I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

I quietly set down my teacup and smiled as I calmly took a sip.

“A request? Oh, it’s fine.”

The princess’s eyes widened at my refusal.

“No need to refuse! I really want to do something for you. After all, I’m a princess. I can’t just take without giving back to the Duchess.”

“Well, it’s not that I…”

“Come on, Duchess. I really want to do this for you, so just say it. Okay?”

It’s not like I planned to just be pushed around by the princess.

One of the redeeming qualities of this spoiled princess was that she would repay others exactly what they gave her.

If someone treated her poorly, she would return the favor with the same disdain, but if someone showed her kindness, she would reciprocate in kind.

And Diana, later in the story, realized this and managed to sway the princess to her side by carefully coaxing her.

As expected, my Diana was smart. Was there anything Diana couldn’t do? It was clear that the only blemish in Diana’s life was Ian Cloud.

Sigh… Still, for Diana’s sake, I’ll have to clean up that blemish, even if just a little.

I’ll have to polish it up and turn it into a pretty, tame keyring.

Ahem. I cleared my throat and elegantly took another sip of tea.

Can’t ask for it too directly—it would look desperate.

“Well, even if you say that…”

“Opportunities like this don’t come often, are you sure there’s nothing?”

The princess pouted as she asked.

Only then did I calmly bring up what I had prepared, suppressing a sly smile.

“In that case, how about this?”

“What is it?”

“Why not make a verbal promise now, and later, no questions asked, you grant me one favor?”

The princess stroked her chin.

“Oh… So, like a wish?”

“Basically, yes.”

The princess’s sapphire eyes sparkled with excitement.

“That sounds like fun!”

“Does it?”

“Yeah! It makes me feel like a wish-granting fairy!”

Her expression, brimming with anticipation, was that of a typical 14-year-old girl.

I smiled with satisfaction.

‘Everything is going according to plan.’

I intended to use this wish one year later when Diana returned.

Specifically, I planned to have the princess wear the shoes Diana made herself.

‘There’s no better model than the princess.’

Diana would graduate from the academy with excellent grades, but having been away from the capital for three years, her standing in society had diminished significantly.

If the princess wore Diana’s shoes in such a situation, it would start a huge trend, and Diana would naturally become a superstar in society.

‘In the original, the princess wasn’t particularly fond of Diana…’

But wouldn’t things change if I got involved?

And if I added the support of the Duchess of Brilluze on top of that, it would be perfect. Then, just as Diana began to receive everyone’s attention, I could divorce Ian and quietly step down. Could there be a more perfect plan?

The princess gave me a once-over, narrowing her eyes.

“…Duchess, you look rather sly again. What on earth are you plotting?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. People do say my smiling face is a bit unusual.”


Tilting her head, the princess then raised her eyebrows as if she didn’t care anymore.

“Alright then, just let me know your wish later! I’ll be waiting.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“It’s nothing.”

The princess cleared her throat and leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with a different kind of excitement than before.

“More importantly, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“About my second brother… I mean, the Grand Duke—what’s going on between you two?”

This look felt familiar.

It reminded me of when my classmates would ask the student teachers about their first love back in middle school.

Feigning ignorance, I took another sip of tea.

“I don’t quite understand what you’re asking.”

“Oh, playing dumb? You two suddenly got close! Don’t think you can fool me.”

The princess narrowed her eyes, questioning me intently. Her expression made it clear she wouldn’t let this go easily.

“Not only did the Grand Duke personally escort you to the party, but he even kissed your hand and you both exchanged brooches! The brother I know would never do something like that.”


If it were anyone else, I might try to softly deceive them by saying Ian was just naturally affectionate.

But considering my counterpart was a member of his family, that wouldn’t work.

Avoiding her gaze subtly, I curled my lips into a smile.

“It’s normal for things to fluctuate between a husband and wife.”

The princess looked deflated.

“What’s that? How boring.”

“It’s true. You’ll understand once you get married, Princess.”

“Oh, come on. That’s no fun!”

The princess, realizing I wasn’t going to give a straight answer, pouted and grumbled.

“I guess that wasn’t the answer you were looking for, Princess.”


Mumbling, the princess soon brightened up and changed the topic.

“Let’s talk about that another time! Anyway, I’ve come to see you in a new light, Duchess. All I ever saw from you and the Grand Duke was the same expression, just saying ‘Yes, indeed’ or ‘No, indeed’ all the time.”

She pulled her eyes into slits and made a grumpy face, which was quite comical.

Was that supposed to be Ian and me?

“…Is that so?”

“Yeah. To be honest, I didn’t really like you that much before, Duchess.”


I nearly spat out my tea at her bluntness.

The princess laughed mischievously.

“Don’t take it the wrong way, I’ve changed my mind now! I really like you, Duchess.”

“…Thank you, even if it’s just words.”

Still, I hope she ends up liking Diana more than me.

I’m only here on a one-year contract, while Diana’s likely to become a permanent fixture.

Unable to voice such thoughts, I simply maintained a gentle smile.

Just then, a servant approached us cautiously and whispered by the princess’s side.

“Your Highness, the Duchess of Brilluze has arrived.”

“What, already?”

The princess, who had been smiling brightly until a moment ago, instantly wore a sullen expression.

Even so, the way she diligently tidied up her seating area at the mention of ‘Duchess of Brilluze’ was like that of a dog responding to a cue.

“Sigh… Duchess, it seems I’ll have to head to my lessons now. I’d love to talk more, but it seems this is where we must part.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“I’ll have to invite you earlier next time.” The princess muttered to herself as she hopped off her chair.

“Oh, if you have time, take a look around the royal grounds. The hydrangeas in the Fourth Garden are particularly beautiful this time of year!”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

As I rose and bowed demurely to follow her, the princess waved her hands with satisfaction before dashing off.

“See you next time!”

❖ ❖ ❖

By now, the sun was dipping beyond the castle walls. I was strolling through the Fourth Garden on the western side of the royal grounds, with long shadows trailing behind me.

As the princess had said, the blooming hydrangeas swayed beautifully in the breeze, making for a spectacular view.

Nearby, the lake sparkled in the twilight, reflecting the colors of the setting sun. It was as if jewels had been scattered across the water’s surface.

I quietly marveled at the sight.

“I’m glad I didn’t miss this.”

The garden at the Grand Duke’s estate was lovely, but it couldn’t quite compare to the royal grounds.

As I slowly walked, taking in the scenery, I failed to notice a stone in my path.


In an instant, my vision flipped and my body lost its balance.

Someone caught me firmly by the waist.

“…Are you alright?”


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