven a nail through Diana’s heart.

I pointed at the poster and said,

“Isn’t it romantic? A woman trying to protect the precious memories of her departed partner! How incredibly heartbreaking!”

He frowned as he scanned the poster up and down.

“Romantic, huh….”

As expected, he wore an expression that showed he didn’t understand a single thing.

“You said you liked someone who is gentle and considerate, but now it’s romance, huh.”

‘What am I supposed to do with this guy?’

Sensing my fiery gaze, Ian slightly tilted his head to meet my eyes.

His cyan eyes, incongruously bright under the early morning sunlight, sparkled.

‘Don’t give me that innocent look in the middle of this!’

How can your question and your gaze be so completely different?

Still glaring at him with frustration, I answered,

“The Duke may not understand, but ordinary people are easily moved by things like this.”


“So, instead of just making that face like you don’t get it, how about trying to find some romance? I think it would be very helpful for our married life.”


“And normally, a lover is someone who loves only one person. There is no more beautiful form of love than that.”

‘Learn a bit and treat Diana better when she returns. Gently.’

Giving Ian a sidelong glance, I turned my attention back to the poster.

Even after I had looked away, the gaze that had settled on me lingered for a long time, almost stickily.

There was no way I could have understood the meaning of that gaze, which lingered so long and so heavily.


❖ ❖ ❖


A few days later, as expected, the Emperor retracted his previous order and sided with the Olsen Countess.

It seemed the week-long gossip in both the aristocratic society and among the commoners about the Olsen family had a significant influence.

From the perspective of the Marquis of Merry, it was as if ashes had been thrown on a perfectly cooked meal, but contrary to concerns, the Marquis retreated with a very polite attitude.

Whether he genuinely pitied the Countess or simply withdrew grudgingly due to the overwhelming public opinion, no one could tell.

And then came the weekend. I couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction as I saw the article about the Olsen Count and Countess prominently featured on the front page of the Aria newsletter.

It was not stubbornness but the tender love story of a couple!

The opinions underneath were much the same as the whispers in the square.

-I had no idea there was such a story.

-Should I feel sorry for them or should I pity them….

-I cried my eyes out after seeing the poster in the square. How could such a thing happen?

-This time, I was a bit moved too.

-Of course, they couldn’t give up the mine. It’s the memories of a lifetime that would be lost!

-Exactly, I always thought the Count and Countess looked especially affectionate. Wherever they went, they were always together, weren’t they?

-But who do you think wrote this piece?

-Wasn’t it said to be one of the servants?

-They write so well. If it was a servant, they must be a commoner, but the writing is so smooth, as if they received a good education.

Discriminatory remarks, unbelievable.

I silently lowered my gaze, aghast.

Although most of the comments were positive, as expected of an anonymous forum, there were still some cynical opinions.

-In the last newsletter, everyone was busy criticizing the Countess, and now they’ve changed their tune. It’s like flipping a switch.

-That was before we knew the circumstances!

-Why are you making others out to be strange?

-They say those who shout the loudest are the most guilty. Are you all guilty? I was considering canceling my subscription after seeing everyone tear into the Countess last time.

-Excuse me, where do you live and who are you?

Why are they fighting again…

I quietly flipped the newsletter over and chuckled.

“Anyway, I knew it would turn out like this.”

After confirming even the reactions in the Aria newsletter, it became clear who the victor of this situation was.

“A perfect victory for me.”

Eloise, you did it again.

“I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

The Countess Olsen, sitting across from me, murmured softly.

I waved my hand dismissively.

“Enough, that’s the fifth time you’ve said that today.”

“But it’s all thanks to the Duchess. I don’t know if just serving you tea is sufficient.”

I had been enjoying a modest tea time in the garden of the Count’s residence after being invited by the Countess Olsen since early afternoon.

The garden of the Count’s residence, which was full of withered trees just last week, had been decorated, albeit roughly.

“I hear you’ve hired a gardener?”

“Yes, not just a gardener but also rehired a few servants.”

“That’s good to hear. You need to hold up strongly so that the Count can rest easy too. And from now on, there will be no need to worry about losing that mine or cutting down the tree.”

“Yes, indeed.”

The Countess Olsen faintly lifted the corners of her mouth in a smile.

I wondered if she used to smile like this often before she lost the Count.

My thoughts were interrupted by her next words.

“In fact, I asked to meet today for a reason. Didn’t the Duchess mention last time that you had a favor to ask of me?”

“Ah, that thing.”

I responded lightly, as if I had almost forgotten.

Of course, it was all an act; in reality, I had been waiting for this moment since earlier.

“It’s nothing much…”


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