I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

The place we arrived at by carriage was Rilton Street, the largest shopping district and the heart of the capital.

As it was a Saturday morning, people were already bustling from the entrance of the shopping district.

Even through the carriage window, I could see people stopping in their tracks and whispering when they saw the carriage marked with the insignia of the Duke’s mansion.

“You said you’re not one to care much about others’ gazes, right?”



Because it seems like everywhere we go today, eyes will be following us.

The carriage came to a stop, and Ian, who had gotten off first, extended his hand to me.

“Please, step down.”

“Thank you.”

Having escorted me once, he seemed quite skilled now.

The place where the carriage had stopped was the main square, the center of Rilton Street.

As a result, I could instantly feel all eyes focusing on Ian and me as we appeared.

“Oh my, it really is the Duke and Duchess.”

“Judging by the servants they brought along, are they here to shop together?”

“I saw the Aria newsletter and thought it couldn’t be….”

“I saw them myself, at the season party last time!”

‘Is this what they call the life of a celebrity?’

I couldn’t shake off the feeling of being a half-celebrity since last time.

Unlike me, who was aware of all the gazes, Ian acted as if he couldn’t see them at all, remaining calm and composed. He then asked me,

“Do you have a place in mind where you’d like to go?”


I had no such plans.

Today’s purpose was to appear in the shopping district with Ian, attract enough attention, and teach him how to properly escort me in public.

‘But seeing his behavior lately, it feels like he’s already ahead of what I intended to teach….’

No matter how much of a scoundrel he is, he’s still the male lead, huh? I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

“Let’s just look around. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the shopping district, and there seem to be many new things.”

“Let’s do that.”

Ian nodded readily.

A few steps behind us, Vivi and the other servants quietly followed.

“Usually, during a date, the Duke should take the lead, but today I’ll lead, so just follow me.”

“A date, huh.”

Muttering to himself, he looked down at me from an angle.

“You always say we’re not in a romantic relationship, yet you use words like that.”

“Then what should I call it, a filial piety tour?”

What a joke, seriously. Just when I thought things were going well today.

Ian, who had been looking at me as if he were at a loss for words after my “filial piety tour” comment, finally spoke.

“…Let’s just call it a date.”

“To be precise, it’s date practice.”

Talking about something as pleasant as dating is something to consider after making this man fall hard for our Diana and paving her way with flowers.

I waved my hand dismissively, chuckling.

“But don’t worry about it. It’s not like I’m going to ask the Duke for a real date anyway.”

At that, his pace slowed, and a hint of confusion appeared on his face.

“…You’re not?”

“Of course not. From the beginning, the Duke and I… Oh.”

I stopped in my tracks as I tried to respond, my eyes landing on a spot not far from the central square of Rilton Street.

I had spotted a four-story furniture store. Gazing at it, I turned to Ian and asked,

“Doesn’t that shop look like it’s in a great location? And the building is quite impressive too.”

Ian, who had been looking at me with a “suddenly?” expression, followed my gaze to where I was pointing.

He seemed displeased with the abrupt change of topic and answered reluctantly.

“It’s because it’s in an area with a lot of foot traffic.”

“Right? I think it would be great if a shoe store were to open there.”

Leaving Ian, who was giving me a look as if asking what kind of nonsense I was spouting this time, I gazed at the building with a satisfied smile.

‘That building is going to be Diana’s shoe store.’

Diana, upon returning to the Levant Empire, opens a shoe store near the alley where Madame Jed’s shop was located.

Naturally, since there were few people visiting the secluded back alley, she struggled a lot in the beginning.

‘To make matters worse, this damn Ian didn’t even help her….’

But a heroine is meant to find happiness in the end.

After going through all sorts of hardships and achieving success, Diana eventually heads to the central square of Rilton Street.

The building Diana ends up buying is that furniture store right there.

I remember clearly the moment when Diana supervised the remodeling from start to finish and finally put up the sign.

‘It was such an iconic scene….’

It was almost the only part where the author, a long-time devoted fan of Ian, actually highlighted Diana’s abilities.

My girl was even a building owner!

A sense of pride washed over me, and I couldn’t help but smile widely.

Ian, who had been quietly watching me, tilted his head.

“Are you interested in starting a business?”

“Hmm? No, of course not. I was just saying.”

I waved my hand dismissively, and Ian nodded and looked away.

“That’s a relief. You’re not cut out for business at all.”

He said it with firm conviction, without a moment’s hesitation.

‘Well, that’s just….’

I never really thought about starting a business, but hearing his response made me feel oddly irked.

After all, he was a Swordmaster and a master of business, overseeing major enterprises in the Levant Empire.

‘Hmph, even so, the success stories the nobles talk about are all Diana’s.’

I stared at the furniture store, which would soon become Diana’s, and then turned my head away.

“Let’s go over there, then.”

Since the main goal was to show Ian and me together rather than buying anything, I spent time dragging Ian around various large stores.

“I’ll be reading a book, so come a little closer. Act as if you’re reading the book with me. Everyone’s watching.”

“We’re already close enough.”

“We’re not close enough. Like this. And put your hand lightly around my waist.”

“Why do we have to go this far?”

“What did you hear when I said it was date practice? Normal couples go this far.”

Going to a bookstore, where there were particularly many nobles, and purposely picking out books in a friendly manner.

“Here, carry this for me. It’s not that heavy.”

“You should have the servants do this.”

“Carry it for me yourself.”


“I told you, the trend is considerate men. There’s not a woman in the world who dislikes a man who carries things for her.”


“Stop complaining and take it, now.”

I handed Ian the shopping bags from the store we had just visited, as if to make a point.

“Now, look. Which of these parasols do you think suits me best?”

“They both look similar to me.”

“They’re different, okay? Don’t just pick anything. Think of it as giving a gift while imagining the other person.”

“Wouldn’t it be more efficient if you just buy what you want?”

“Do you even know what the meaning of a gift is?”


“Pick one.”

Or teaching Ian how to choose a gift that would suit someone.

After wandering around for quite a while, we had accumulated quite a number of things.

Apart from the two paper bags Ian was holding, Vivi and the other servants’ hands were full of boxes and paper bags.

‘I definitely planned to just take a light walk and show ourselves off….’

It was my first time shopping seriously without worrying about money, so I had ended up overspending without even realizing it.

‘I guess I can’t help it when it comes to money.’

After walking around so much, my feet, in heeled shoes, were starting to ache.

“Oh, my feet….”

I lifted my skirt slightly and saw that the front decoration of my Mary Jane shoes was half falling off. When did that come loose?

Ian, who had been looking down at me while holding bags in both hands, remarked in a nonchalant tone,

“You seem to be enjoying yourself a lot for a ‘practice’ date.”

There it was, His Grace’s trademark backhanded comment.


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