I Taught You Carefully, So Why Are You Obsessed?

I asked curiously, and everyone turned to look at me at once.

“Oh, perhaps Her Grace the Duchess isn’t aware of it. You haven’t been particularly interested in the social scene, after all.”

“It’s not an official newspaper, but there’s a newsletter that focuses exclusively on social issues. It’s published weekly, and tomorrow happens to be the day it’s released!”

‘Was there something like this in the original story? I don’t think so.’

Or maybe I had forgotten since it wasn’t directly related to Diana.

I could have been ignorant of this.

As I showed interest, one of the women smiled as if she had expected it.

“It’s one of the hottest topics in the capital these days. There’s not a single noble in this empire who doesn’t subscribe to the Aria Gazette.”

“That’s right. Even though it doesn’t receive tips, the Aria Gazette somehow captures all the happenings in the social scene with uncanny accuracy.”


So such a thing exists?

The social world is known for spreading the most intimate conversations across the capital by the next morning, but the idea of a newsletter that collects and publishes all of this was quite refreshing.

“Moreover, no one knows who writes it or where it’s published, which adds to the intrigue.”

“No one knows the author?”

“Yes. But there are some rumors.”

Though I was the one who asked, it seemed the noblewomen were more excited to explain.

Even though there wasn’t anyone else around, they exaggeratedly lowered their voices, and one of them whispered,

“There’s a rumor that the person behind the newsletter is a very skilled magician.”

“A magician…?”

A magician, out of nowhere?

As I showed my bewilderment, they nodded their heads fervently.

“Oh, Her Grace may not know this. This newsletter isn’t just any ordinary newsletter; it’s quite unique.”

One noblewoman cleared her throat, as if revealing some grand secret.

“Of course, the fact that it quickly publishes the latest gossip from all over the social world is already a big mystery.”


“It even allows you to see other subscribers’ reactions in real-time!”

“…What do you mean?”

Real-time… reactions?

As I reacted with confusion, she, more excited than ever, continued in a hushed tone.

“When you subscribe, you receive a small magical scroll along with the newsletter. You can use it to write your thoughts under any article, and they’ll be published in the newsletter.”

“Yes, there’s a separate section where you can see reactions in real-time!”

“While the newsletter itself is fascinating, reading those reactions is quite entertaining too.”

As I listened, a strange sense of déjà vu washed over me.

You can send your thoughts on an article in real-time and see others’ reactions?

Wait, that sounds exactly like…


My eyes widened.

Someone in this world came up with such an idea?

‘This… isn’t something to just pass over, is it?’

An anonymous newsletter that delivers social news and even includes a section for freely sharing opinions.

It seemed like I had found something that could suit me very well.

I, now fully immersed in the conversation, asked eagerly,

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you tell me how to subscribe to this newsletter?”

❖ ❖ ❖

Late at night, in the Duke’s office.

Kyle stood before Ian, giving his report.

“It seems Her Grace the Duchess enjoyed the season’s party without any issues. There was a brief clash with Lady Isabella Howard, but it was resolved smoothly.”

Kyle shrugged lightly.

“Perhaps because both the Princess and Duchess Brilluze, the hostess, were so friendly towards Her Grace, the nobles’ reactions were quite positive.”

“I see.”

“Oh, and I checked the matter you mentioned. Her Grace didn’t engage in any lengthy conversations with any men. She mainly socialized with other ladies around her age.”


“Shall I continue?”

“No, that’s enough.”

Kyle tilted his head as Ian dismissed him.

His red eyes sparkled with amusement.

“You said you weren’t concerned, but you are, aren’t you?”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“Come on, listen. Escorting her could be attributed to Her Grace’s request, but you’ve shown far more interest than that. You even kissed her hand in front of the glasshouse today, didn’t you?”

Kyle looked at his master with a teasing grin, making no effort to hide his amusement.

“…Where do you hear all this?”

“Ah, you know that everything in this capital reaches my eyes and ears, don’t you?”

Kyle added with a grin,

“They say a sudden change in a person can be a sign of death. You aren’t secretly dying, are you? If so, you should tell me, so I can start looking for a new job.”

Ian, who was sitting at his desk, frowned.

“Loyalty to your master? You might as well give that to a dog.”

“Oh, come on. I’m just saying because it’s nice to see.”

Ian sighed as Kyle continued his playful banter.

“That’s enough. You may leave. You’re giving me a headache.”

“After I’ve worked so hard on this report, you’re kicking me out?”


“You’re really cold-hearted…”

Under Ian’s sharp gaze, Kyle grumbled, drew a magic circle, and disappeared from the office without a trace.

Once he was certain Kyle was gone, Ian took off his glasses.

His actions were tinged with frustration.

‘She talked about changing herself, yet all she did at the party was mingle with other women…’

His face twisted in irritation.

‘What exactly is she thinking?’

Before inheriting the dukedom, Ian had spent his life as a mere half-prince.

He had learned early on how to survive in the harsh environment of the imperial court, so gauging others’ intentions and actions was second nature to him.

But Eloise was an exception.

Without deliberately trying to provoke or irritate him, her every action left him puzzled.

At this point, he was beginning to wonder if she was intentionally doing this just to get under his skin.

Given how she always seemed to irritate him whenever they met, it wasn’t entirely impossible.


He stared blankly at the papers on his desk that had made no progress since he sat down.

He had wasted hours being preoccupied with Eloise, who had merely attended a season party.

‘Was it me, not Kyle, who was expending energy on pointless matters?’

Ian, who had been staring absently at the papers, stood up and walked toward the window. The sky outside had already darkened considerably.

As he gazed at the quiet garden for a while, he noticed a carriage entering through the main gate from a distance.

It was Eloise.

‘For just a light season party, she’s coming home this late after dark?’

Season parties hosted by the Brilluze Duchy typically continued into the night with drinks, but from what Ian knew of Eloise, she wasn’t someone who would stay that late at a party.

Ian’s prediction that she would return home after just a few hours had completely missed the mark.

Perhaps, as Kyle suggested, she was actually enjoying the party in an unusual manner.


Ian watched the carriage approach the main building with an expressionless face, then grabbed the jacket hanging on the coat rack.

‘I need to see for myself.’

Whatever Eloise was thinking, it wasn’t a question that could be resolved without seeing her face directly.

When Ian had straightened his appearance and gone down to the lobby, Eloise was just stepping inside the main building.

Ian, who had stopped at a distance to watch her, narrowed his eyes.

Eloise, who was usually so poised, seemed slightly unsteady.


Ian’s expression turned incredulous for a moment, then he let out a small, incredulous laugh.

He had thought she might be late because of something else, but it seemed she had genuinely stayed out this late just to enjoy the party.

Even so, it appeared she had been mindful of her posture throughout, as she looked surprisingly composed apart from a slight unsteadiness.

“Oh, I feel dizzy… Maybe I shouldn’t have kept drinking whatever was offered.”

Eloise, holding her head, wobbled slightly.

Ian, who had been observing from a few steps away, clicked his tongue and moved forward to steady her by holding her waist.

“Be careful.”

“Oh, thank y— Duke?”

Eloise, who had bowed her head slightly in thanks with a flushed face, squinted her eyes.

Her face, which had been slightly relaxed until a moment ago, now bore an expression of displeasure.

Ian found this change in expression rather absurd.

He had just caught her when she almost fell, after all.

But it seemed Eloise had a different perspective, as she quickly stood up straight and composed herself, pulling away from Ian’s support.

Ian, who had been watching her blankly, tilted his head slightly.

“It seems you attended a drinking party rather than a season party.”

“Everyone prefers alcohol over tea, you know. I ended up like this after having a few drinks while chatting.”


“I didn’t know Eloise had such a low tolerance…”

Eloise muttered with a flushed face, a note of dissatisfaction in her voice.

Ian narrowed his eyes.

‘Third person…?’

Was she in her right mind?


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