I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

As I had heard from the ladies before, below the main text was a blank space under the small heading ‘Opinion Section.’

No, to be precise, it was a space that had been blank.

The reason for using the past tense was that it was now densely packed with all sorts of writing.

Not only that, but I could see new opinions still popping up every few seconds.

-Is this for real?

-I saw it myself, and it was true. The Grand Duke openly kissed the back of the Grand Duchess’s hand.

-No way… that can’t be.

-It’s true. I saw it too.

-By the way, does anyone know the details of the dress the Grand Duchess was wearing? She was talking with the princess, So I stayed away, afraid I’d get caught up in something…

-Pretending not to care, but everyone was watching, huh?

-I didn’t even think the dress was that pretty.

-Me neither. It was ugly.

-Oh my, could the people who wrote these opinions just now be Lady Isabella Howard and her friends?

-Please, just let that go unnoticed. How embarrassing.

-My sister, who went to the season party, said there were rumors that the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess have always been close. It’s just that the Grand Duke has been so secretive that false rumors spread…

-Wow, someone actually believes that?

-Wasn’t it true?

Watching the opinions come in real-time, I blinked rapidly.

‘This is really no different from an internet comment section, is it?’

Even the elegant tone typical of the social circles had subtly disappeared, and the way they buzzed over one topic was indeed very similar.

Moreover, probably because of how sudden the news was, the mood in the opinion section was split into two main camps.

There were those who took the newsletter’s story at face value, and those who were skeptical.

And occasionally, there were those who simply nitpicked the news itself.

That, too, was quite like online comments.

It seemed that even the noble society could not escape their true nature when hidden behind anonymity.

‘Well, I didn’t expect public opinion to change just from this one event.’

Public opinion in social circles doesn’t shift as easily as flipping a switch just because someone made a showy appearance once.

‘I’m more surprised that it’s getting more attention than I thought.’

And rightly so; it was surely a morning publication, yet opinions were still pouring in every ten seconds.

When I set the newsletter down with a blank expression, Vivi cautiously watched my reaction and asked.

“Um, ma’am. Are you okay…? You’re not hurt, are you…?”

“Hm? No. Why would I be?”

I waved my hand at Vivi.

In fact, I was quite intrigued right now.

“I’m fine, so just keep bringing me the newsletters as they come in. Did you say they’re published once a week?”


A weekly publication, yet the newsletter was this thick.

“Alright, you can go now.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll prepare your bathwater right away.”

As I watched Vivi trot out of the room, I picked up the paper and quill that had been set aside.

Unrolling the string, the paper opened to a size that fit right in my palm.

“Hm, maybe I’ll just stir the pot a little this time.”

Since it’s all about me right now, I should steer the conversation toward Ian.

It’s Ian I’m trying to sell, not myself.

I opened the opinion section on the front page and began to write down my words with a scratching sound.

As soon as I finished writing and lifted the pen, the letters vanished, and the opinion section on the front page refreshed with new content.

“Isn’t it natural for a cold-hearted man like the Grand Duke to be gentle with his own woman? I think it’s kind of enviable.”

Soon, a few agreeing opinions followed, and they started talking about Ian.

‘That’s the way.’

I smiled slyly.


❖ ❖ ❖

The next morning, when I went down for breakfast on time, miraculously not running late, Ian was already in his seat, as usual.

“Did you sleep well? The weather is nice today.”

Hmm~ Greeting me with the same old routine.

I glanced at the large windows of the dining hall and sat down properly in my chair.

‘I’ll let it slide today since the weather is nice.’

With a smirk, I opened the newsletter I had brought from my room.

‘Where did I leave off yesterday…?’

The Aria newsletter, which was about ten pages long, was truly impressive.

Aside from the first page, which featured the story about me and Ian, it was filled with fascinating and secretive tales from the social circles.

While most of the stories were about the capital’s nobility, occasionally, there were articles about local lords or nobles.

Moreover, unlike a regular newspaper that writes only objective facts, this was written in a column format that combined facts with the author’s opinions, making it all the more engaging to read.

And the author’s wit was no ordinary thing.

‘I feel like this isn’t someone who’s new to writing…’

I was convinced that this was definitely someone who had some experience in gossiping.

As I carefully read through the newsletter, I became increasingly curious about who might be writing these articles.

More than anything…

‘The comments, I mean, the opinion section was extremely active.’

From what little I had read yesterday, the opinion section was filled with additional stories that hadn’t made it into the main text, thanks to all sorts of people chiming in.

‘If used well, it could be a great help in shaping public opinion.’

A newsletter read by most of the capital’s nobility—there couldn’t be a better tool for swaying public opinion.
As I pondered this seriously and flipped through the pages, a servant quietly set a plate in front of me.

“It’s a pumpkin soufflé with cinnamon, herbs, and cream sauce.”


A small, cute pumpkin-shaped dish sat on the plate.

This house’s chef always makes the food look so appetizing.

Just as I set aside the newsletter, tempted by the savory smell that tickled my nose, I felt a subtle gaze poking at my cheek from the side.


When I cautiously looked up, I found Ian staring at me intently, as he had been for a while.

Why is he looking at me like that? It’s unsettling.

“…Is something wrong?”

“What are you reading?”

It might have sounded like he was picking a fight, but I managed to catch Ian’s eyes briefly flicking to the newsletter I had set down.

So, he’s literally asking “What are you reading?”

‘How do I deal with this utterly unsociable person…?’

Maybe because the memory of Hayden, Duke Roger, was still fresh, Ian’s behavior felt even more jarring.

“I was just reading a newsletter. You read the newspaper every morning, too.”

“A newsletter.”

“Yes. I didn’t know about it before, but there’s a newsletter that regularly updates on social events. I got interested, so I started subscribing yesterday.”

“So, that’s a newsletter published yesterday?”

“Yes, as you can see.”

I slightly raised the newsletter and waved it around.

“I thought you weren’t interested in such things.”

“I wasn’t, originally.”


“Until I heard all sorts of rumors about myself firsthand.”

At my pointed comment, Ian froze.

‘Got you, didn’t I?’

If you’re human, you should feel a pang.

“Well, still, this newsletter wasn’t so bad. Here, on the front page.”

I raised the newsletter and tapped it for emphasis.

Ian narrowed his eyes.

He soon realized that the front page contained a story about both of us and tilted his head.

“You seem to like the content.”


“That’s good, then.”

He nodded indifferently.

“That’s all the reaction I get?”

“What other reaction should there be?”

“I thought you’d be more curious.”

“I’m not very interested in being the subject of gossip.”

That’s why you’re in this state.

“That’s a shame. I’ve become very interested.”

Even though a quiet anger simmered inside, I forced a soft smile.

“So, I was wondering, could you go somewhere with me this weekend?”



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